an eye opener

i now i'm spamming your page. i'm sorry. i know i shouldn't be blogging. i'm sorry. but. but. but. i just saw something in FB. 

my ex-crush before is actually the boyfriend of my batch mate in college and someone that i'm acquainted to also.... i can't say we're friends coz we haven't talked that much, we just acknowledge each other's presence when we see each other or are with friends..anywhooo...

oh my gawd~! he was my crush in high school. i just see him once or twice a year during xmas party in our dads' company. those times he brought a different gf now i'm just like... o.0 oh my gawd~!!!!! how small is the world that his current gf is my batchmate! 

well, no hard feelings. it was quite refreshing to see his face again. 

 and a conversation in the car while we go and fetch my sis who is in the hospital, working. (translated already)

mama: let's buy bread. where can we buy bread? (note: it's already quarter to 10 in the evening)

younger sis: jollibee (note: that's a famous and probably national fast food restaurant XD)

me and mom shocked. lol, can you really buy just bread in a fast food restaurant? hahahaha

few minutes later, another conversation in the car. same topic. now with the sister on duty:

me: so where shall we buy bread

mom naming bakeries.

sis on duty: McDo (McDonalds)

me: what? before jollibee now mcdo?! so you're going to order hamburger without the patty? 

few minutes later, passed by some donut shop.

sis on duty: let's buy Krispee Kreme :)

me: we're buying bread. BREAD alone and NOT it's relatives (coz sis mentioned that donut also came from dough, liek how bread is made ¬_¬) 

so in the end, we found an open bakery with yummy breads. and bought some.


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Your sis is hysterical! ^-^ and that's... kookie! It does just show how it's a small world~ ^-^
BAHAHAHA YOUR SIS IS SO CUTE. :) and she just inspired me with ANOTHER idea...holy crapcakes...

Ah ikr,the world really is small. My bff's bff from her pri sch actually is best friends with my bff from pri sch....

okay it sounds confusing Xd