▬▬ ♡ L o v e Happens ┆ Choi Minah

Calm your cheese guys, This is all about you!
username: Choi_Minhee
what you want me to call you: Thia or Stitch
activness on aff: 8
 Choi Minah 
 Wu Yi Fan / Kris 

 Love knows no bounds

Character name: Choi Minah

Gender: Female

First Choice Visual: Lee Dasom

Gallery or 5 links: Gallery

Second choice visual: Gam Dain

Gallery or 5 links: Gallery

Style: From dresses to sweats, Minah will wear it all. She prefers wearing more dressy casual clothes but still likes jeans too. She won't wear anything showy, she is a modest girl after all. Minah always goes out with some type of accesory. Whether it be a purse, or jewelry or even a hat. She has both her ear pierced, once on each side. 

Casual: 1 2 3 4
Formal/Party: 1 2 3
Buisness: 1 2

Now onto the deets

Personalilty Keywords: Dramatic, Princess, Sarcastic, Bi-Polar and Diva
Personality: The Dramatic Diva Princess who is Sarcastic and Bi-Polar. That's exactly how you describe Minah. She is all about the drama because she is a major attention-. She can't help it, she likes the attention. Plus, she thinks its fun that she gets to come up with her own reality and worlds. The diva in her demands what she wants and thinks she deserves nothing less. She know what she's got so she mine as well flaunts it. It really is her way or the highway. The only people that can restrain this diva, are her elders. And sometimes she doesn't even listen to them. As for the princess. Well she is a princess. With all sparkly tiaras and what not. Her boyfriend treats her like one after all, showering her in gifts and calling her 'mylady'. And she gets treated as royalty for being one of the best actresses this school has ever seen.
Now to the sarcasm and mood swings. Minah and sarcasm are probably best friends. She loves using it. It is a very good drama tool after all. She mouths off people with it all the time. So what she gets called a b*tch? Doesn't everybody at least once in their life? Since she uses it so often, people hardly realize she also uses it as a defense mechanism. Last but not least, the bi-polar attitude. With her drama comes her endless mood-swings. One minute she could be happy, the next she could be on the floor crying her eyes out. Her attitude could be all over the place for no real reason.
What is your major [or two] and why: Majoring in Creative Writing and an Acting Minor. Minah would have chosen to become an actor, but her parents thought it was an unrealistic career and made her choose a different one. After much persisting, she was able to get them to agree on letting her become a writer. Writing, in her mind, is like acting. She is able to create different characters in a new reality and world.
Background: Minah has always loved acting. She's been a drama queen from the start. She used to mock everybody as acting practice. Her parents were generally off in their own worlds so she was left with no attention. She always craved for people to pay attention to her. So she made herself something people would see, a drama queen. So what if she wasn't loved? She just wanted some attention.
She continued the drama queen act from fifth grade up to college. Starting gradually at first, the occasionaly tripping and beautifying so the boys would notice. In high school, she raised the bar to acting on stage so more people would see.
Then in college, she blew it up big, wanting to make huge scenes in front of people. But she just couldn't make these huge scenes alone. She enlisted the friend of her old-classmate Kris. They became the dramatic couple, always causing a huge ruckus. With fights one day and intense makeout sessions the next, they were on an uncontrollable rollercoaster. On that rollercoaster, Minah fell in love.
  • Acting
  • Music
  • Food & Candy
  • Money
  • Clothes and Costumes
  • Ice
  • SNSD
  • Technology - especially her Laptop
  • Planes
  • Boats
  • Thrill / Action Movies
  • Pineapples
  • Italian Soda
  • Harry Potter (her secret nerd obsession)
  • Fireworks
  • Dragons
  • Romance Novels
  • Spotlight Stealers
  • Getting Bad Grades
  • Star Trek
  • Star Wars
  • Cats
  • Staplers
  • Beads
  • Public Toilets
  • Spinach
  • Rap (except improve rap because its funny)
  • Lips A Lot
  • Plays With Hair
  • Eats When Bored
  • Tends To Make Worst Of Situation *cough DRAMA QUEEN cough*
  • Mocks People as Acting Practice
  • Spazz Dances When Minah Thinks No One is Watching
  • Wakes Up At Exactly 7:15 Every Morning
  • Has Laugh Attacks When She Falls to the Floor Laughing Hysterically
  • Fear: Getting Fat (Actresses can't be fat)
  • Fear: Losing Her Partner (She can't afford to lose the attention)
  • Fear: The Truth (She is falling for her partner)
  • She Knows How To Fly A Plane (From A Summer Course)
  • Has A Major Case of Arachnephobia (fear of spiders)
  • She's Only Gotten Drunk Once At A Drama Party
  • Acting Will Always Be Her Favorite Everything
  • Believes In Spirits and Ghosts
  • She Likes To Cry In Small Places
  • She is 20 years old, a Junior in College. Born on the 5th of March.
Now about the family/friends
Park Cho Hee | Mother | 48 | Resturant Owner | 4 | Minah and her Mom try to be as close as they can, but Cho Hee is so busy with trying to make a living to support her family. But whenever Minah needs her, she knows that her mom will be there.
Choi Byung-Ho | Father | 52 | Buisnessman | 2 | Minah and her Dad barely talk. After he moved back to US, they didn't have much time to talk. The only thing they ever really talked about on there once-a-month calls was her future.
Lee Eun Jung | Best Friend and Fellow Drama-Head | 20 | College Student & Waitress | 5 | They tell each other everything. Bonded at the hip practically. Eunnie is the sister, Minah never had.


The Love Interest yo!
Plotline: Drama Much?
Second choice for plot line and why: I Don't Love You, I Hate You. I like the love-hate relationship they have going on. And the multiple ways their feelings could unravel after that one night.
Love Interest: Wu Yi Fan / Kris
Gallery or 5 pictures: 1 2 3 4 5
Back Up Love Interest: Lee Changsun / Joon
Gallery or 5 pictures: 1 2 3 4 5
Lover's Personality: Kris is the king of going overboard. He thinks he is the best at everything after all. He is extremely arrogant. He is the perfect other half to Minah. Kris is very secretive. He doesn't want abybody getting in his personal buisness. He is very energetic but doesn't have many friends because of his extreme case of arrogance. He's funny but hard-working. Kris' spirit isn't easily brought down, he is good at handling his emotions. 
Lover's Background: Kris had an average childhood and grew up normally. His parents had the usual spat every now and then. Nothing really interesting.
What's interesting is what's happening now, Kris has had a crush on Minah since the fifth grade. He never thought she liked him back, she was always off with some other boy after all. So he tried to move on.
He failed at that. He ended up moving to Canada in middle school, never leaving behind his first love. Kris came back to Korea for college, when he met Minah again. She was looking for someone to be her drama partner, and who better than an over-dramatic fool whose been in love with her since fifth grade? He signed up just for her.
Personal questions because I'm nosy like that so answer them bro
Why should you get the plot?: Because I want it really bad. lol... that and...
I believe that my character is suitable to the plot line very well. I wouldn't say its the best because I haven't seen the other applicants, but I think its good. I really like the story you have going on. Its one of the few good apply fics out there.
My character isn't the weak ones you generally see, she is tough and headstrong. I hope you like this fresh twist (that sounded like a tropical drink sorry). Generally you see a weak girl who can't stand up for herself, this girl can. She owns everything and isn't afraid to.
Scene requests:
  • Minah is trying to deny that she has feelings for Kris because he is  just supposed to be her drama partner
  • Kris doesn't really know what to do as a fake boyfriend, so the first thing he can think of is really corny pickup lines.
  • Kris and Minah get into a fight, but its not a fake fight, its a real one which Kris slips out that he has loved her since fifth grade
  • Kris and Minah try going out on a real date
Question/Comments: The story and the plotlines are really good! Thank you for accepting my application late. I hope you like my character.
Are you fine with me changing some details? Sure, do whatever you need to!
Just being me! So what's up?
Thanks for applying bro, I'm excited to read your app /throws sparkles
So be sure to turn this into the the blog turn-in all right now you know what you have to do.
Link me a gif to the word love over there: ▬▬ ♡ L o v e






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