→ Wang Ai Lin | Fairytale-C | Tinkerbell

 Wang Ai Lin 

» Tinkerbell «

DreamAndDance  9

Hello, Did You Eat Yet? – "Hello" Nu'est

Birthname: Hwang Ah Ra + Wang Ai Lin / Jaelyn Wang


> Shortie - from the Exo members because she's only 5 feet, hence the name Shortie

> Linnie - a cuter and shorter form of her name, given to her by Tao

> Jay - a short form of her English name, Krystal calls her this

Birthday + Age: 12/25/95 + 18

Height + Weight: 152cm + 44kg

Bloodtype: A

Birthplace: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China

Hometown: San Francisco, California, USA

Nationality: Chinese-American

Languages: Mandarin (native), English (fluent), Korean (fluent), Cantonese (conversational)

 Mirror, Mirror, Who Is The Most Beautiful? – "Mirror" 4Minute

Face Claim: Sulli (f(x))

Gallery or 5 Pictures: turmblr

Backup Face Claim: Jei (Fiestar)

Gallery or 5 Pictures: tumblr

→ I Will Show You A Completely Changed Me – "I Will Show You" Ailee

Fairytale Heroine: Tinkerbell

Personality Traits: Hot-tempered, jealous, fiesty, sassy, determined, mischievous

Personality: Because a fairy is so small, it prevents her from holding more than one feeling at a time. And since this little darling is only 5 feet tall, she has several personality traits and feelings she can't contain one at a time.

"Tinker fairy or Ice fairy?"Because of her petite and feminine appearance, many people aren't afraid to approach Ailin. Typically, this is a bad move. Unless they're fans, Ailin is cautious on who approaches her. She will bow her head to elderly strangers and help them if they need assistance, but only elders. If some stranger her age walks up, she avoids eye contact and pretends not to see them. This usually leads to people perceiving her as an unfriendly person. Ailin's not one to immediately warm up within the first few minutes of a conversation, but if you talk to her long enough, she starts smiling warmly and welcomes you as a friend. She isn't exactly a loner, but she's definitely not the social butterfly. She's social enough to have several friends, but don't expect her to run around screaming, "HI I'M AILIN WHAT'S YOUR NAME??"

"Let's go on an adventure!" - One thing you should notice about Ailin, is her very strong sense of adventure. She's always diving into new things and you can say she's definitely a dare devil! Members often have to help her out because she's so prone into getting in sticky situations. She's a rulebreaker as well and occasionally sneaks out of the dorms to sit on the rooftop. Ailin will even get up before sunrise and climb to the rooftop to watch the sun. Another thing to admire about Ailin, is her independence. You could dump her on an isolated island by herself and she would still be able to survive. Don't expect her to ask for help when she's in trouble. If someone offered their help, she gets extremely offended and will turn her nose up in the air haughtily. Ailin is also incredibly sassy; don't try to sass her or she'll have a very witty response and it'll make you look stupid. She's hardworking and she rarely gets distracted once she puts her mind into something. When Ailin is determined, she really means it. Sometimes she won't sleep or eat for days if it means achieving her goals. She's a bit of a perfectionist and tends to overthink but expect things to get done more efficiently with her at your side.

"Faith, trust, and pixie dust." - If you need someone to watch your back, you can definitely rely on Ailin. Once you've been accepted as her friend, she will stay devoted and loyal to the friendship. Whenever her friends are upset, Ailin immediately jumps to the rescue. She's fiercely protective of them and isn't afraid to hurt whoever harms them, both physically and verbally. Ailin may not be the best person to ask for advice, but she's an excellent listener and will lend her shoulder for a cry. When it comes to trust, Ailin takes the issue very seriously and she doesn't spread her trust around like cheap margarine. It takes time and patience for her to trust a person. If someone does break that trust, she drops you as a friend without hesitation, and won't take you back unless you actually drop down on the knees and beg for her forgiveness.

"Using my wings to hide myself." - She's not the best at expressing her sincerity and appreciation, so it always looks like she only cares about herself. Ailin often tries to return her kindness towards her members by either organizing their closets (it's her personal way of saying thanks) or sticking little post-its on their doors saying she's proud of their hard work. Whenever someone mentions it, Dakota denies it, scoffs, and sassily tosses her hair over shoulder in reply because she's secretly embarrassed. It's rather cute to watch her reaction.

"I know you did not just say that." - Ailin is not as innocent and sweet as she appears. For instance, she has trouble controlling her temper. If you do manage to piss her off (which is quite easy), her temper will immediately escalate from a candle flame to a wildfire. When she's frustrated, she tends to blame things on people, even if it is her own fault. Ailin is very rude once the fire has started, and it'll take a lot to calm her down. Her cold shoulders can last up to a week; it's best advised that you apologize first because Ailin will seriously ignore you. She'll refer to you as 'that over there' or look straight past you as if you're nothing but thin air. Ailin may look like a girl who forgives easily, but she holds grudges for a very long time. She's extremely vocal when it comes to opinions and she'll fight for her beliefs if you try to make her do something against her will. Ailin loves arguing with people endlessly if it means staying out of trouble or just getting what she wants. Being the stubborn little dear, she refuses to budge until you give in to her ways.

"You might want to back off, honey. He's mine." - If Tinkerbell is known for her jealousy, so is Ailin. She's notorious at SM for getting jealous easily, whether it's over a boy or over talent. She doesn't doubt her talent, but she does get very insecure when someone compares her skill to another girl's. In order to hide the insecurity, she purposely brings up a cruel comment so the other person feels insecure. It's what Ailin does when she's jealous. As for the boy, she's very, very possessive. She makes it clear that the boy is hers by saying malicious remarks on the interested girls or fiercely glaring at them. Ailin doesn't care who gets hurt, as long as she protects herself and gets what she wants.

Fatal Flaw: Gets easily jealous, hot-tempered, vindictive, possessive, stubborn

Motto: "Your talent makes you who you are. You should be proud of it."

Fashion Style: Ailin has a very girly, feminine style. She believes there's a camera somewhere so she's always dressed up no matter what, even at the dorms and at practice. Ailin's wardrobe mostly consists of pink shades but she likes other colors as well. Interestingly enough, Ailin doesn't wear pink clothes at the dorms; they're usually in darker shades and they're sweaters with some tights and a skirt. But just because she has a girly style doesn't mean it's all dresses and skirts, she likes jeans and shorts as well. During variety shows the stylists actually give her less pink clothing to wear. As long as they make her look good, Ailin is fine with it.

Casual: 1 2 3 4 5
Formal: 1 2 3 4 5
Dorm: 1 2 3 4 5
Practice: 1 2 3 4 5

On Stage/Variety Shows: 1 2 3 4 5


> Dancing

> Objects made out of metal

> Tao

> The color pink

> Sour Patch watermelon candy

> Traveling to new places

> Disney movies

> Giraffes

> Photo sticker booths

> Fashion blogs

> Music boxes


> Eunji

> Gossip

> Girls who hang around and flirt with Tao

> K-dramas with stupid and pointless plots

> Heavy makeup

> Coffee

> Tight clothing, it restricts her from dancing

> People who bash her friends and group members

> People who touch her hair

> Allkpop

> Being bored

Habits: How do you react when you are - 

- sad: plays Chinese opera songs, organizes the accessories in her jewelry box
- happy: runs around the room with her arms in the air, does a heel click
- angry: curls her fists into balls, starts slamming doors, kicks objects
- worried: twirls her hair, presses her nails into her palms
- bored/sleepy: when she's bored, she throws random bits of rolled up paper balls at unsuspecting people. When she's sleepy, she starts pinching people to amuse herself because their reactions are just so fun to watch
- scared: twists the fabric of her clothes with her hands,
- other habits: bites the straw when she's drinking something,
 scrunches her nose if she's forced to do something she doesn't want to do, tends to point randomly at people when listening to music, slaps whoever touches her hair


> Choreographing short dances

> Taking her puppy out for walks and teaching him tricks (if she has the time)

> Looking through fashion blogs

> Organizing and color coding her wardrobe

> Learning boy group dances (she especially loves learning the Exo and BTS choreography)

> Reading fanfictions online, she actually loves reading about her idol friends as different people in different scenarios


> She has a strange fascination with pots and pans, if she was to pass by a culinary store, she'll spend hours gazing at them

> Instagram is @flywithlin and her Twitter is @tinkerlin

> Has been dancing for 14 years

> She has a Border Collie puppy named Blaze and a brown mouse called Cheese

> Appeared in the following MVs: Infinite's "Paradise" MV, BtoB's "2nd Confession" MV, Henry's "1-4-3" MV, and BTS's "Beautiful' MV

> She actually owns a pair of fairy wings so that when Fairytale has fanmeets, she can wear them and be 'Tinkerbell'

> Carries a box of Band-Aids with her everywhere in case she or someone gets injured

> Had braces as a teenager for three years

> She can't use chopsticks properly (ironic, right?)

> Owns several bottles of nail polish but she hates the feeling of painted nails

> Fans always give her giraffe plushies because of her love for them

> She honestly believes f(x) is better than Girls' Generation, but she still admires Girls' Generation

> Although her acting skills are so-so, she dreams of starring in a K-drama

> Ailin is a good artist, but her handwriting is awful for a girl's

> She has a weird habit of picking up and keeping 'lost items' - paperclips, hairties, basically anything she finds on the ground

 I'll Always Be Your Strength – "NoNoNo" APink


Ailin was born in Guangzhou, Guangdong, into a fairly wealthy family. Ballet runs in her family, with both her grandmother and mother being formal dancers. Her father Zhiwei was a tinsmith, born and raised in Guangzhou. Her mother Liying is an American born Chinese, a dancer in the San Francisco Ballet. The two met when Liying traveled to Guangzhou for a vacation, and married there after two years of dating. After Ailin's birth, the Wang family moved back to California where Liying immediately returned to dancing and Zhiwei had no time to take care of his daughter. Ailin was mainly raised by her grandmother Qianyu, and was often brought to her mother's performances. Despite being the only child, Ailin was barely pampered and fussed over by her parents. It was mostly Qianyu who gave her nurture. When Ailin was four, Liying decided to enroll her into ballet to continue the tradition. Ailin inherited her mother's love for dance and showed natural talent in it.

Five years later, tragedy struck the Wang family. While performing Swan Lake, Liying seriously injured her right knee, thus permanently ending her career as a ballerina. A few months later, Zhiwei was hit by a drunk driver on the way home from work. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital. To support themselves Liying and Qianyu started teaching at their own dance studio. Ailin was heartbroken, but that didn't deter her from dance. Dance was the only escape from her sadness, since she didn't want to burden her mother with her mourning.

Ailin's love for singing began when she saw a man on the streets of San Francisco performing. Although Ailin was never a good singer, she still pranced around belting out songs at the top of her lungs. At the age of 11, Ailin took interest in hip hop after watching a video of the dance crew Beat Freaks. Liying only allowed Ailin to take hip hop classes if she continued to study ballet. Once she entered high school, Ailin joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Ailin was also active in the dance team and choir. Ailin's friends were the ones who introduced her to the world of K-pop, and the very first K-pop artist Ailin listened to was BoA. Ailin was fascinated with this new thing called 'K-pop;' the language, choreography, and music just caught her attention. Ailin wanted to become an idol, but dismissed the idea as silly because she thought it wouldn't happen to her.

In January 2007, Ailin went to Los Angeles for a dance competition. She was approached by a man there, who introduced himself as an SM scout. Ailin thought it was a scam, but he gave her an SM card and managed to convince her to try out the Global Audition held in LA. Liying was very disappointed, as she wanted Ailin to become a professional ballerina. Nevertheless, she and Qianyu pushed Ailin to audition.


Father | Huang Zhiwei | 48 | Tinsmith | Zhiwei was kind toward everyone, but he tended to be a little awkward too. He was described as someone who is 'weak boned' and too gentle to get mad | Zhiwei was an intense workaholic, so he rarely spent quality time with Ailin. He did however, tried to make up for it by giving her gifts. Perhaps one of Ailin's biggest regrets was never getting close to her dad | 7

Mother | Huang Liying 'Allison' | 47 | Ballet teacher | Liying's a little more outgoing than her husband, and has a determined personality. She won't stop until she reaches her goal. Liying is also overprotective when it comes to family | Liying and Ailin have a loving but somewhat hesistant relationship. Liying cares for Ailin very much, but it's just that Liying isn't good at expressing her love to her daughter. Ailin always feels that she let her mother down simply because she quit ballet to become an idol | 5

Grandmother | Zhang Qianyu | 70 | Ballet teacher | As a teacher, Qianyu is strict and can be quite harsh. When she's herself however, Qianyu is humorous, witty, and maybe even a little on the fun side. She's kind of like the 'cool' grandmother, she loves joking around trolling people | Because she was the one who raised Ailin, the two are extremely close. Whenever Ailin feels down, she calls Qianyu so Qianyu can make her smile with her jokes. Ailin is completely comfortable with telling Qianyu anything because she knows Qianyu will support her anyway | 9

Best Friends:

Kim Jongin 'Kai' | 19 | Idol in Exo | On the outside, Kai seems arrogant and very competitive. He has a fierce, y, playboy-like image among the media. In reality, Kai is actually extremely shy and gets embarrassed easily. He is definitely a hardworking and pushes himself to the limit. He can be quite blunt and sometimes hard to get along with, but once you make friends with him he'll be loyal to the end | One day after a private dance practice, Ailin wanted to change out of her sweaty clothes but she was too lazy to return to her dorm. So she stripped in the dance room, except Kai happened to enter for his own practice. He started laughing as she was wearing Rilakkuma underwear. Ailin screamed and threw her shoes at him. When she was done changing, Kai returned, and introduced himself with a sly smirk on his face Kai and Ailin have an interesting friendship. Upon meeting each other, they insult each other, but suddenly laugh and hug. It's their strange way of greeting one another. Ailin respects and admires Kai as a dancer. She tells Kai everything, and she trusts his most honest opinion, even if he can be a little too blunt | 10

Park Jimin | 18 | Idol in BTS | in LR section | in LR section | in LR section | 10


Krystal Jung | 19 | Idol in f(x) | Krystal tends to exhibit a very cold, unfriendly exterior, which causes people to either immediatedly dislike her or avoid her. But in reality, Krystal's a really easy-going girl. She is rather insensitive, meaning she honestly doesn't give a crap about what people say about her and always manages to hold her head high even at the hardest of the times | If you enter the SM building, you're most likely to spot the two girls together chatting happily English. Ailin and Krystal bond quite well, especially since they're both from the same hometown. They like to make fun of their members by conversing in English so their members would get confused | 8.5

Kim Kibum 'Key' | 22 | Idol in SHINee | He's a bit of a diva, loves to be dramatic about everything. Key also cares for those around him and is seen as a umma-like figure. However, Key can be painfully blunt, so people don't usually ask for his opinion. He grudges easily too, but other than that he can be a major sweetheart  | Key fusses over Ailin like a real mother. He's always fixing her hair or straightening her clothes. He's also her fashion consultant, and whenever she needs help choosing her outfits she calls him for advice. In their free time they like to go shopping | 8

Meng Jia | 24 | Idol in miss A | Jia has a fierce and intimidating image onstange, but in reality she's super sweet. She's very protective of her friends and often cares for them like a mother. Jia doesn't like sticking with one thing for too long and loves changing things | Jia is sort of like the older sister Ailin never had, she always gives Ailin dancing tips and does her best to help Ailin with her rapping. She takes care of Ailin and brings her out frequently to eat as well as shop together | 8

 I Can Wait For You Endlessly – "Lost in Love" Girl's Generation

Love Interest: Huang Zi Tao (aka Peter Pan)

Age: 20
Personality: At first glance,
Tao looks cold and intimidating. It's actually the opposite. Tao is honest about his feelings, and even though he appears tough and manly, he's quite sentimental. He deeply loves all of s and fans. Tao tends to be more talkative and open in the interviews and variety shows he’s comfortable with. He gets sad easily, and sometimes he cries without even realizing it. He seems to have many insecurities, yet he struggles to look physically strong. Despite these flaws, Tao is a playful dork, and is considered the most childish among the EXO members.

How you met: It was last year during Ailin's trainee days. While she was returning to her dorm from a late night practice, she heard noises in the next studio and saw Tao praticing his wushu. Fascinated, Ailin stopped in front of the doorway to watch. Suddenly, Tao's pants ripped as he did a split and she laughed out loud. Tao turned to see Ailin, and she quickly apologized for intruding while holding back her laughter. She tried to bow to him, but she tripped on her shoelaces and Tao lunged forward to catch her before she hit the floor.

How you interact: You could say Ailin is Tao's female companion, they do almost everything together and they trust each other with all their hearts. Ailin is fiercely protective of him and she won't hesitate to bite off your head if you hurt Tao. He in turn, is very gentle towards her. He's always brushing her hair away from her face and he's the one who catches her when she falls, both literally and physically. At the same time, they have very childish fights over the silliest things, but always make up within twenty minutes. Ailin simply adores Tao and admires him from afar, but it's a pity he only sees her as a friend (for now at least). She also gets incredibly jealous when he talks to the opposite and always interfers by calling his name loudly or running behind Tao to give him a back hug.

Relationship: Close friends - Ailin has a crush on him

Backup Love Interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Age: 21
Chen has a gentle appearance, and a gentle voice to accompany the looks. He seems like the quiet sort of guy but in reality, he's loud and somewhat diva-ish. He's very vocal on opinions, and he'll tell you straight up whether he likes something or not. Chen is witty as well and is the resident troll of Exo. He loves making people laugh with his jokes and humorous comments. Chen is also recognized as the best Exo member at fanservice, and he locates the camera the quickest among the group. Chen has a brilliant technique with words, which makes him a great MC.

How you met: They met during Ailin's fourth year of training. One day, Ailin was in the recording room practicing her vocals, when someone behind her said, "Ouch, that does not sound pretty." Ailin turned around in annoyance and saw Chen, who was standing at the doorway. She snapped, "Well, why don't you try singing?" Chen smirked and proceeded to sing a high note in his angelic voice. Before he left a stunned Ailin, Chen looked over his shoulder and called, "The name's Kim Jongdae. Be sure to remember that, 'cause I'm going to debut soon." 

How you interact: Ailin cannot stand Chen, and vice versa. They can't even look at each other without spitting insults and make snide comments on one another. On the good part of their relationship, they joke around and hold a calm, civilized conversation. Chen loves to troll Ailin, and since she's a bit on the naive side, she always falls for his tricks. Which makes Ailin yell, "yah!" irritably at Chen and hit him. She never calls Chen 'oppa' because she wants to show her disgust for him and purposely likes to ignore him when she greets the Exo members. But Chen can't deny that he finds Ailin interesting, and she grudgingly agrees he's fun to be around.

Relationship: Frienemies

→ I Guess It's Too Late – "Wedding Dress" Taeyang

Love Rival: Park Jimin

Age: 18
Group: BTS
Jimin is a dorky boy who enjoys telling corny jokes to lighten up people's spirits. No matter how many obstacles he faces, Jimin has a strong will to never give up and pushes himself to work to the very limit. Even though he carries a confident attitude onstage he has his insecurities. He does not feel quite confident about his looks, especially since there are some people who believe he isn't the best looking without makeup. Though there are times where he's so chatty he won't shut up, Jimin can be introverted and shy. Other than that, he has a pure and good heart.

How you met: They met on the set of 'Beautiful.' During a break, Ailin tripped over the camera wires and let out a very girly shriek. Jimin saw Ailin lying flat on her face and quickly ran over to see if she was alright. Ailin said, "Oh, I just thought the ground needed a hug." and Jimin laughed before helping her up. Once filming was over, they exchanged phone numbers and have been best friends ever since.

How you interact: Even though they've known each other for a short time, Jimin and Ailin are very close. They see everything as a friendly contest between them and like to compete as a way of bonding. Ailin and Jimin love giving each other dancing tips, but they also like trash talking one another's dancing skills. While Ailin is passionately in love with Tao, her heart rate quickens whenever she sees Jimin or when smiles at her. As for Jimin, he does not deny that he has a crush on her. He often drops flirty comments and glances at her to see if she picked them up.

Relationship: Best friends

Backup Love Rival: Jung Ilhoon

→ Are You Afraid of Me? – "Bad Girl Good Girl" Miss A


Age: Jung Hyerim (Eunji)
Group: Apink
Personality: Eunji's a funny girl, she has that ability to lighten up the atmosphere and make sad people smile again. She's extremely optimistic and she'll continue being happy no matter how low the chips are. But because of all those compliments she received for her voice, Eunji tends to be self-centered and has a bit of an ego. She can be really aggressive, and hogs the mic because she loves being in the center of attention. If you try to take attention away from her spotlight, she will fight back with hurtful words.

How you met: One day, Tao asked Ailin to meet him for lunch. As usual, Ailin was happy because she thought it would be just the two of them. But when Ailin arrived at the restaurant, she saw another girl sitting next to Tao. When Tao introduced her to Eunji, Ailin ignored Eunji's outstretched hand, making the lunch very awkward. While eating, Ailin couldn't help but notice how happy Tao seemed with Eunji. She got so jealous she even confronted Eunji in the restroom and told Eunji to back off from Tao.

Why are you rivals?: Eunji is everything Ailin is not - soft, charming, and Eunji's voice is so much better than Ailin's. Ever since the whole 'WGM' episode with Apink and Exo, Eunji and Tao have been spending an awful lot of time together. Ailin, being the possesive and jealous brat, hates it since she believes "the Eunji girl is stealing Tao ge from me!" She's afraid Tao may have feelings for Eunji and the fact that he often ignores her to be with Eunji frightens her. As for Eunji, she doesn't like Ailin because she thinks Ailin is a loud mouth and a show off, plus Ailin's behavior annoys her.

How you interact: They're both really immature in their treatment towards each other. On camera, Ailin greets and treats Eunji like a good little hoobae. She often says, "I love Eunji unnie so much," and Eunji laughs and gives Ailin hugs. But once the cameras are gone, BAM! The two girls shoot daggers at each other and Ailin tries to point out a flaw in Eunji's singing just to hurt her ego. In reply, Eunji makes a snide remark about Ailin's dancing. Ailin doesn't even greet Eunji properly when the two are alone. If they're forced into a conversation by their members, they mumbles one-worded answers and share uninterested nods. Since both girls don't want to ruin their images, they do their best to avoid each other.

Backup Rival: Park Sunyoung (Luna)

You Can't Take Your Eyes Off – "Let Out the Beast" Exo

Stage Name: Jaelin (Jaelyn + Ailin)

Persona: The Fiery Cherub - she has a very sweet, angelic face but her personality does not match that!

Fanclub Name + Color: Guardians (because Ailin's fans watch over and protect her no matter what) + #oocc99


Singing: 30/ 100
Dancing: 90/ 100
Rapping: 20/ 100
Acting: 40/ 100
Variety: 70/ 100

Idol Twin:

Vocals: Hyuna - 1
Dance: Minzy - 1 2 3
Rap: Sulli - 1
Voice: Sulli

Talents: Dancing (especially ballet), bending her index finger all the way back, can tie a cherry stem into a knot with her tongue

Weaknesses: Singing (especially high notes), rapping

Audition: Ailin auditioned for the SM Global Auditions held in Los Angeles in 2007. She sang "Dirty Little Secret" by All American Rejects, but during the song her voice cracked and she blushed, which automatically made the judges notice the blunder. While her singing did not impress them, her dancing did. When it was time for the freestyling round at the auditions, they played Rihanna's "Please Don't Stop the Music" and Ailin danced a mixture of ballet and hip hop.

Trainee Life: Training was not easy for Ailin. When she first entered SM, Ailin could barely speak or understand a single word of Korean, and while her dancing was excellent, her vocals were weak. Though she had a couple of trainee friends by her side, Ailin was often bullied by the Korean trainees because they saw her as a threat. Even the vocal teachers mocked her voice. Ailin slowly lost weight, and she began emotionally drifting away from her friends and family. It was so extreme to the point where she almost quit, but she wanted to fulfill her dream of becoming an idol and forced herself to continue. Ailin sometimes fell sick from the intense training, but it was all worth it.

Goals: Ailin wants to prove that she's good enough to make it into the idol world, especially to those Korean trainees and vocal teachers who mocked and bullied her. And although her mother supports her career decision, Ailin wants to show her it wasn't a mistake joining SM.

→ Don't Say Goodbye – "Don't Say Goodbye" Davichi

Comments: I kind of stalked researched Tinkerbell's profile xD hopefully you can spot the connections?


> It'll be pretty cute if the girls performed onstage dressed as their fairytale counterpart ^^

Password: I can't leave you


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