we became doctors not because its easy ¬_¬

BFF posted in FB: ‎"We become doctors not because it is easy, but because it is hard" as quoted from our group mentor

Mershi/hae_ki commented: because we want to be rich. ¬_¬ 

Enemy forever commented: We become doctors because we feel bored and need a challenge..only to realize what a ed up challenge it is when were too deep in the and theres no turning back!!!! Aaaataya sa biochem oi! (last sentence is him cursing at biochem, don't we all?) 

tsk. tsk. tsk. we had simple lives yet we chose to make it difficult thinking it's hard but not THAT hard. but alas, IT IS THAT hard. but we want to be rich, help the human race? pfffttt... i'd really laugh at anyone who only has this goal in life. i've thought of that but srsly? just to help and not want to get a re-imbursement on the millions of money you've invested on your education and the hardships with it?  

anyways... a closing bombing episode. 

after a practice session in how to take a patient's history as to why he/she came for admission (hospital/clinic), group mentor wanted to see us. we talked about our grades and that's when he told us that quote or saying and making top student's bf as an example of not giving up even if we've got low scores. coz he used to get low scores last year (1st yr) and got really worried yet he persevered as the mentor had told him and he's in 2nd yr now. then doc had one-on-one with us. but since there was no time, we asked him to have a one-on-4 and well... told him about the 'tension' within the group. 

"i heard/i see there's a tension building in the group" he said.

"what makes you say that?" me and another groupmate asked smiling, though our eyes and tight mouths were sending signals to one another. but in the end, in a subtle, less direct, more tactful, careful way we told him aobut our problem with 'mommy' and well it's so not a major bomb. 

but when we got out, 'mommy' asked bff for her gift for our kris kringle, turns out she's the one bff picked. i actually laughed knowing you know why? the theme is 'something wild' bff actually bought with the word 'wild' berries on the box! XD


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Normibells #1

I love enemy forever's comment. :3

hope you earn loads in the future :3