♧ vanilla s ♧ (Dakota Lau) ♧ Cherry Bomb



❥ H U S H 

Character name: Dakota Lau
Other name: Chinese - Liu Fanghua (刘方华)

> Baby Lau - she's the youngest of the Lau siblings, her family members call her this
> Cupid - Dakota loves matchmaking and the idea of love, hence the nickname Cupid. From the Vanilla members and friends
> Miss Independent - From her fans because she stated that she likes relying on herself, not on other people
> Xiaohua - from her older brother Henry, it's taken from the last character of her Chinese name and 'xiao,' meaning small, is combined with it to make it seem cuter
> Narcissia - The 'female version' of Narcissus, a prince in Greek mythology who couldn't stop gazing at himself in the river. Given by the Vanilla members because Dakota loves mirrors and looking at herself
> Koko - A cuter and shorter form of her name, given by her best friends (for Ilhoon, it's Princess Koko)

> Dada - A very stupid (in her words) nickname from Chen, he uses it to annoy her
> Jingzi (镜子) - Means 'mirror' in Mandarin, from the Exo-M members because again, Dakota loves mirrors
> Polaroid Princess - From the Super Junior members because she likes taking pictures with her Polaroid

Age: 18
Date of birth: 23/12/1995
Birthplace: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Hometown: Willowdale, Ontario, Canada
Ethnicity: Chinese
Languages: English (native), Mandarin (fluent), Korean (fluent), Cantonese (conversational)

❥ R U M P U M P U M P U M 

Face claim: Jei (Fiestar)
Tumblr: fly~
Backup face claim: Alice (Hello Venus)
Tumblr: hello~
Extra: A piercing on each earlobe
Style: Dakota has a very polished, somewhat girly vintage style. So that means a lot of skirts, dresses, boots, flat shoes, heels, bows, and floral patterns. During practices and at the dorms she wears oversized sweaters, leggings, or sweats. As for pajamas, Dakota likes those with bright colors and graphic designs.

Casual - 1 2 3 4 5
Formal - 1 2 3 4 5

Airport - 1 2 3
Practice/dorm - 1 2 3

Sleepwear - 1 2 3

Height: 164cm
Weight: 49kg
Blood type: B

❥ I L I K E T H A T 
Personality: Meet Dakota Lau, the girl who's always walking around with her head held high. Although there is no confirmed visual for Vanilla, Dakota takes extreme pride in her looks and isn't afraid to show off her beauty. She's practically aware of her own existence and will do anything to make sure she's the first one in the room to be noticed. Dakota can be a tad arrogant, simply because she's one of the most experienced trainees, and a lot of people hate her because of that. Dakota is very insensitive to their feelings, so she goes about with her business without making a fuss. She is however, a MAJOR drama queen. Dakota tends to make even the smallest details seem like World War III and often drives the Vanilla members crazy with her little dramatic meltdowns and tantrums. She loves arguing with people just to avoid getting in trouble.

She's got a cute and perky image onstage, but at the same time, Dakota adopts a 'up-in-your-face' kind of attitude. She's very confident about her stage presence and although she knows she isn't the best dancer or vocalist in Vanilla, she doesn't doubt that she's one of the better ones in the industry. On variety shows she is one of the more vocal members and never fails to shock the hosts with her bold answers to their questions. While Dakota pushes herself to the limit onstage, she refuses to show up for practice. She is said to despise rehearsals and practices as according to her, "it makes me sweat and sweating does not make me look pretty." It's no use forcing Dakota to do what you want her to do, because Dakota is extremely stubborn and follows her own set of rules. And the manager and leader can't threaten her because she  knows they're just empty threats. But if she does get dragged to practice, she'll often daydream and won't go full out. No one has ever seen Dakota practice, but she somehow always manages to get the choreography down and song lyrics memorized in time. Either she sneaks into the practice rooms late at night or she's a musical genius (the real truth is that she only practices when everyone else is asleep).

Dakota isn't as ladylike and petite as she looks. For instance, she lacks manners. You'd think after spending 6 years in Korea she would have known every single honorific, but no, Dakota calls every person by their first name only. Unless she's near the cameras and people of importance, she's calling out, "Yah [insert name]!" Of course, she's always getting smacked in the head because of that. She loses her temper easily, and if you do manage to tick her off, she's really rude. Luckily, Dakota's temper calms down just as quickly as she loses it. She’s quite manipulative as well and knows how to convince people to get what she wants. If Dakota tried hard enough, she could persuade the members of Vanilla to shave their heads off and even convince them to do the wrong dance moves (but the leader always intervenes). One thing to admire about Dakota though, is her independence. You could dump her on an isolated island by herself and she would still be able to survive. Don't expect her to ask for help when she's in trouble. If someone offered their help, she gets extremely offended and will turn her nose up in the air haughtily. Another good thing about Dakota is that she doesn't get affected by negative rumors and scandals. She continues holding her head up even in the hardest of times. 

She's not the best at expressing her sincerity and appreciation, so it always looks like she only cares about herself. Dakota often tries to return her kindness towards her members by either organizing their closets (it's her personal way of saying thanks) or sticking little post-its on their doors saying she's proud of their hard work. Whenever someone mentions it, Dakota denies it, scoffs, and sassily tosses her hair over shoulder in reply because she's secretly embarrassed. Though she doesn't seem like it, Dakota is very devoted to her friends. She's actually pretty nosy interested when it comes to the romance lives of the Vanilla members. Dakota is a huge romantic and she will do everything she can to ensure that the Vanilla members win the hearts of the ones they love. It's always difficult in the beginning to be friends with Dakota because of her narcissism and the drama she creates, but you'll eventually come to love her strange yet adorable personality.

Background: Dakota was born as the youngest of four children in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her parents have a very profitable busines in Canada, so all four of the Lau siblings had a nice upbringing throughout their childhood. Out of her three siblings, Dakota was the closest to Henry and they did almost everything together. As a young child, Dakota was always interested in performing and frequently participated in her kindergarten school plays. She was always prancing around the living room with a plastic microphone in her hands. At the age of four, Dakota's parents put her in cello lessons while Henry was taking violin and piano lessons. Like her brother, she showed natural talent in music but she was not as successful as Henry in attaining performance awards. And when eleven year old Henry took an interest in learning ballet, 6 year old Dakota declared that she wanted to study ballet as well after watching her brother dance. Once dance entered her life, Dakota told her parents she wished to join the entertainment industry. They didn't object and allowed her to not only join the school choir but also signed her up for private singing classes.

In 2006, seventeen year old Henry decided to audition for SM Entertainment through the Global Auditions held in Toronto. Dakota wanted to audition alongside with him, but Henry persuaded his little sister to wait for another year. So when Dakota was 13 (2007), she auditioned for the Global Auditions in Toronto. Much to her surprise, she was accepted on the first round. Dakota could join her brother at SM, except she had to enter a new country in order to do so. But with the encouragement and support of her family, Dakota traveled to South Korea to begin her tough trainee life at SM. At SM, her vocals improved and she excelled in learning hip hop despite her ballet training.

- Mirrors
- Dancing
- Singing
- Playing the cello
- Her Polaroid
- Fashion blogs
- Boy choreography
- Matchmaking
- Romantic things
- Stuffed animals
- Ear cuffs
- Scented candles
- Vanilla ice cream
- Watching K-dramas
- Caramel candies

- Chen
- Sweating
- Windy days (it messes her hair)
- People who touch her hair
- Being told what to do (unless you're the choreographer or the photographer or whoever related to the entertainment industry)
- Sasaengs
- Waking up early
- Allkpop (a whole bunch of bullsh*t in her opinion)
- Boredom
- Being compared with Henry
- K-drams with pointless and stupid plots
- People who mess around with her cello
- Dieting (even though she cares about her appearance she can never part from her food)

- Winks at her reflection whenever she's in front of a mirror
- Twirls her hair when she's starting to get annoyed
- Sings 'Trap' as she does her hair in the morning
- Says "aiyah!" in Mandarin when she forgets something
- Choreographs short dances when she can't go to sleep
- Lets out a loud and angry 'RAWR' if someone tries to wake her up earlier than she's supposed to
- Pinches people to get their attention
- Rolls her eyes when she doesn't want to listen to orders
- Once she enters a room, she flings out her arms and cries, "The princess is here!"
- Throws rolled up balls of paper at people when she's bored

- Practicing the cello
- Color coding and coordinating her wardrobe
- Looking through fashion blogs
- Learning boy choreography
- Acting out scenes from other dramas or plays

- Dakota is the younger sister of Henry Lau
- Has been playing the cello for almost ten years and studied 7 years of ballet

- She's really close to the Super Junior members, mostly with Eunhyuk, Donghae, Shindong, and Zhou Mi
- She used to have the biggest crush on Eunhyuk
- Carries a small hand mirror with her everywhere
- Appeared in the following MVs: Super Junior's 'No Other' MV, Infinite's 'Paradise' MV, BtoB's '2nd Confession' MV, Henry's '1-4-3' MV, and BTS's 'Beautiful' MV
- Was a backup dancer for f(x) and TTS
- Her instagram is @dramadakota and her twitter is @dakota_lau94
- She brings her Polaroid to fanmeets so she can take pictures with fans and sign the pictures to give to them
- Prefers dancing to boy choreography over girl choreography, but hey, dance is dance and she loves it
- Unless it's a busy day for Vanilla, Dakota likes to sleep in until ten. So don't wake her up unless you want her to bite your head off
- She dreams of becoming the female lead in a OST drama
- Once she was in a scandal because she was spotted with Henry and fans thought she was his girlfriend
- She calls Henry 'mochi gege,' and the first thing she does when she greets him is pinch his cheeks
- She wants the younger members of Vanilla to address her as 'Dakota gongzhu' (Princess Dakota)
- Owns several bottles of nail polish but she doesn't even paint her nails that often
- She honestly believes f(x) is better than Girls' Generation, but she still admires Girls' Generation
- She wants to be part of Younique Unit
- Dakota's a good drawer, but her handwriting is awful for a girl's
- She keeps an assortment of rolled up balls of paper and caramels in her pockets
- Her cello is named Yun, cloud in Mandarin
- If you want her to remember your birthday, you need to remind her the day before or else she'll forget
- She has a ferret named Titan and a toy poodle named Bella

❥ B E L O V E D O N E S 

Father | Liu Hanxin Doctor
Mother | Liu Tingwei | Businesswoman
Older brother | Clinton Lau | 26 | Businessman
Older brother | Henry Lau | 24 | Soloist/idol in Super Junior
Older sister | Whitney Lau | 21 | College student

Best Friends:
Kim Jongin (Kai) | 19 | Idol in Exo
Jung Ilhoon | 19 | Idol in BtoB

Kim Kibum (Key) | SHINee
Lee Taemin  SHINee

Amber Liu | f(x)
Victoria Song | f(x)
Krystal Jung | f(x)
Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) | Super Junior
Zhou Mi | Super Junior
Shin Donghee (Shindong) | Super Junior
Lee Donghae | Super Junior
Meng Jia | miss A
Wang Fei | miss A
Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) | BTS
Park Jimin | BTS
Son Naeun | Apink
Park Chorong | Apink
Peniel Shin | BtoB

❥ M I S S I N G Y O U

Love interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)
Age: 21
Personality: Chen has a gentle appearance, and a gentle voice to accompany the looks. He seems like the quiet sort of guy but in reality, he's loud and somewhat diva-ish. He's very vocal on opinions, and he'll tell you straight up whether he likes something or not. Chen is witty as well and is the resident troll of Exo. He loves making people laugh with his jokes and humorous comments. Although he struggles with the Chinese pronounciation, Chen is a quick learner and subconsciously puts more effort into his work. Chen is also recognized as the best Exo member at fanservice, and he locates the camera the quickest among the group. Chen has a brilliant technique with words, which makes him a great MC.

How you meet: They met during Dakota's fourth year of training at SM. One day, Dakota was in the recording room practicing her vocals, and when she hit a high note, someone behind her said, "Ouch, that does not sound pretty." Dakota turned around in annoyance and saw Chen, who was standing at the doorway. She snapped, "Well, why don't you try singing high?" Chen smirked and proceeded to sing a high note in his angelic voice. Before he left a stunned Dakota, Chen looked over his shoulder and called, "The name's Kim Jongdae. Be sure to remember that, 'cause I'm going to debut soon."

How you treated each other: Dakota cannot stand Chen, and vice versa. They have a bipolar relationship, in fact. Chen and Dakota can't even look at each other without spitting insults and make snide comments on one another. Exo and Vanilla tries to keep them as far apart as possible when the two groups are together. On the good part of their relationship, they joke around and have a calm, civilized conversation once in a while. Chen loves to troll Dakota, and since she's a bit on the naive side, she always falls for his tricks. Which makes Dakota yell, "yah!" irritably at Chen and hit him. She never calls Chen 'oppa' because she wants to show her disgust for him and purposely likes to ignore him when she greets the Exo members. But Chen can't deny that he finds Dakota interesting, and she grudgingly agrees he's fun to be around.

Relationship: Frenemies

Backup love interest: Huang Zitao

Love rival: Jung Ilhoon
Age: 19
Group: BtoB
Personality: Ilhoon is the only bloodtype B among s. He is the 'spark type,' meaning he's very lively and can be pretty unpredicatable at times. Once he steps on stage, he transforms into this fierce, charismatic rapper. Ilhoon is very dedicated in his work, and gets angry with himself when his progress doesn't meet his expectations. He's always trying to create his own rapping style. When Ilhoon is in a bad mood, he'll often change his hair into interesting, weird hairstyles.  He is a child at heart, he always asks s to get him toys and whatnot. Ilhoon is quite talkative, whether it be around his friends or strangers. He can be a bit of a sassy brat if he wants to.  

How you meet: They met on the set of '2nd Confession.' During a break, Dakota quietly followed Ilhoon around, hoping for a chance to actually talk with him, but she tripped over the camera wires and let out a very girly shriek. Ilhoon turned to see Dakota lying flat on her face and quickly ran over to see if she was alright. Dakota sassily tossed her hair over her shoulder and said, "Oh, I just thought the ground needed a hug." Ilhoon laughed before asking for her name and helped her up. Once filming was over, they exchanged phone numbers and have been best friends ever since.

How you treated each other: Ilhoon and Dakota are your typical boy-girl best friends, they're always there to support one another and trust each other with anything. Dakota loves making Ilhoon her minion and enjoys ordering him to give her piggybacks when she's tired or to buy her food when she's hungry. Luckily for her, Ilhoon never complains and even encourages her diva-ish behavior by calling her Princess Koko and attending to her every need. She has a very strong crush on Ilhoon, except Ilhoon is totally oblivious to her feelings. Dakota often uses cliche romantic tricks to catch his attention, but they always fail and this frustrates Dakota because she doesn't understand why Ilhoon isn't attracted to her like she is to him.

Relationship: Best friends (unrequited love for Dakota)

Backup love interest: Park Jimin (BTS)

❥ D A M A G E D L A D Y

Rival: Kim Hyoyeon
Group: SNSD
Hyoyeon is down-to-earth. Because of her good sense of humor, she's a funny person to be around and she can make very witty comebacks. Although Hyoyeon is often mentioned as the kindest and most grateful member of SNSD, she will use her snarky remarks to hurt her enemies. She doesn't care about the consquences of her actions or the feelings of her enemies. Hyoyeon may be a bit too naggy, and her talkative personality can also get on the nerves of people since she's so loud on variety shows.

Why are you rival: It's a matter of pride really. Hyoyeon always points out Dakota's mistakes when she dances. She's not being a know-it-all or rude, she just wants Dakota to improve. Dakota understands that Hyoyeon is only trying to help her out, but her stubborn nature makes it hard to accept the advice and Dakota ignores it. It's also because the netizens constantly compare Dakota to Hyoyeon, and Dakota doesn't need another person to be compared with, she's already being compared to with her idol brother. 

How do you interact: Dakota is really immature in her treatment towards Hyoyeon. On camera, she greets and treats Hyoyeon like a good little hoobae. She often says, "I love Hyoyeon unnie so much," but once the cameras are gone, BAM! Dakota ignores Hyoyeon and only mumbles one-worded answers to Hyoyeon if she's forced to speak to her. Dakota doesn't even greet Hyoyeon properly when the two are alone. Although Hyoyeon is annoyed with Dakota's bad attitude, the older girl patiently puts up with Dakota and tries to improve their relationship by making small talk. Since Dakota doesn't want to ruin her image, she does her best to avoid Hyoyeon.

Backup rival: Luna (f(x))

❥ B L A C K T I N K E R B E L L
Stage name: Coda
Persona: Cherry Bomb - another name for fireworks. Because when Dakota dances and sings, she lights up on stage. Plus, she's as lively and energetic as fireworks

Main Vocalist, 1st Lead Dancer
Main Dancer, 2nd Lead Rapper
Main Rapper, 2nd Lead Dancer
Lead Vocalist, Sub Rapper
Lead Dancer, 2nd Lead Vocalist
Lead Rapper, 3rd Lead Dancer

Sub Groups:
Black Pearl
Black Diamonds
Black Aurora

Soloist 1
Soloist 2

Training years: 6 years (2007-present)
Singing twin: Apink's Bomi
Dancing twin: Apink's Bomi
Rapping twin: Sistar's Bora
Talking twin: Fiestar's Jei

❥ I L L A I L L A
Suggestion/Remarks/Comments: Hello! Hope you liked Dakota ^^ I tried to make her background as similar as possible to Henry's background haha. I guessed his parents' names and their occupations, but the siblings' names are real. And oh! Co-author nim, do you remember me? I'm the creator of Zoey, from your story Reflection :D but of course, I'm not asking you to be biased against me LOL

Songs for Vanilla S
> I Don't Know (Fiestar - the MV is weird...but i think the song would fit Vanilla S's concept)
> Mr. Bang Bang (Dal Shabet)
> Do You Want Some Tea (Hello Venus)
> Tell Me Tell Me (Rainbow)
> Luv Virus (Skarf)
> We Don't Stop (Fiestar)

Songs for Vanilla C
> Sweet Dream (Rainbow)
> A (Rainbow)
> Gun (9Muses)
> Flashback (After School)

Do you mind if I make some change: Nah, but please do tell me beforehand ^^
Scene Request:

> After seeing Chen and Dakota's poor behavior towards each other, SM forces them to perform a duet together (probably this song or this song, but idk if their voices are too strong for a lead vocalist like Dakota)
> Dakota, Henry, Amber, and Kris decide to tease Chen by speaking in Mandarin and ignoring him. Chen gets angry after they don't respond to his questions and he stomps away
> A brother and sister duet for Henry and Dakota (idk if the lyrics work for siblings like them but the video is cute xP) 
> One of the Vanilla members comes across Dakota when she's doing a late night practice and they say, "You're actually practicing?" in a shocked voice
> Dakota finally snaps at Hyoyeon when the SNSD member points out her mistakes after a performance, and the entire blowup is caught on video
> Dakota asks Henry to help her compose a love song to give to Ilhoon. She accidentally mixes it with another paper that she was supposed to give to Chen, so Chen ends up receiving the love song 
> Ilhoon invites Dakota to eat out with him one night, and while they're on the way back, he dozes off and Dakota quickly puts his head on her shoulder
> Dakota realizes she likes Chen after she defends him from the hateful comments of sasaeng fans, and she starts acting more polite and ladylike around him
> Vanilla has a day off and they go shopping, but they have to escape when fans spot them in the shopping mall



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