99 Truths


1. Real Name: Haley

2. Nicknames: HayHay...etc

3. Zodiac Sign: Libra
4. Male or Female: Female
5. Elementary School: Wellll I went to several...I don't remember them all
6. High school: Irmo, Clover, and lastly Lugoff-Elgin
7. College: Not in College but I'm applying for Georgia College, Lenior-Rhyne, and Gardener-Webb
8. Hair color: Reddish brown right noww
9. Tall or short: SHORT (5'2)
10. IM or email: IM
11. Sweats or Jeans: SWEATS!
13. Health Freak: ehh maybe not eating wise but i do get a little picky when it comes to germs...
14. Orange or Apple: Apple
15. Do you have a secret crush on someone: Hmm... not at the moment.
16. Eat or Drink: Drink....
17. Piercings: Yup..nose
18. Pepsi or coke: Coke!
19. Been in an Airplane: Yup!
20. Been in a relationship: Yep, for 5 years..still in it
21. Been in a car accident: yes (not a bad one)
22. Been in a fist fight: yep
23. First piercing: Ears
24. Current best friend(s): Anna, Jamie, Sydney and Helen
25. First award: either chorus or acedemics...idk might be art
26.First crush?: My "cousin" (moms bestfriends son)
27. First word: ? Mom
28. Last person you talked to in person: My nana who is just in the other room
29. Last person you texted: don't have a phone but I messaged my friend Justin recently on fb
30. Last person you watched a movie with: My...dad...i think... no one likes to watch movies with me TT_TT
31. Last movie you watched: Mama
32. Last song you listened to: Lady Gaga - Starstruck
33. Last thing you bought: food... :3
34. Last person you hugged: myyyy papa? Nana? one of them
35. Favourite Food: CHICKEN!
36. Favourite Drink: Coke or Grapefruit juice...it's a difficult decision...
37. Bottoms: Skinny jeans
38. Flower: rose or water lily
39. Animal: Monkey's :D
40. Color: Black and Red
41. Favorite Movie: 2 Weddings and a Funeral...idk I HAVE A LOT...I collect movies...
42. Favourite subject: Health Science
HAVE YOU EVER: (Put an x in the brackets if you have)
43. () Got Baptized.
44. (x) Celebrated Halloween. - every year! 
45. (x) Had your heart broken.
46. (x) Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone. 
47. (x) Had someone question your ual orientation. 
48. () Got pregnant.
49. () Had an abortion. 
50. (x) Did something you regret. 
51. (x) Broke a promise.
52. (x) Hid a secret. 
53. (x) Pretended to be happy. 
54. (x) Met someone who changed your life. 
55. (x) Pretended to be sick.
56. () Left the country.
57. (x) Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. 
58. (x) Cried over the silliest thing.
59. () Ran a mile.
60. () Went to the beach with your best friends. 
61. (x) Got into an argument with your friends.
62. (x) Hated someone. ( Strong word but sorta yes)
63. (x) Stayed single for a whole year. (Of course :P)
64. Eating: nothing
65. Drinking: Nothing.
66. Listening to: my papa being an idiot and a movie playing in the living room.
67. Sitting/Laying: laying on my grandparents bed
68. Plans for today: Just about to end...so nothing...movie? show? read?
69. Waiting for: TOMORROW!!! (THANKSGIVING)
70. Want kids:  4
71. Want to get married: yeerp
72. Career: Nursing specifically psychiatric
WHICH ONE in a significant other:
73. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
74. Shorter or taller: Taller
75. Romantic or spontaneous: Eh Romantic... (that one was hard)
76. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship of course :)
77. Looks or personality: Personality (if you truely love someone you will love them regardless.)
78. Lost glasses/contacts: I don't wear glasses - perfect eyesight I hope you know ;3
79. Snuck out of the house: yessss
80. Held a gun/knife for self-defense: hehe yes
81. Killed somebody: Ah if only it wasn't illegal.
82. Broken someone's heart: Yes. But it had to be done.
83. Cried when someone died: Yes
84. Yourself: Sometimes, here and there.
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: ehh i guess...it's a miracle lol
87. Heaven: yep (i'm christain)
88. Santa Claus: nope lmfao
89. on the first date? eh no.
90. Kiss on the first date: depends
91. Is there one person you want to be with right now: My hubby James <3
92. Do you know who your real friends are: yeah... Excuse my language
93. Do you believe in God: Yes
94. Post as 99 truths?: Sure.
95- quote a famous person: "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before. "
--Edgar Allan Poe
96- say something funny: WEEEEOOOOOWEEEEEOOOWEEEEE!
97- laugh at yourself: all the time..im an idiot
98- last message: ehh bye lurvvee youuu!
99- a picture of you: Eh fine, just cuz you asked me to :


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