Review: EXO Season Greeting 2014!

Hi my dearest sweeties! <3 So yeah, the title says it all, it's a review post this time round!! *cheers* AND IT'S NONE ANOTHER THAN MY DEAREST OPPAS' MERCHANDISES, EXO SEASON GREETING 2014! Alright, this blogpost is going to be a really long one, given that I have tons and tons of information and thoughts to share about this Season Greeting. You've been warned! ;) But may I guarantee you that it will not be a boring post? Trust me! There will be lots of pictures and (thoughtful) feedback! However, having said so, please understand that the following statements are basely my personal thoughts about this season greeting and I have absolutely no intention of bringing this merchandise down with any inflated negative thoughts. Whatever stated here are solely my personal opinons. Without further ado, may this long blogpost begin! *-*


Price: SGD$44 (I bought it from P.S: I'm not related or affiliated to the owner of this blogshop. I'm just stating the source of purchase just in case any of you wants to buy it! ^^

Content: DVD, Table Calendar, Scheduler/Planner/Diary


When opened:

Say hello to the huge (it's roughly around A4 size) calendar!! ^^

PEEK-A-BOO! After the calendar is removed, here comes a scheduler!! ^^




Alright, I'm going to touch on individual parts right now! 

1. DVD

To be very honest, I have yet to watch the DVD. HAHAH, I just received this today so yeah! Furthermore, I wish to watch this only when I run out of EXO videos to watch (which is highly impossible at this point of time given the huge promotion that EXO is undergoing right now *-*) 

Anyways, if you guys are interested, you can search Youtube/DailyMotion for the video in this DVD! 



2. Calender

I'm not going to post all the pictures and content in the calender (it will take me forever to do so) Hence, I'm just going to show yall the gist of it alright! ^^

Front cover:

First Page:

Picture cards of our 12 lovely boys: (And I am obviously going to show Baek's one since he is my top bias! *-*) To add on, HE'S ON THE SEPT PAGE, MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!! YAY. (Okay, i need to keep my cool, it's nothing big actually hahaha)


Last Page:


Calendar Stickers:



3. Scheduler/Planner/Diary (or whatever you call it)

Front cover: 

First page:

Monthly Planner:

Weekly Planner:

Pictures (Yes, it's Baekhyun again <3):

Papers for Note-taking:

(more papers...)

(even more papers... SIGH)


Alright, I'm done with all the pictures! Now, it's time for a proper review! ^^


1. EXO. Like duh? HAHHAHA. Yeah, I know, who will actually buy something that is not related to her idols. But nope, that's not I am referring to! What I mean is that I love EXO even more in this Season Greeting! Why? Simple enough, I love the concepts that they have for this SG (I'm just going to take Season Greeting as SG I'm a lazy bum!) They look so adorable and lovely in all the pictures (though the pictures are pathetically little. We shall touch onto that later) I love how SM has decided to cover them as the sporty/dorky/cute looking kind of boys concept in this photoshoot. I mean comeon, it's SG and this SG will accompany you throughout 2014. I'm pretty sure that you won't want to see a cool, non-smiling EXO, don't you? (Although I agree that they look equally hot and handsome in cool concepts!)

2. Members' Birthdays. One thing that I really adore about this SG is that there are printed names of EXO members on different date to indicate their birthdays. Isn't this sweet? It's so nice seeing all the twelve members having their names written just on their birthday! <3 Oh and, SM also included their 2nd anniversary into the date-listing! (8th April, in case you're wondering ^^)

3. Calendar. Honestly speaking, I was expecting the least for the calendar because I have never been a fan of table calenders. To me, table calendars are pretty useless and insignificant. Not only do they waste space, they also collect dust. HAHAH. I mean, who uses calendar nowadays when phones are definitely a better substitution? Surprisingly, this EXO table calendar does its job really well, it impresses me. Like wow. I am absolutely in love with the hugeeeeeee size of this calender. Honestly, I was expecting a super miniature calendar which requires microscope for me to chart the dates (just joking) But when I received it, I was more than thrilled to actually open it. And amazingly, the content is as pleasant as the size, it's beautiful! I love love love all the pictures taken in the calender. Not only that they are ultra clear and the boys look really good in it, the colors blend really well with the themes. Colorful and bubbly. SO YAY TO THAT.

Meh... :(

1. Scheduler. Honestly speaking, when I first opened the scheduler, my face wasn't b with happiness as of what it ought to be. I was pretty disappointed, I must admit. The scheduler is unexpectedly small. It's barely the half the size of an A4 paper. :( Moving onthe amount of pictures in the scheulder are way too depressing :< There are barely enough pictures for me to view! I think there are only 12 pictures, each for one member. I WAS SO DISAPPOINTED BY THIS :( When I first read the descriptor of this SG, I saw that the scheduler will be of 180 pages and I was like wow, there must be lots of beautiful pictures of my dearest oppas. Fat hopes hahah. Most of the 180 pages are covered by papers and papers (mostly plain or checkered for you to write notes) Awww, I wish I could replace those white papers with EXO's faces though!

2. Stickers. I honestly think that it would be a better idea to have perhaps EXO's derp faces as stickers for us to mark down important dates on the calendar instead of using the conventional yellow kind of stickers. 


In a nutshell, I feel that this SG is still a good buy, despite of its noticeable flaws and pricing (it's quite expensive TT)! I mean, this is really a nice gift for yourself if you wish to start 2014 right! I mean, can you imagine yourself waking up everyday to seeing your dearest bias staring right into your eyes and smiling so endearing at you? ;) What more, it's EXO! Hehhee. It's really nice to have a planner with their faces on and seeing them everyday will certainly brighten up your gloomy days (that's if you have any!) I'll certainly recommend all of you to buy it if you're an EXO fan and if your financial situation permits! (I am not too certain about the pricing across different countries though)



Alright guys, that's about it! ^^ I hope you guys have enjoyed reading through this really long review of EXO Season Greeting 2014! I spent an hour writing this *sobs* Nevertheless, it has been fun reading reviews about EXO merchandises! Please comment below to tell me how you feel about it! :> This is my first attempt writing review so yeah! Please comment <3


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Hi! Would like to know how long it took for the album to arrive? Because I am planning to buy an album from idolmerch as well! ^^
I have one too! I just recieved it this weekend tho... =)
Can you give this to me as a present, please? *sob*