S U P E R — (The Real AB; Oh Ji Hye)


annyeonghaseyo, super's (Oh Ji Hye) imnida!



Tell Me! Tell Me!

character name: Annabelle Herena Oh Ji Hye

other names: Annabelle (English name), Herena (Catholic name),  吴芝惠 (Wu Zhi Hui) (Chinese name)

nicknames: Jiji (an informa way of calling her by her parents and friends), Belle (a short way of calling her in her English name)

weight: 53kg

height:169 cm

stage name: Belle

birthday: 25/02/1995

birthplace:  Beijing, China

hometown: Seoul, South Korea

ethnicity:Half Korean, Half Chinese

blood type:AB

languages: Korean (fluent), Chinese (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese (basic)



Who are you, really?

personality: She tend to keep her feelings to herself unless someone ask her about it. She is very secretive and do not tells anyone about it not even her pareants thats why no one knows her secret unless someone found out. She is not open and not really social as she do not know how to start a conversation well. She is always shy and do not dare to go near any boys unless her friends accompany her or the boys come near her and start a converstion. Eventhough she has lots of friends, she likes to be alone. She is quite talkative and always caught by the teacher when she is talking. She will always be quiet when no one ask her a question or star a convesation and she will be thinking about what she will do later or in the future. When she did domething wrong she does not really know about it and people will be telling her. She does not like people to tell her that she is ugly, she cannot do anything or something bad about her indirectly. She will feel hurt and loses her confidence. Her confidence will recover after a few days later. She is somewhat different from other people as normally people hate history but she love them. She is inlove with music that she can play different kind of intruments. When she get excited, she tends to forget things easily. She is kind of dramatic. When something happens she will act that it is more serious than actual. She is quite arrogant as she always wanted things that is better than the others

background: Her mother is a Full Korean but her father is not. She was born in Beijing and live in Beijing for 4 years before coming to Korea. Both of her parents are doctors so when she was young, she knew different kind of things regarding medicine. Her parents wanted her to be a doctor too but she always does not want to be. She likes to perform. She has dancing and singing talents when she was young. When she was in her school days, she will secretly join talent competiton held by her school. Till one day, her teacher asked her parents to look at her performances. Her parents was surprised with her talent and Ji Hye admitted that she does not want to be a doctor but a entertainer. With the talent she has, her parents does not want her to waste it so they agreed with with her and let her to be a singer.


family | dad | Wu Zhen Yu(Oh Jung Woo) | doctor | 45 | Strict, Selfcentered, Smart, Confident, Loving

family | mother | Hwang Eun Hye | doctor | 43 | Strict, Confident, Smart, Indecisive, Loving

family | brother | Oh Jung Kyu | ulzzang | 20 | Confident, Smart, Loving, Caring, Protective


friends | Oh Sehun | Idol-EXO | 19 | Shy , Friendly , Easy-going 

friends | Park Jimin | Idol-BTS | 18 | Cute, Flirty, Attractive, Sporting

friends | Lee Byung Hun | 20 | Idol-Teen Top | Shy, Quiet,Playful 

friends | Kim Yeo Bin | 18 | Student | Confident, Smart, Rich, Caring



hobbies: Photography



Play with her pets



habits: Bites her fingers when she is nervous

Bites her pens or pencils when she can't solve a question

Pout when she is bored

her lips

Bite her lips

Stuck her tongue out

likes: Ice Cream







dislikes: Insects


People who say things behind her back



Her family or friends scare her with insects and rats

trivia: She was fat before she got debut

She has a powerful voice like Sistar's Hyorin

Her two puppies, Drizzle and Ice are gifts from her ex boyfriend 

She can memorize the lyrics of the song by listening it for a few times

She can get most of the dance moves correctly by watching it once

Most of her friends are male

She appeared in TTS' Twinkle as a backup dancer

Appeared in EXO's Miracles in December MV

Appeared in one in Episode 98 of Running Man

She is trying to be a vegetarian



So Into U

tumblr_mfzmp46lTK1r6ow53o1_500.gif  tumblr_m8v81aJWVe1rdlgopo1_250.gif

love interest's name: Kim Jong In, Kai


personality:  He may look back an rude at the outside but he is kind and polite. He does really do aegyo. In front of the camera he is shy and don't do much aegyo but when he plead for something from s behind the camera his aegyo is irresistable. He has a kind heart, when he sees animals injured, he won't just leave that animal alone. He will find a way to help that animal. He is also the type that is not really open but he acted as he is. He is shy and always hesitate. He does not know what he should do unless someone intructed him. Every girl would fall for him

how you met:  When Jihye was a the filming site of Twinkle, Jihye saw Kai and Sehun practicing for their part. Sehun spotted her and introduce her to Kai. Soon they became acquaintances. Jihye admitted to herself that Kai is her ideal type and went to check more about him.

how you treat each other: When they meet each other, they will greet each other. If they are quite free they may chat for awhile but feel awkward after they eand the conversation. They will usually ask question about each other to know more about each other


scene request with him/scandals?

ggggMaybe Jihye brought Drizzle and Ice out for a walk but Ice got lost. Kai spotted Ice by the roadside injured and brought it home to cure it. One day when Jihe went to Kai's house and spotted Ice


relationship: Crushing


back-up love interest: Byun Baek Hyun



Tsk Tsk!


rival's name: Park Ji Yeon

group/occupation: Idol-TARA

age: 20

personality: She only likes boys who are rich and plays with them. She will try to get super close with the rich boys and make them fall in love. She found out the Jihye's brother, Jung Kyu is the easiest victim and see that he like Jiyeon alot. She is trying to get engaged with Jung Kyu so that she can get the money and buy all the stuffs that she wants and will plan to run awy with all the money.

why are you rivals: She is Jung Kyu(Jihye's brother)'s girlfriend. She thinks that Jiyeon is just wanted to have the money that Jung Kyu has.(Jihye family is rich). One day Jihye found out that her thinking is true and wanted to reveales it to her family but Jiyeon stop it. Jiyeon made a deal with Jihye so that Jiye can stop trying to tell her parents. Jihye agree with the deal. Since its a deal, Jihye can't break it but she still hated Jiyeon

how you treat each other: They will fight when they meet each other. Sometimes they will avoid from doing that. They would try to avoid to meet each other


back-up rival: Cho A



You're The Star!


persona: The Real AB

fanclub name: Bells

fanclub color: #ffff00

position: main vocalist, main dancer, lead rapper

back-up position:triple threat, second leader

rapping twin:2NE1's CL

singing twin:Sistar's Hyorin

dancing twin:SNSD's Hyoyeon

trainee life: She went audition for different companies before but she failed all of them. Once she was asked to perform for the school fair and she agreed. Luckily, there was a staff from SM. She saw Ji Hye's performances and was impressed. The staff asked her to go for the audition again and she agreed. Few weeks of practice, she went for the audition. To her luck, she got in as the most impressed trainee in SM. The people in SM likes her alot. They kept on supporting her and encourage her when she failed something. Eventhough the training periods were really tough, she did not give up. She has home sickness frequently that one day she attempted suicide. Luckily, she was found by the founder of SM, Lee Soo Man on the rooftop. He comforted her and told her some stories about different trainees that he had saw. Slowly, they became closer and both of them treat each other as father and daughter. Resulting Ji Hye not to be afraid of Mr Lee Soo Man. She always ask him to let her debut earlier very year but he always decline it by telling her that she is not prepared well enough

trainee years: 6


faceclaim: Tiffany

gallery link: Gallery

back-up faceclaim:Jessica

gallery link: Gallery

style: She likes to dress up but she does not like clothes that is too girly. She like casual type more than the formal type. She likes tees that are more oversized which she thinks that it is comfortable. She does not like shirts and jeans to be extremely tight

airport: 1 | 2 | 3

casual: 1 | 2 | 3

formal: 1 | 2 | 3

practice/training clothes: 1 | 2 | 3





suggestions of music:

- y- Sistar's Give it to me, Girls Day's Expectation, Sistar's Alone, Miss A's Hush


- pop- 4 minute's What's your name


scene requests: Maybe Jihye brought Drizzle and Ice out for a walk but Ice got lost. Kai spotted Ice by the roadside injured and brought it home to cure it. One day when Jihe went to Kai's house and spotted Ice

sub-unit you'd like to be in: super-s

comments: Tell me if you see anything wrong and hope that you will like her




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