Is this true?

My facebook news feed has blown up with news that SHINee's Jonghyun 'supposedly' said he's in support of gay rights. I say good for him, he's joined the other countless people who feel the same way. Honestly, I don't care, whatever people do behind closed doors is their business. I just ask that they don't try to shove their beilefs down my throat.

 Now 'supposedly'  Shawols and Ex-Shawols have come up with petitions and signatures to have Jonghyun thrown out of SHINee...

I'm putting supposedly in quotes because this is the first I have heard of this, and I honestly don't know if it's another nasty rumor or if its based on fact or what...

Honestly. if it's true, shawols are being too harsh on him for expressing his opinion. I doubt that Jonghyun would say such a thing, since I know in Korea gay rights is pretty much still taboo to speak about. Yes I know it exists there, and there are districts in Seoul that are known for gay activities, but as a whole, it's not talked about very much. It's not a hot button topic like it is here In the States.

I also know that Jonghyun is not  one to hold his tongue when it comes to expressing his thoughts, he's an artist that's what artists do. I know my tongue has gotten me in trouble a time or two because what I said was misconstrued. If he in fact did say this, I will support him, even though I do not necessarily agree. Everyone in entitled to their own opinion and he should not be punished for expressing his true feelings about any issue.

Can someone shed some light on this for me please? Has anyone heard about this as well?


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