Ten Reasons Lee Sungyeol is my ultimate bias (Warning, lots of pic spam)

1. His smile


So Myungsuki may be the half-anime visual, but when Sungyeol smile he totally outshines that cartoon boy. Look at it. Those gums and those teeth and those cheeks - look at the eyes! How happy he looks when they light up! 



              images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQh-1_4ZZNweSSMDvjE-75              images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXvnfPCeIrlLCKiRZxjFa


2. His hair

Just look at it! No matter what his hair style, he pulls it off. Okay, so The Chaser is my favorite hair (but his recent hair in OGS London and the shorter hair the past few appearances are close...) but like... LOOK! 

   images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR-IdxzBlifnhxSL7NGAE7 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSAqIT-CtWSbIprx0IaW7q images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ52pO81QUair5S0tuZvdO


He's my baby gorgeous hair boy <3

Here's my favorite <3




3. His singing voice (and his rap in Cover Girl <3)

Maybe he's one of the weaker singers of Infinite, but he can still sing! Maybe he doesn't have the deep emotive voice of Woohyun or the rocky, powerful voice of Sunggyu. Sungyeol is definitely one of the best at harmonies though, and his vocals are improving every single day. Anyone with any doubt should just watch this.



4. His talking voice


The way his voice cracks and squeaks is the cutest thing ever. Full stop. I could just listen to that all day forever! <3



5. His screams.


Let's just listen to that squeal for a while. Now isn'rt that the cutset dolphin scream ever? He's just so insane and I think we could just have conversations made of us screaming like that. 

His scream is amazing... almost musical.

Don't believe me?



6. His neck.

Sungyeol is like, the king of neck . It's skinny and bony and veiny and...

Oh wait, that's something else I'm thinking about (oops). 

Then there are those y moles :3

They just make me wonder where else my baby has y moles.

 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq6I2Enuej23opVJ5xgac images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSTLrUt9SE5xAwwNEtDjx0


(Take me now, Lee Sungyeol)


7. The way he is so damn shippable with everyone in the group


Leader & Choding (Gyuyeol)

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Tree & Choding (Wooyeol) - My ULTIMATE SECRET OTP


OTP images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRODUvNaFeNd_8Rsdck62v images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToxgJycjBbEh9fJSSpXLb


Dino & Choding (Dongyeol)



Dancer & Choding (Hoyeol)



Maknae & Choding (Yeoljong)


 images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSq1k_2IpftAbyttO-O3uY images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVLCVmUXdEF7scYq6qfdX


Anime visual & Choding (Myungyeol) - My other ultiamte OTP


images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTxwWj3kmonnxHWJ5Iw4QR images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIsJzxPpeg4DAzr2bX1pK images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQxiEOn4grwdCehPDwsfSn


8. His derp face (or in other terms: SUNGYEOWL)

ultah6.gif derp4.jpg


9. His dancing skills


He is my y baby


10. Everything about him.

Because despite the fact that his antis say he's useless he is anything but. Sungyeol is a great singer and dancer, he's amazing looking, he's more than just the height booster of the group. He's everyone's best friend, he's the mood maker. He's the slightly careless one that almost got kicked out because of speaking informally to a higher-up. He's the one that makes stupid faces and that squeaks and that get's a stupidly low amount of camera time.

He may be lacking in some areas, but what person isn't? In that aspect, Sungyeol is the most human - the most relateable - of every single member of Infinite. Sungyeol put's so much determination into proving and the results are amazing - his vocals, his visual and his dance have all improved so much since their debut and as a Yeolliepop I am so unbelievably proud of him. 

Imagine Infinite without Sungyeol. It wouldn't be Infinite any more. Infinite have the best group dynamics of any group I know, which is why I stan them. Every single member contributes to that, but Sungyeol does more than anyone, I think.

He's also the one that cheers Infinite up when they're down, that makes them realise that they're still boys - still young.  He makes the Inspirits realise that as well.

His smile brightens up my day. 

His voice brings me back when I'm down.

I adore every single one of those boys, but Lee Sungyeol is the first one I look for.

Lee Sungyeol, my bias forever and always.


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channiegirl #1
sungyeol NEEDS to be model...i don't know how many time i've said this but he MUST cause he's just perfect...ughh...love all the pics btw :)
Lol, my bias is Sungjong (not because he's better but just because I have a weird thing for pretty boys, like Key, Daehyun (he's pretty to me at least), Dongwoo (second bias), Sungyeol (even though he's not my top two, I still love him more than most others :P)

And when I read this I fell in love a bit more.

Although, I don't think one of them is better than the other in any way at all. They're all just different.

They all contributed to 100/100 each. 700/100 is not 1000/100 but with Manager Oppa~ (The only person I will ever call Oppa)and Infinite's helpers it makes 900/100 and us fans it all adds up to 1000/1000.

1000% out of 100% (it works in my brain).

I think for every person every member of Infinite is relateable. I am also biased to Sungjong because I relate to him more than the others.

So I really liked this~~

(And i really love his derps xD)
yolochinchins #3
eeeeeep >< yeollie is the best c:
Aww that is so freaking adorable...his voice, his girly screaming...yeah he is too damn cute....
Damnit between you and Informantxgirl, I will be getting overwhelmed with smexy infinite choices....bah humbug lol
I think you are Infinitely smitten, my dear=). I love them all, too. My problem is picking a bias...Oh, the perils of being an Inspirit=).
Sungyeol is secretly climbing up my Infinite list. ^^v
I agree on everything. Sungyeol's my ultimate bias like forever <3
Are you sure you're not That-Damn-Inspirit? :D Her love of Yeollie actually convinced me to write my first ty oneshot featuring him, hahaha. Yeolstans are daebak, seriously, I know people are always putting down your bias and your defense of him is awesome :D He's a sweet little choding, and yes, Infinite would not be the same without him. He's not my bias, but he's part of OT7 for sure :D
MY FLIPPING I DIEDDDDDDDDD=))))))))))))))))))))))))
You gotta love Sungyeowl.
Hahahaha (: Very convincing~ Oh by the way, did you check out the scenario that you've requested? (: