〈 #02 ♡ ⋮ Choi, Sunmi. 〉

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name — Choi Sunmi
❝ nickname(s) — Mim ( used by her childhood friend; it's cute ), Choi Hondon ( hondon means chaos; given to her by her brother due to her wild side and lack of patience ), Drama Queen ( a childhood nickname from the time she used to throw random tantrums in order to get her will; most of her relatives call her this at times ) and Gwihan ( means precious; used by her ex-boyfriend )
❝ dob & age — August 8th & 25 years old
❝ ethnicity — Korean
❝ languages — Korean (fluent), English (conversational) and Japanese (basic)
❝ appearance — Lee Da Som
❝ back up appearance — Jung Roo
❝ description — Sunmi stands at a height of 165 cm with a weight of 54 kg. She has long, naturally black hair which she usually colors a shade of brown or adds stripes to it in order to avoid having it look to plain on her. She has a proportionate upper body with long, slender arms and legs. When it comes to her style, she enjoys wearing sneakers as well as high heels and pumps. She wears a lot of clothing that emphasizes her waist and shows off her slender legs, yet she keeps a certain modesty. She has a tattoo on the back of her neck, a small gothic style cross. Both of her ears have been pierced twice as well as her left helix. Most of her accessories are silver, but she does wear the occassional gold when she feels like it.

assertive, honest, stubborn, wild.

❝ personality —

Assertive // Sunmi is nothing short of confident and likes the idea of appearing cool and charismatic in front of other people. Whenever someone meets her for the first time, it can leave a rather interesting impression as she is often told she gives off an aura of someone who is cool and kind of friendly. She finds it easy to express her thoughts, opinions and desires and knows the proper rights and wrongs. She is able to initiate and maintain comfortable relationships with other people and most often enter friendships from an "I count my needs, I count your needs" position. She has good control of her own mood, like her anger, as she is willing to compromise with others instead of just trying to have things her way. She has good self-esteem and likes to discuss things through reasoning and use of proper words.

Honest // Sometimes to the point of being harsh, Sunmi has no problem expressing her opinion to those who ask for it. She can be bold when she speaks and is quite sarcastic with many comments in store due to her outspoken nature. She's a very bad liar, with habits and signs that reveal her almost right away unless she's with a more easy-to-trick kind of individual. She never holds back on information, but is no blabber mouth and knows (most of the time) when to keep shut.

Stubborn // Being a member of a strong-willed and opinionated family, she has been taught not to back down without a proper fight. She has more than once been compared to the Scandinavian Vikings, with her parents jokingly wondering whether she was actually born in the wrong place and time period. Sunmi is hard to sway when it comes to her opinions and beliefs and can be hard to convince otherwise when caught up in a fight with her. She can get defensive during an argument and will do anything in order to protect the fact that she's right, although it often just leads to her being wrong and being embarrassed of herself, yet she often refuses to admit the mistakes and brushes it off as "a wrong choice of action."

Wild // It is rare to see this girl calm and collected. She may look like it from the outside, but this girl is a wild mess of fun times and chaos, hence one of her nicknames. With a habit of having too much energy in store, she sometimes finds herself running all over the place, talking like a waterfall and discussing all kinds of crazy ideas with others or even herself whenever she's bored enough. Boredom is her worst enemy, and this is often the reason for her overexaggeration of her energy supply. She often uses it to let herself out during her time off, when partying, dancing and having a good time.

❝ trivia —

  • When she was young, she used to buy Japanese fans which she put next to her pillow when she went to sleep at night as she believed they were the protectors of good dreams that would blow off the bad ones and chase away evil spirits.
  • She is ambidextrous and sees it as a bit of an identity crisis (right or left, you know?).
  • Her hobbies include basketball, gymnastics, games, collecting comic books, dancing, fanfiction, reading and graphic design.
  • Likes include ice cream, archery, all shades of blue, coffee, bright colors, astronomy, detective novels, martial arts, crime, romance and weddings.
  • Dislikes include cigarette smell, violence, bad health, apples, water, storm, being ignored, losing control, nightmares, alcohol, boredom and being ignored.
  • She's a closet cuddle , which comes out in her sleep, which some of her friends and family have had the "pleasure" of experiencing on close range.
  • Enjoys sunflowers because they reach towards the sky and symbolize focus and good luck.
  • Has a thing for people's eyes.
  • 80's rock is a guilty pleasure of hers.
  • Can be very dominant, especially around men.
  • Her ideal type is someone who's tall, affectionate and open-minded.
  • Donates blood every few months or so.
  • Often goes jogging in the morning.
  • Has a nephew.
  • Is a devout Christian.

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Oh Sehun ⋮ reserved, smart, intelligent, quiet

back up partner — Byun Baekhyun
❝ personality — Unlike Sunmi, Sehun is a calm and collected individual. He doesn't say a lot of things, preferring actions over words, and he has this strange thing where his face can completely blank, but his eyes somehow still show exactly what he is thinking and feeling. Many do not always understand the way that he thinks, but Sunmi never found it particularly difficult understanding the guy at all. Back in high school, he was always the guy who was getting the attention because of his intellects and easy-to-understand notes that he took back in class. He never had any issue helping others out, but preferred when he was left to himself and could keep listening to music or keep track of his work. Sehun and Sunmi have always had a form of silent communication, which was perhaps the only time Sunmi didn't mind the silence.

❝ relationship — Sehun and Sunmi met back in high school, even though they had attended the same middle school. First impression were a bit off, her seeing him as a bit of a nerd and him getting the impression of her being nothing but trouble, but they became attracted to each other pretty quickly as they began to connect more. It could seem a little strange to some people why the two of them even thought of dating each other, but they were the kind of couple that just clicked and made a connection almost right away.

Although their relationship seemed like it could last, thoughts of the future and career plans made it more difficult for the two of them to maintain their relationship properly. As time went by, they saw each other less and found it hard putting off time to even strike a conversation, having so much at hand while preparing for university. When they entered different universities, their bond suffered severely, and Sunmi found herself wondering whether she should continue like this. Once, when she had time off both work and class, she decided to visit Sehun on campus as a surprise visit, but is surprised to see him surrounded by friends without looking uncomfortable or tired like he used to back in high school. She begins understanding that they might be growing apart, calls him over one evening and tries to ask him of what he wants. He reveals his plans of wanting to study abroad for a year or so, to which she can't handle it anymore and breaks it off. He tries calling and texting her, but she won't answer, so they don't really get the chance to make up before he goes off to England.

When they finally meet again in time for Ahreum's wedding, she doesn't recognize him at first glance, but is surprised to see him with a bit of a new style, compared to his more conversative looks back in high school and early university life. Messier hair and better fashion style can do a lot to men, as Sehun has proven to Sunmi once and for all. She finds herself kind of falling all over again for the young man. Sehun sees that she has changed as well; she has gone for a more feminine style, but is still as confident and sociable as always. He finds his heart beating faster, reminding him of those years again and the heartbreak he experienced when she broke it off. They greet each other like they would, but just their handshake leaves a noticable spark between them.

❝ trivia —

  • Studied three years in London, England.
  • Works as a software designer at a gaming company.
  • His new style and hair were influenced by his stay in England.
  • Sometimes slips and starts speaking in a British dialect, which makes him a little flushed.
  • Is more talkative than when he and Sunmi used to date.
  • Owns a Suzuki from 2010.



the wedding bells.

❝ how you reacted to the wedding invitation — Oh, man, where to start... A Christmas wedding. Our Ahreum has always been one to think outside of the box, but this is definitely closer to being insane... That's our leader, haha! I saw the invitation, and all I could think of was meeting the groom and the other girls and their partners and... Well, it can't all be sweet cake and sugar cookies, but I am still looking forward to the wedding, but don't tell anyone I said that. This Jongin guy must be pretty good for getting such a bride, so it'll be cool seeing the person who managed to snatch Park Ahreum herself. Can't wait!

❝ home for christmas — I've kept in contact with some of the girls, but it will definitely be a nice experience to be able to relive the nostalgia of our high school days, even though I know we're all proper grown-ups with jobs and real responsibilities. I haven't been home for Christmas in three years, so it'll be nice to be back in my hometown and everything. I look forward to seeing everyone, to be able to dress up a little and have some fun!

❝ scene requests —

  • Sunmi ending up with Sehun in a hotel room during/after the wedding (hehe!)
  • The girls bonding and updating one another about their individual lives.
  • Bride discussing Sunmi's feelings for Sehun.
  • Sehun admitting his heart beating for his old girlfriend.
  • Kissing scene~ =^0^=
  • Jongin being "threatened" by Sunmi with something like, "You hurt Ahreum, I will hunt you down," or something like that :D

❝ anything else? — OMG, I am so in love with this plot! >.< I really hope you enjoyed reading about Sunmi, 'cause I had a ton of fun creating her! Sorry if my English is weird, it is not my native tongue, and I slip with my grammar at times, haha! ^^ A Christmas-themed wedding is definitely something new, especially around here on AFF as far as I'm concerned. I was also a little confused about the years apart and ages, so please tell me if you find any errors! =) Thank you for reading, author-nim!

 it's the most wonderful time of the year



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