❆ — miracles in december ; tran mi young

miracles in december; my grown up christmas list.








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name: tran mi young "claire"
nickname(s): claire - her american name, mimi - childhood nickname from chanyeol
birthdate + age: (19/februrary/1991) + (21)
ual orientation: straight

birthplace + hometown: icheon, south korea + los angeles, california + seoul, south korea
ethnicity: korean-vietnamese
languages: korean (fluent), english (fluent), vietnamese (basic)

faceclaim: jenn im (youtuber)
links: tumblr page
back-up face claim: baek su min (ulzzang)

style: jenn im and krystal jung
+ height: 164cm
+ weight: 35kg
+ hair colour and style: medium brown, generally curled
+ scars: scratch marks on her lower right leg (biking accident) 
+ tattoos: a small heart on the back of her neck
+ piercings: ears (once on each side)
+ eye colour: dark brown
+ colored contact colours: gray












mi young likes to keep a very cut and defined personality now. she can easily be described in a few words: flirty and fun. straight-forward/blunt. chic and versatile.
she likes to act very flirty and really enjoys living life. she's very princess-like with her head constantly held up high and she's pretty girly about things. she doesn't throw herself at guys, she just like to tease people that way. she gets a long better with guys more than girls in LA because they are easier to be around and cause way less drama. when she hangs out with the guys, she's really oblivious about their feelings for her or how she might be viewed by the other girl's on campus. she doesn't really care though. she just likes to have fun with life, being adventerous and outgoing.
feeling and mi young have never gotten along well. she can't really deal with crying people and consoling others unless it's a medical reason. she likes to think of life as a realist rather than daydream as an optimist or shoot everyone down as a pessimist. she'd rather have things be said directly rather than beating around the bush with emotions. her life is pretty much an open book and she could care less about it. but of course, there are things she keeps to herself. every girl has to have her secrets, things she won't bring herself to remember and emotions she can't bring herself to feel.

she is chic as in smart and stylish. mi young has a closet most girls die for, coming from a rich family helps. she kind of just goes with the flow things rather than charting everything to the precise minute as well. 
mi young used to be a shy little girl who was just afraid of the world. chanyeol was her protection. she felt safe with him. she was extremely happy and just loved to day dream all the time. mostly of her and chanyeol growing up and getting married --the kid kind on silly day dreams. 
(let me know if you want me to elaborate more on this part)

tran mi young "claire" was born in icheon, south korea with two very loving parents. she grew up in an apartment complex and right across the hall was a little boy, a year older than her.  they met when she was 5 and he was 6. mi young walked out the door about to head outside when he also walked out his door. chanyeol had the brightest smile on his face and just pulled her in for a hug, saying "let's be bestest friends okay?" from then on, they practically spent every moment they could with each other. whether it was playing hide and seek outside or staying inside to watch a disney movie together. no matter what or who, they were always there by each other's sides. her parent and his parents seriously thought they were going to get married when they grew up.
but then she had to go away. her dad got a job transfer to los angeles, california and so she moved there. moving day was the hardest day she ever had to get through. when she found out, mi young ran across the hall to chanyeol's apartment and that little 9 year old sobbed in his arms until she forced to go back home. after that, they spent all the time they could with each other. on the last day, they turned to each other and made a pact. when they were old enough, the first thing they would do is go vist each other. to finally be together again.
that turned out to be a crap pact. mi young tried so hard to keep in touch but they both got too busy and eventually their friendship was forgotten by the end of 8th grade. In high school, things became different for the both of them. mi young matured into a beautiful girl who was head strong and didn't let 

+ clothes (shopping and styling)
+ food (anything and everything except cilantro and shrimp)
+ shoes (favorite thing to buy)
+ disney and marvel
+ adventure/having fun and getting out there
+ potatoes
+ friends and family time
+ power studying
+ singing and dancing
+ art (even though she )
+ piano and guitar (esp. guitar)
+ water (swimming, diving, water parks, etc.)
+ medical field (helping people in need)

+ cilantro and shrimp
+ brats and twits
+ worrying too much
+ being bored
+ spending all day inside
+ crying people
+ history (subject)

+ bites lip a lot when: (1) nervous, (2) supressing a smile and (3) thinking
+ princess waves
+ rolls around when she's bored and occasionally makes weird noises

+ biking
+ baking
+ coming up with weird outfits (just tries a whole bunch of clothes on)

+ bugs, clowns and pedobears
+ a whole room of crying, sobbing girls
+ drowing in life (stress of everything)
+ not succeeding in life


trivia: (unlimited)

present day: (what are you doing now- studying, working, as what, where, etc. if you're not residing in Seoul, please state what you're doing there at the moment.)



family: ( name - age - occupation - 5 important key traits - interaction )

best friend/s: ( name - age - occupation - 5 important key traits - how you met - interaction )

friend/s: ( name - age - occupation - 5 important key traits - how you met - interaction )

rival/s: ( name - age - occupation - 5 important key traits - why are you rivals - interaction )



Park Chanyeol (EXO)



nickname(s): yeol or eggyeol

age: 22

ual orientation: straight

the child chanyeol mi young knew from 5-10 was pretty much her equal in everything. he wouln't let anyone truly win an argument, only thought life as fair. so everything was just half-and-half with him. he was bright and bubbly. a cheerfully weird and slightly awkward little boy who only knew how to be accepted by those who were close to him, so pretty much just mi young.
the chanyeol now is all charms and cheesy pick up lines. he's the happy virus of life offering smiles to anyone who walks past him. he'll be what you need him to be. a playdough to mold because he honestly just wants to be there for people. he's caring, loving, and has a geniune thirst for exploring life. 

background: (instructions similar to yours above.)

trivia: (unlimited)

relationship status: freshly dumped

how you meet/met:
chanyeol and mi young grew up together. they lived right across from each other in an apartment complex in korea. chanyeol and mi young walked out their doors at the exact same time on their first day of school and saw each other in the hall. 

they were best friends, always hanging out with each other and being each other's first choice for everything. you could already tell that they would fall in love. although he treated her like a younger sister sometimes he did it because he couldn't treat her like a girl, people would get suspicious.
meeting again after 12 years, chanyeol and mi young are distant. treating each other like old aqquantinces rather than childhood friends.  just asking simple questions like "how have you been?" or saying "the weather's been a bit chilly lately." they can't help but see the difference in each other now. but after one night under the stars (refer to scene request), they feel a lot closer. they know each other again and it's like mi young never left. 




Kim Myungsoo (L of INFINITE)


nickname(s): L - he changed his name and the accompanying reputation from myungsoo (the nice guy) to L (the guy every girl desired) at age 16 when he came to the states

age: 21

ual orientation: straight

myungsoo is a very complicated person, for two sides of him exist. there's myungsoo and then there's L. both want mi young back. myungsoo is the nice and caring boyfriend who would go to the ends of the world for his girl. he won't let anyone touch her without his permission. he wants to be there for people and let people know that he cares about them. he'll protect everyone and be strong for them even when he is falling apart himself.
L is the charmer that makes all girls swoon. just with a wink. he is flirty and fun loving. he teases people, laughs a lot and has the same nonchalant smirk on his face everyday. he's colder than myungsoo, L is pretty much the wall myungsoo built to hide a squishy center.

background: (instructions similar to yours above.)

trivia: (unlimited)

relationship status: wants the ex back

how you meet/met:
mi young was studying with a friend at a cafe, when L happened to stroll in. his eyes landed directly on her, target accumalted. she gave him her number and told him to call her. turns out, it was a rejection hotline number. but they saw each other on campus where he made her go out on a date with him for being mean and tricking him.

L was a charmer to mi young right from the start. they simply dated and had fun together. no one, not even them, saw their feelings being anything other than a casual relationship. L treated her well and stayed with her. she didn't cause any trouble for him. they were honestly just at a mutual.
then they actually fell. they were in love. a true, real love. they spent every moment they could with each other. loved each other till the end. she started calling him myungsoo, because he no longer was the "man ," he actually showed her the side he buried away. but then L messed up.
seeing him again in korea, mi young just wants to yell at him or physically injure him somehow for all the pain she felt. she doesn't want to talk to him, yet he keeps trying to find her.







the ending: (how do you want your story to end- happy? sad? bittersweet? explain the tidbits here.)

scene suggestions/requests:
+ chanyeol and mi young get locked up on the roof and they just spend the night in each other's arms (originally to stay warm) talking about life and the people they are now.

comments: (anything else?)





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