Tagged by dblaze :)


1. Post the rules
2. Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones
3. Tag 11 people and link them to the post
4. Let them know you've tagged them


1.If you would be able to debut In asia. What would you be?(singer/actor/variety show celeb)
Variety show celeb. That's sounds fun.
2.If you were in a Kpop scandal. Which KPOP artist would You be in a scandal with?
3.Would you want to be a Celeb and marry your bias?Or a normal person and marry your bias?
Normal person and marry my bias.
4.If and when You have children. What will you name your firstborn son and daughter?
David and Jennie.
5.If you were in a girlgroup what would be your groups name?(not an existing kpop group name)
Five Stars.
6.If you can Dye your hair any color. What would it be?
7.If you were to write and compose a song. What would the title be?
8.if someone gave you a million dollars USD. What is the first thing you'll buy?
A house.
9.If you had one super power. What would it be?
Time control.
10.If a prince from Asia were to kidnap you and have you as his concubine would you
A)Run away as much as you can because you decide your fate not him.
     B)Not settle for concubine and kick the queen off her throne and take her place.
                C)Just want to fall in love and be loved in return.
11.If you were to die tomorrow and you found out the exact time and place.Would you do anything different?
No, I'll accept my fate.
Well, cause I don't really know people in AFF, I won't tag anyone. But thanks for tagging me <3


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dblaze #1
I enjoyed reading it :)