❄I Fell For You — Oh Ji Hye; Just you and me


oh ji hye; just you and me

nathalielovesryeowoo :: weilin :: activity 8/10

character name; Oh Ji Hye
nicknames; JiJi ( an informal way of calling her. Called by her family and close friends only ). Annabelle ( Her English name when she lived in America. Called by her American friends )
birthdate; 25/02/1995
age; 18
blood type; AB
birth place; San Francisco, California, America
home town; San Francisco, California, America (10 years), Seoul, South Korea (8 years)
ethnicity; American-Korean
languages; English (fluent), Korean (fluent)
ulzzang; Kim Seuk Hye
links; gallery
back-up ulzzang; Park Hwan Hui
links; gallery
clothing style; She likes comfortable clothes more like a hipster.
extra; She has a small mole on her right side of her lips
Two piercing on her right ear and one on her left
personality; She tend to keep her feelings to herself. She does not want people to know her secrets. As people thought that she is a kind to keep secrets well so they trust her, but she is not. She is a big mouth, she spread he secret out secretly without the person who told her to know it. She is super shy but once she get close to a new friend, she will become excited and talk alot. She is a kind of person who has new friends, forgets about her old friends. Of course she won't ignore her old friends. But she won't forget about her one and only bestfriend, Kelly. She is shy around the boys but she wanted to get close to them. She is super proud about her appearance but she has low self esteem. People can't insult her appearance whether is directly or indirectly. Once someone insult her, she will immediately loses her confidence but she will get over it quickly but will immediately hate the person who insults her. She get jealous easily but will try everything to let the person who make her jealous back. She is a smart girl but she just odn't really know it. She thinks that she is stupid and get numbers wrong. Once she gets excited, she will immediately forgets what she is supposed to do. She likes to be alone than with friends but sometimes she thinks that loneliness in boring. But once her friends is doing other things, she will be alone thinking about her future.
likes; Ice Cream, Alone, Children, Music, Art, Photography, Shopping
dislikes; Insects, Rats, People who say things behind her back, Crowded places, Sports, Racist, Mathematics, Her family or friends scare her with insects and rats
hobbies; Shopping, Drawing, Photography, Play with her pets, Ply eith her music instruments, Singing
habbits; Bites her fingers when she get nervous, Bites her pen or pencils when she is stuck at a questions, Pout when she is bored, Stuck her toungue out, Bite her lips, her lips
fears; Dark places, Disgusting or Scary activities, Cockroches, Rats
trivia; She was fat when she was young
She has a really powerful voice like Sistar's Hyorin
Her two puppies, Drizzle and Ice is given as a gift by her ex boyfriend
background; Both of her parents are Koreans but they went to America for work. She is born in San Francisco, California, America and live there till she waas 10. Her parents are strict about their cultures. So she and her brother learn Korean since young. They are forbidden to speak in English when they are at home. Unless, guests visits their house and they do not know Korean. Both of her parents are doctors so she knew Medicine since young and know what is healthy and what are not. Her parents want her to be a doctor but she dies nit want it. One day, she heard a report about children who are really sick and she decided to listen to her parents and decided to be a doctor in the future.
parents; [Mother :: Kim Mi Yeon :: 43 :: Doctor :: Strict, Perfectionist, Confident :: how close 9]
[Father :: Oh Jung Woo :: 45 :: Doctor :: Strict, Perfectionist, Confident :: how close 9]
siblings; [Brother:: Oh Jung Kyu :: 20 :: Ulzzang :: Confident, Loving, Caring :: how close 10]
best friends; [ Kelly Im Soo Yeon :: 18 :: Student :: Playful, Smart, Sociable :: They exchanged secrets and talm about their days everyday without fail. They will help each other when they are need it :: how close 10]
friends; [Kim Soo Kyung :: 18 :: Ulzzang, CEO of a shopping mall :: Cheerful, Rich, Smart :: Both of them knew each other when Jihye moved to Korea. They were table partners. They will usually hang out and Soo Kyung will always ask Jihye to be her model for new clothes  :: how close 10]
[Kim Jong In :: 19 ::  Student :: Playful, Caring, Protective :: They usually texts each other when they are free. Sometimes they will hangout and went for a friendly date :: how close 9]
rival; [Park Ji Yeon :: 20 :: Owner of a Cafe :: Confident, Flirty, Arrogent :: They will fight when they meet each other. Sometimes they will avoid from doing that. They would try to avoid to meet each other :: She is Jung Kyu(Jihye's brother)'s girlfriend. She thinks that Jiyeon is just wanted to have the money that Jung Kyu has.(Jihye family is rich). One day Jihye found out that her thinking is true and wanted to reveales it to her family but Jiyeon stop it. Jiyeon made a deal with Jihye so that Jiye can stop trying to tell her parents. Jihye agree with the deal. Since its a deal, Jihye can't break it but she still hated Jiyeon
love interest name; Kim Jong In(Kai)
group; EXO
birthday; 14/01/1994
age; 19
personality; He may look back an rude at the outside but he is kind and polite. He does really do aegyo. In front of the camera he is shy and don't do much aegyo but when he plead for something from s behind the camera his aegyo is irresistable. He has a kind heart, when he sees animals injured, he won't just leave that animal alone. He will find a way to help that animal. He is also the type that is not really open but he acted as he is. He is shy and always hesitate. He does not know what he should do unless someone intructed him. Every girl would fall for him
how they met; It was vocation and Jihye went to Europe alone. Kai was the person who is seating beside her on the plane. They talk about their lifes and it somewhat similar. Since they are going to the same place, they thought of going together and became close
how they interact; During their free time, they will texts each other and sometimes go out for a friendly date
back up love interest; Byun Baekhyun
group; EXO
questions; none
comments; Hope you will like her. If you have an questions, feel free to tell me
suggestions; none
scene request; Maybe Jihye brought Drizzle and Ice out for a walk but Ice got lost. Kai spotted Ice by the roadside injured and brought it home to cure it. One day when Jihe went to Kai's house and spotted Ice


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