resolutions B!TCHES!!!... God I'm bored^^

I've never had a new years resolution... it's always kind been me making a resolution to make a resolution... but this year I think I wanna make one... granted it's nearly 19 days after new years, better late then never^^

I think for my resolution I'll take this year to better my self, loose weight, get more confidence, remember my relatives' birthdays before facebook tells me... by the time December rolls around, I wanna see what I've done and say "mwahaha, I'm awesome"^^ but I know I'll be to lazy to do all this, so I put it up here so when I ever decide to read my blogs I'll see this (something I do often, most of the time when I write these things I'm on a sugar buzz so it's always fun to see how weird I was the night before^^)

so, this year-

get closer to God^^


get a job

be more confident, no showing weakness' you bum

go out of our way to get closer to our family... I feel as though we've drifted...

knock off the sugar habit, drink soda less and less candies and icecream!!

stop biting nails (as I write this I've already bit like six of them already,,,)...

get nail clippers

go to cosmetology school, you wanna do something more then flip burgers for the rest of your life you bum -.- and hair's fun to cut^^

AGAIN, exorcize, you've been a bit pudgy lately, what happened to our !!!

be able to give money to mom, dad and Grams, they deserve every penny but I think they'd rather have us leave *nods*

get driver's license, you NEED it -.-

try to learn a language... or learn enough words to lie about it on resume...

take up yoga and meditation, so far it's made happiness in our short stint in it^^


so yeah, my list... starting tonight (after I upload chapters...) I'll start!!! mwhahaha, I shall be the best by December, I promise you (my self...)

so yeah, if you've gotten this far^^ thanks for reading... you may have just waisted your time, but still, the thought counts^^

Love life^^


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