My attempt at 'happy' poetry

SO it was really hot today and then it rainedd and i also had tea. SO yeah thast whow i got this idea. I have no idea if this makes sense to you but it did i my head cuz well...honestly this is personally how I felt when i was supposedly in 'love'. I dont know if this is true...but from what i have experience its pretty damn close. 






It’s a lot like drinking hot tea on a cold day.

It makes you feel warm inside despite the biting cold.

It’s like the warm burn in your throat as the liquid travels down.


It’s a lot like rain on a scorching day.

It makes you feel like rainbows despite the heat waves.

It’s like the smell of summer rain.


It’s also a lot like drinking hot tea on a hot day.

It makes you feel like you are on fire inside and out, calming despite the agitation.

It’s like accidently spilling hot tea on your body (soul).


It’s also a lot like rain on a frigid day.

It makes you feel like your heart froze along with the droplets on your window despite the heater on high.

It’s like the icy breeze after the rain.      


                                                                                                                                                Hot and cold




yes dont judge me. I am still learning to write poetry to be honest. Writing happy poetry s so much harder than the angry/sad ones. Anyway constructive criticism would be appreciated :D



P.S - Should i just make a story sort of thing, but i will post my poetry updates when i write them? Would anyone be inetersted or iis making blogs fine? Any suggestions?


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Well thats good! I likey :3 its ur wish...i ll read em anyhow.
kara224 #2
your poems have so much meaning to them :) there awesome :)
Evil_Keshi #3
This is beautiful and expresses pretty well how I feel when I'm in love :) This is powerful honey ! =D
Regarding the story or blog, do as you want :) I mean, whether you update in a story or a blog post, I will read them and comment anyway so... It's up to you :p
I'm not an expert on love by any means but your poem is pretty darn accurate imo :D Love is a very complicated emotion and it usually effects people in different ways which is why there isn't a right or wrong way to describe those feelings... It just is, it's just love <333 But anyway, enjoyed you attempt at happy poetry and I think you succeeded... Thanks for the post!! Oh btw, I think posting your poems in your blog whenever you write one would be fine ;D
Nariko7star #5
Both types of poetry you did I think are good but I'm no judge of what's good/bad poetry. I've always been weak on that subject. Don't try to force it though. Just write what you feel whether it's good or bad. Isn't that the point of poetry? To express oneself in prose and anecdotes? Poetry is like music, no? The lyrics to a song? ^^ "Let the Rhythm Flow" ^_~