12 Days of EXO: Day 8- Luhan

Hey guys it’s Day 8!


It’s LULU day!


The flower deer gets his debut today!





OHH you’re so cute!!


Okay now my woman pride is being hurt..
(you are cuter than me.. )



I thought you wanted a manly image?

If so you have so stop doing that..

Damn it.. I lied keep doing it..


Okay.. That’s …. ummm…

*cough Hot cough*

Woo i had to cough my bad guys ;)



People say he is creepy sometimes.

But I think he is perfectly normal

I mean look at that smile



Anyway guys our lulu gets the spotlight today! I know he is super popular in the EXO fangirl world, I mean how could you not love him :)


but I have a confession to make..

I’m jealous of this beautiful man..

he has a bad habit of man my biases..


He is collecting them like pokemon playing cards.

and he won’t trade them with anyone
(aka. ME)




But I am a strict shipper between him and lay! they are so cute T.T


Question time! Do you like the cute Luhan or the manly Luhan?



Check out JaeTao19s one shot :)


BYE guys :D




(You’re Welcome)



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lazyoongi #1
Hey there! Would you mind check out my new story? Hope you will like it and subscribe & upvote. Thank you!

I love LuLu so much! But I envy him. He's an exo member that's prettier than me and lives with my other exo biases. He's met TVXQ too! I'm so frickin' jealous of that manwhore {>_<}
I prefer ManlyLuhan. At least that way he's more handsome than cute ;P