
what's new... nothing! it's good ole me complaining.. crying... getting depressed... cussing about my gaddamn scores! (and i cry on the inside, pffft! so not worth the tears no matter how depressing it is ¬_¬) 

this time i studied. remember the 5-hour-ish study time yesterday, apparently it wasn't enough. the things i just skimmed through came out. arteries ---- gawd i hate those damn arteries that carry blood to my organs and keep me and every piece of me alive and well ---- i was like yes. you're a familiar word. and i hate you. all you questions with the in' arteries and there were two numbers that i was having trouble again, like you know the answer but then here comes another choice that looks and sounds familiar but you put in the wrong answer instead... that feeling. again! argh! hate my stupid, idiotic self! well... i'll stop complaning it's the same ty mistakes all over again. for next week's quiz  i think i should start studying NOW! OTL.

my groupmate's kris kringle gift for me had a perfect timing - pringles - so me, bff, enemy forever, two other groupmates went to the lobby after the exam feedback and ate and ate... he actually gave me soju too. coz the next theme was 'something wild' ummm...well you probably get wild from drinking soju but.. school is not the appropriate place and i'm driving. so i just took it home. 

*sigh* i want this person's hug T^T 

actually i didn't even mind if FC (meaning Feeling Close, like how someone would act your bestie when he/she is not, or anyting that you're close. this would be james. i'll call him this. final. lol) would squish me into a hug. yes, squish. like how you squish your uber cute teddy bear. yes, FC sometimes does that but he's busy now so no disturbance today. anyway, we'd probably be back to normal - bff and me fighting/playing. forever and me fighting playing. he'd probably target my head again. oddly, i like how he'd put his hands over my ears that would actually cover both sides of my head. and the subtle violent-ish hug. ummmm... it's like a reciprocal bullying for us. lol. yes. the tiny hae_ki fights back! haha... awwww... i want chocolates too T^T. why can't FC's good, passing scores rub in on me while he teases me?! 


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Normibells #1
naa lagi ta problema lately...karon pa na hapit na ang xmas...haii...invite-a ming jishu sa inyo xmas party beh~
Nagkaproblema lagi jud tah sa atong life mersh... lolz
aigoooo *squishes you even though it wont help* virtual hugs lol. :3 *gives hot chocolate* ^^ fighting~~