Oh The Agony!!

Haha, the title is so dramatic~

I've been training my off this pass day by dancing and exercising, I and suffering of leg pains right now. Everytime I stand up my legs are in serious pain and my body trying to be in pain also..oh how I hate it. Atleast I know that I'm work super hard with my workout. My sister even said I got premature abs going on. Haha I've been really working on my dream body and once I accomplish that I'll know I'm getting closer to my goals and dreams. 


Hard work does really pay off~ So everyone work hard and accomplish all your goals, I know if you accomplish that you get to your dreams too. I'm really committed right now, I thnk something good may happen..aleast I hope so.


That's all for today!






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Make sure you don't over work your body. While the pain does show you're working hard, it might stop you from carrying on because of the subconscious worry of the pain. So push yourself, but don't push yourself too hard.