A.N.G.E.L.S | GG


Name : nathalielovesryeowoo

Age : 12

Activeness : 7






Stage Name : GG

Real Name : Oh Ji Hye

Other names : Wu Zhi Hui 吴芝惠, Annabelle Goh

Nickname (s) : JiJI ( an informal way of calling her. By her parents and friends )

Age : 17

Birthdate : 25 February 1996

Birth Place : Beijing, China

Hometown : Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity : Half Korean Half Chinese

Religion : Christian

Language : Chinese (fluent), Korean (fluent), English (fluent)

Blood Type : AB

Height : 169 cm

Weight : 54 kg

Education : 3rg grage of Highschool

Family : Mother, Father and Elder Brother

Best Friends : Park Ji Min (Idol, BTS)

Kim Hui Dae (Ulzzang)

Kim Yeo Bin (Ulzzang)


Relation : none

Motto : Everything come when there is patience





Ulzzang Name : Park Hwanhui/Hana

Image : Gallery


Personal Life

Background :  Her mother is a Full Korean but her father is not. She was born in Beijing and live in Beijing for 4 years before coming to Korea. Both of her parents are doctors so when she was young, she knew different kind of things regarding medicine. Her parents wanted her to be a doctor too but she always does not want to be. She likes to perform. She has dancing and singing talents when she was young. When she was in her school days, she will secretly join talent competiton held by her school. Till one day, her teacher asked her parents to look at her performances. Her parents was surprised with her talent and Ji Hye admitted that she does not want to be a doctor but a entertainer. With the talent she has, her parents does not want her to waste it so they agreed with with her and let her to be a singer.

Personality :  She tend to keep her feelings to herself unless someone ask her about it. She is very secretive and do not tells anyone about it not even her pareants thats why no one knows her secret unless someone found out. She is not open and not really social as she do not know how to start a conversation well. She is always shy and do not dare to go near any boys unless her friends accompany her or the boys come near her and start a converstion. Eventhough she has lots of friends, she likes to be alone. She is quite talkative and always caught by the teacher when she is talking. She will always be quiet when no one ask her a question or star a convesation and she will be thinking about what she will do later or in the future. When she did domething wrong she does not really know about it and people will be telling her. She does not like people to tell her that she is ugly, she cannot do anything or something bad about her indirectly. She will feel hurt and loses her confidence. Her confidence will recover after a few days later. She is somewhat different from other people as normally people hate history but she love them. She is inlove with music that she can play different kind of intruments. When she get excited, she tends to forget things easily. She is kind of dramatic. When something happens she will act that it is more serious than actual. She is quite arrogant as she always wanted things that is better than the others

Trainee Years : 6 years

Trainee History :  She went audition for different companies before but she failed all of them. Once she was asked to perform for the school fair and she agreed. Luckily, there was a staff from TS. She saw Ji Hye's performances and was impressed. The staff asked her to go for the audition again and she agreed. Few weeks of practice, she went for the audition. To her luck, she got in as the most impressed trainee in TS. The people in TS likes her alot. They kept on supporting her and encourage her when she failed something. Eventhough the training periods were really tough, she did not give up. She has home sickness frequently that one day she attempted suicide. Luckily, she was found by the founder of TS, Kim Tae Song on the rooftop. He comforted her and told her some stories about different trainees that he had saw. Slowly, they became closer and both of them treat each other as father and daughter. Resulting Ji Hye not to be afraid of Mr Kim Tae Song. She always ask him to let her debut earlier very year but he always decline it by telling her that she is not prepared well. 


Family : Brother | Oh Jung Kyu | 20 | Ulzzang | 10

Mother | Hwang Eun Hye | 43 | Doctor | 9

Father | Wu Zhi Xiu | 45 | Doctor | 9


Friends : 

Park Ji Min 18 Idol, BTS | 9

Kim Hui Dae | 18 | Ulzzang | 10

Kim Yeo Bin | 18 | Ulzzang | 8



Secret Crush : 

Jung Dae Hyun 20 Idol, BAP 10

Kim Jong In | 19 | Idol, EXO | 6


Rival :

Park Ji Yeon 20 | Idol, T-ara Ji Yeon thought that Ji Hye was a spoilt girl. Once, she saw Ji Hye and slapped her across her face. Ji Hye gave her slap back and when they see each other they will be fighting | 8


Fashion Style : She likes to dress up but she does not like clothes that is too girly. She like casual type more than the formal type. She likes tees that are more oversized which she thinks that it is comfortable. She does not like shirts and jeans to be extremely tight

Hobbies : Shopping, Drawing, Play her music intruments, Singing, Dancing

Favorite Food : Ice Cream

Favorite Number : 7

Favorite Color : Purple

Favorite Movie : Despicable Me

Favorite Type of Movie : Comedy

Genre of Music : Pop

Likes : Ice Cream, Alone, Children, Music, Art, Photography, Shopping

Dislikes : Insects, Rats, People who says things behind her back, Crowded place, Sports, Racist

Habits : Bites a fingernails when she is nervous, Bites her pens and pencil, Pout, her lips, Bites her lips, Stuck her toungue out

Fears/Phobia : Dark, Paranormal activities

Skills/Secret Talent : Imitating everybody in her family

Role Model : Taeyeon of SNSD

Facts : She was fat when she was young

She can only sleep with two of her pandas and her jacket
She master most of the dance moves by watching once
She know the notes of the tune just listening once
She is the smartest in her family





Name : Jung Dae Hyun

Nickname : Busan's Wonbin. Honey Vocals

Age : 20

Position : Lead Vocal

Personality : He may look back an rude at the outside but he is kind and polite. He has a kind heart, when he sees animals injured, he won't just leave that animal alone. He will find a way to help that animal. He is also the type that is not really open but he acted as he is. He is shy and always hesitate. He does not know what he should do unless someone intructed him. He likes to cheer someone up when one is sad. 

Persona : Happy Virus

When you start like him : When Jihye was watching the a music program, she likes the way that Daehyun sang. She went to search more about him and found out that he was her ideal type. By watching a few videos of Daehyun, she became interested in Daehyun and start liking him.

Idol Profile



Stage Name : GG (sort way of JiJi)

Real Name : Oh Ji Hye

Nickname in the group : JiJi (they are Jihye's sisters)

irthdate : 25 February 1996

Height : 169

Weight : 55

Position : Main Vocalist, Visual

Angel Color : #ccffff

Power : Wind and Future

Guardian Pet : Lion

Persona : Real AB

Motto : Angels are elegant


Fanclub Name : Nightingale

Fanclub Color : #000066

Fanclub Items : Lightsticks, Scarf

Fanclub Motto : Angles are like Nightingales



Thank You ^^

Comment :

Scene Suggestion : One day Jihye brought her toy poodle out for a walk but they toy poodle got lost. It was found by the roadside, injured by Daehyun. He brought the poodle home and took care of it.

Password : Angels



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Guardian Pet : Lion
Power : Wind and Future

It yours ~ So you've to edit again ^^