the idol and the baby // park hye su // jongin // sakuno

Park Hye Su


USERNAME  -pieces
NICKNAME ━ michelle


NICKNAME(S) kana - her middle name and what sakuno generally calls her (japanese), susu - used by close friends and family
BIRTHDAY ━ 18 june 1994
AGE ━ 19
BIRTHPLACE ━ seoul, south korea
TIMELINE ━ 2008 to 2012 in los angeles, california with her aunt for high school
ETHNICITY ━ korean and japanese (half)
NATIONALITY ━ south korean
LANGUAGES ━ korean (fluent), english (fluent), japanese (conversational)
HEIGHT ━ 167 cm
WEIGHT ━ 45 kg
DOMINANT HAND ━ right hand



✿ hye su grew up in seoul, south korea and attended a regular public primary and secondary school there. her dad was always there to make her smile and laugh but was entirely awkward when it came to the topic of growing up. her mother was always around to watch over her and be involved in all that hye su did. she was suffocated by her mother's love practically. her parent fought a lot since they were pretty much polar opposites and ended up getting a divorce when she was 9. she and her sister lived with her mom. three years later, her dad died in a car accident. hye su felt like her world was torn apart. her dad meant everything to her.
her mother got married to her step-dad and they made each other happy enough, but hye su never felt any connection to her step-dad. at 14, she requested a move to the states to get better studies like her sister did. off she went. her aunt raised her well and she matured a lot without her mom constantly looking over her shoulder. hye su's aunt treated her as an adult equal and treated her well. she did well in the states and moved back to korea for her college years.

PERSONALITY TRAITS  intelligent, hard-working, energetic, practical / realistic and creative

✿ hye su has pushed herself to achieve a lot in the years that she was in the states studying. she finally had the chance to grow up there. she will act very mature in situations but when she is around people she is comfortable with, she'll be crazy, loud and fun loving. with all the time she spent studying and learning, she has learned a lot and is very intelligent but she isn't conceeded with her smarts. she works for anything she wants, not believing in short cuts in life.
she likes to keep distance from things because she knows what suffocating is. hye su loves to go out and do things and has a lot of energy to put into the things she really likes. she's not a optimist, nor a pessimist, she is realist. she thinks about things from a realistic point of view. but in fun, she can come up with a lot of creative bubbly ideas. she knows when to be a child and when to be an adult, but in her family she prefers to act with her bubbly, fun personality.
she is very caring and although she isn't really an 'umma' type, she relates well with children. very mild-tempered, doesn't angry too much but when you push the right buttons, she can get a little agitated.


✿ food
✿ reading
✿ writing
✿ cooking/baking
✿ candy
✿ music
✿ animals (esp. dogs)
✿ water (parks, beaches, swimming, etc.)

✿ rain
✿ antiques
✿ having fun
✿ harry potter
✿ coffee


✿ too much sugar / too sweet
✿ cheese
✿ pessimist
✿ spending all day inside
✿ dentist office
✿ cats
✿ twilight (the book / movie)
✿ shopping for long periods

✿ being the bad guy


✿ writing
✿ biking

✿ painting (she kind of , but she still does it)
✿ running (track / field)


✿ happy/excited ) she'll be really energetic about life overall wanting to go out and do something fun
✿ upset ) hye su will generally just sit in a corner and write, read or paint. she won't talk much to anyone besides a few words here and there.
✿ angry ) when hye su get's mad she'll completely and utterly ignore your prescence or just plain out yell at you. if it's a child, then she'll just put them in time out and give them a quick lecture.
✿ jealous ) ohoho~ jealous hye su will be a little snarky about her jealousy
✿ bored ) rolls around on the floor like a buffalo thinking of activities and / or looking up things to do
✿ shy ) tends to bite lip a lot and scratch head, looking down and being very formal
✿ lazy ) she'll just sit on the couch or by the window and try to pep herself into doing something


✿ only sleeps on her sides and on the right side of the bed
✿ tends to dance when she thinks no one is watching
✿ loves being on planes and boats (free-feeling)
✿ extremely ticklish
✿ makes amazing kimbap
✿ is hopelessly confused in directions

UNIVERSITY NAME ━ seoul national university
CLASS SCHEDULE ━ majoring in medicine with a minor in biomedical sciences, takes ap calculus and all other required courses and has after school painting classes.

JOB ━ works as a barista for a small cafe on the university campus
WORK LIFE ━ fairly easy, she works her shifts with a friend. they'll switch back and forth between the one that makes the drinks / takes orders and the one that serves / waits the tables. she works at least 15 hours a week on 10,000 won per hour so she can get money to pay for college (books, food and dorm fees).

LIVING ARRANGEMENT ━ hye su stays in the dorms on the university campus so she can get to everything without a car or paying for bus / subway fare. 



SECOND CHOICE OF ULZZANG ━ park hwan hui (hana)

STYLE ━  hye su only wears a small amount of make up and even then, her make up looks natural. she will wear bb cream, lipgloss / chapstick, mascara and occasionally eyeliner. she will wear any type of shoes whether ir be heels, flats or sneakers. she loves shoes, her favorite being heels and wedges. she prefers to wear more dressy clothes than casual. her closet is mostly made up of dresses, skirts, fancy tops and sweaters. she believes in sweater weather to the hardest. there will be times when she wears jeans and a plain t-shirt, but she prefers not to. in hotter weather, tank tops and shorts work for her.
OTHERS ━ always found in hye su's purse will be first-aid kit, chapstick, wallet of course, starbucks card and whatever accessory needed for the season (gloves for winter, sunglasses in summer, etc.) she doesn't ever wear hoop earrings. she doesn't wear colored contacts because eyes are how she gets a feel for a person.



✿ father ) park chin ho / died at 47 / lawyer / caring, laid-back, funny, loving, submissive / divorced hye su's mom and 3 years later died in car crash.
✿ mother ) lee-choi naomi / 52 / accountant / suffucating, invasive, caring, hot-tempered, strict / hye su's mom always wanted to be apart of everything that went on in hye su's life.
✿ sister ) choi minhee / 28 / lawyer / busy, submissive, caring, cheeky, loving / is married and lives in the states with her husband. she left for the states in college an continues to support hye su whenever she can.
✿ aunt ) choi mi young / 50 / doctor / nice, caring, sweet, helpful, motherly / hye su was raised by her aunt for the past four years. she is sister to hye su's dad and kept hye su away from her mother so that she wouldn't be suffocated. lives in the states. 
✿ step-dad ) lee hyuk / 57 / buisness manager / busy, distracted, nice, rich, good husband-bad father / because of his job he is very busy, but he keeps hye su's mom company and loves her. never had a good relationship with hye su and minhee only tolerates him as an adult.


✿ female oc ) jenn pham / 19 / barista and student / funny, awkward, cheery, smart, sick sense of humor  / they both love each other dearly. met in the states during high school and both ended up going to seoul university. she's always been there for hye su.
✿ male oc ) lee hyungshin (shin) / 21 / student and volunteer doctor / charming, nice, funny, teasing, intelligent / hyungshin studies medical with hye su and they have gotten pretty close even though they just met a year ago. he likes her and she is unsure of how she feels about him (pretty oblivious about that)


✿ mother ) her mother congratulated her and was extremely, incredibly happy asking for all the details of every moment that has happened. she also asked for pictures of hye su's new family and to have hye su call her every night.
✿ sister ) minhee flipped out, screaming over the phone. she was happy that her sister would get the chance to be on tv with idols and a family. she also asked for updates and all the (/cough) juicy stuff that happens.
✿ aunt ) her aunt was overjoyed, she was crying about how happy she was for hye su and said she would try to watch all the episodes. updates and pictures would need to be sent to her aunt as well. she also asked all about jongin.
✿ step-dad ) lher step-dad was in the room when hye su called her mom. he just said, "good for her. but isn't she too young? she's only in college and still has to get through med school. does the boy have a legitimate career and future?" then they told him that she was marrying a korean idol, to which he simply replied as he brought up google on his laptop, "which one?"


✿ jenn pham ) dead. after hye su informed jenn, she just about died. jenn majorly loves exo and all things kpop. in order to calm her friend from hyperventilating, hye su had to promise that jenn could visit on the show to check it (and the boys) out. she literally said, "you lucky little piece of sh*t (its a term of endearment to them) ! i'm like always with you! how come i don't get a chance to meet the glorious boys!? and you get kim freaking jongin too. aish!"
✿ lee hyungshin ) hyungshin was not so pleased with the news. he wanted to meet jongin and size the guy up check to see how good jongin would be to hye su. he was going to ask hye su out but the news ruined his plan. quote from hyungshin: "do you even know anything about this guy!? he could be your complete opposite! this isn't good, you have med finals to study for." 



LOVE INTEREST  kim jongin (kai)

✿ yours ) hye su originally thought jongin was just this really intense person watching his stage presence. when she first saw him, she could practically feel the charm rolling off him. he just seemed like a sweet, guy who really knew how to make people love him. after a while, she sees how much a joker jongin can be. hye su doesn't want to be the bad parent in this relationship but jongin makes it so hard when he adores their child so much. he teases her and although it upsets her sometimes, she finds it kind of cute.
first meeting: "jongin seems like a really nice guy, really charming. i'm not sure if he is good to be a father since he either acts like a child or has this... y aura about him. but i guess we'll see."

✿ his ) jongin didn't think much of his wife from the pictures he saw, she was pretty and seemed like a good mother. when he first saw her, he was suprised at how formal and nice she acted. pretty much the perfect person to tease all the time. as he gets to know her better, he sees more to her as a person. he still teases her all the time, but eventually she becomes a princess to him too.
first meeting: "hye su -that's her name right?- looks really sweet. but she acts so formally, she reminds me of suho umma. i hope that i can and that she won't be uptight about it. she does seem like a very good mother to kids. i'm looking forward to getting to know her better."


✿ television viewers ship kaisu to the fullest
✿ jongin likes skin ship in his relationship (holds her hand randomly, pecks her cheek, wraps his arms around her, etc.)

✿ they are the dance couple since they both really like dancing, they bring it a lot into their family. jongin likes to teach hye su and sakuno some of the dances, he finds it cute to watch them.
✿ one or the other is always trying to dress each other a like. jongin wants hye su to dress more casually with just a hoodies and jeans while she wants him to wear styled clothes more often.
✿ jongin will try not to appear jealous when he sees hye su laughing and hanging out with the other members or on the phone with hyungshin but he gets upset about it. when hye su sees jongin being close with another idol girl or another wife, she goes and hangs out with sakuno, speaking in japanese about how jongin leaves them for another girl. she says it jokingly but she feels truth in it.
✿ when hye su is upset with jongin, she will speak in japanese with sakuno, which upsets jongin.
✿ hye su likes calling jongin "jongin" more than "kai".

BACKUP LOVE INTEREST ━ kim joonmyeon (suho)

✿ yours) most of what she knows about exo, is from jenn. she thinks of joonmyeon has exo's umma. she thought he would make the perfect father, even if he has a motherly title. hye su was really excited to meet him in person. when they first met, it was kind of awkward since they were both really formal with each other. as they get to know each other, the awkwardness settles down and hye su really finds a fun, safe enviroment with joonmyeon.
first meeting: "joonmyeon is really sweet, i can see that he takes care of everybody around him with love. i think it's really cute. he makes a really good parent, i can already see that in him as he takes care of exo. i'm really excited to get to know him better and hopefully ease the formalities between us."

✿ his) through what he got to know about hye su, joonmyeon thought this was going to be a perfect family. hye su looked very mature and like she could take care of children well. when the first met, he could sense some awkwardness in them already. but he pushed it aside and really wanted to get to know hye su better. as time goes on, he has grown to realize that this family is very hectic, especially with a rowdy dooyooon, but he loves it anyways.
first meeting: "hye su is really pretty (/blushes here). she looks like a really good mother. she doesn't act as mature as i thought she would, i can see a little child-like personality in her. i hope that i can take very good care of her and our child. there is awkwardness between us but i really hope i get to know her as a person and that we will make a good family."

TRIVIA ━ (anything i should know about you and him? couple name, behaviours, anything~ 2+)

✿ susu is the couple that kind of makes people cringe because they are so awkward
✿ joonmyeon will have moments of boldness, where he will show skinship with hye su

✿ hye su and joonmyeon have very similar parenting styles (reprimanding, congratulating, etc.)
✿ hye su won't actually admit it to him, but she likes wearing some of his clothes because she feels comfortable in them
✿ joonmyeon will have moments of boldness where he will show skinship with hye su and hye su likes those moments
✿ hye su will call him joonmyeon rather than suho. she'll only call him suho when she's upset with him.

THEME OF WEDDING ━ vintage beach themed wedding with a lantern releasing (like tangled.)
WOULD YOU MIND SWITCHING PARTNERS ━ no, switching partners gives them less time to get to know each other and find comfortability in each other.


HOW ARE YOU AROUND HIM/HER AT FIRST ━ hye su has never really had anyone younger to take care of before so parenting style is new to her. but as soon as she meets sakuno, she falls in love. the child is pure perfection to hye su. she is sweet and well-mannered, very caring of those around her. they instanteously connected with each other. 
hye su and sakuno act as a very cutesy mother-daughter couple. they'll hold hands and do everything together. practically bonded at the hip. when sakuno is starting to act stubborn, hye su will try to have a talk with her about it but then jongin just gives it to her anyways. if hye su is upset with jongin (when she speaks in japanese to sakuno) than she will gladly just play along with her mom and give her hugs. to make sakuno happy, hye su will sing to her or have little dance parties with pudding.

ANY ADDITIONS TO PERSONALITY  sakuno is aegyo queen, if she really wants something she'll use extreme measures of aegyo to persuade people

BACKUP CHILD ━ lim dooyoon
HOW ARE YOU AROUND HIM/HER AT FIRST ━ this kid is going to be trouble. that was the first thought hye su had when she met dooyoon. he had 
mischievous looking eyes from the start. dooyoon came up and gave her this bright little smile and her heart just melted. hye su is trying to get to know dooyoon but he is being stubborn with her.
HOW YOU INTERACT WITH HIM/HER ━ hye su tries to be patient with his stubborness but sometimes she will get really upset with him and will punish him to time out or give him a lecture on misbehaving. its the only reprimanding she knows how to do really. she sees that their are different sides to dooyoon and she sees a resemblence of herself in him. they like going out to laugh and play all the time. when dooyoon is being too stubborn, hye su will escalate her emotion and appear very upset with him so that he will apologize. to make each other happy, dooyoon will act very cute with her and she will take him wherever he wants to go. 

WOULD YOU MIND SWITCHING YOUR CHILD ━ it would be okay to switch kids so you get to know the others. you can feel connected to kids easier than you connect with your husbands, since they are just cute little kids.


WHAT ARE YOUR STRENGTHS  cooking and cleaning (housewife life) is a good nurse (training to be a doctor after all), and can multitask easily
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAKNESSES  not good with consoling people (dealing with feelings), picking sides in arguments, and coming up with effective ways to punish the child besides time outs, lectures and taking something
 away from them.


] hide-and-seek
[ ] any activities at the playground (list out which activity here:_____)
[ ] tag
[] others: dancing and singing around the house, in a stop and go (with dooyoon: hide and seek on the playground) 

PICK ANY TASTE ━ (put a ✔ on the taste you want)

[ ] sweet
[ ] sour
] salty
[ ] bitter


[ ] red
[ ] orange
[ ] yellow
[ ] green
] blue
[ ] indigo
[ ] violet


COUPLE ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS  girls will get date nights with their husbands where the boys will get to choose once and the girls get to choose once.
FAMILY ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS ━ going out for picnics, playing sports together at the park or/and going to the pool
SCENE SUGGESTIONS ━ an outing for hye su's friends to meet her new family in which hyungshin and jongin are competing (to impress hye su who is busy talking to jenn and playing with sakuno)

COMMENTS ━ the application was long, but well worth it! it was actually pretty fun to write out. i appreciate that you made this in so much detaill to really know the characters. this apply fic is such a great idea c: thanks, author-nim fighting! (sorry for my lameness too)


( go back to the nursery room )


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