Only in this place, I can write this without feeling worried

What's amazing about study here in my institute is one thing. Everyone is cheating at the exam. But the class guard is not even batting eyes. And when you are the only one who's not doing the same. You will questening yourself, "Why didn't I do the same to get better results too? Well, everyone did too. So, it's probably fine."

Study in this institute will only make yourself regretting not making one sheets full of material because everyone did that. But not, regretting about not study more about the subject because everyone studying well.

Ironic, right? I guess that's why, this campus name won't go any higher to the top because of that.


I'm tired of seeing my friend being hypocrites. I don't even know who I should talk this with because everyone do the same.


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erunino09 #1
you should do your best in your studies without cheating. believe me when i said this, once you try to cheat you'll be more lazy and start to think that cheating is fine, the other do it too so i have to do the same.

just do your best even when the result it's not what you expecting to be.
I guess these days its like kinda a "norm" for people to just do whatever they can , to get / achieved what they want even if its wrong. This is so sad and wrong in many ways.

In my opinion , it dosent matter how good they scored and how well they achieved because at the end of the day , their self conscious and guilt will find a way to remind them of their wrong doing. They will never feel the same satisfaction like what you feel because its not their own blood , sweat and tears . There's a saying a success will only taste sweeter and last longer if you work for it . And vise versa.

Dosent matter what others say and do , what matters is how we bring and carry ourselves . We might lose some or be at the disadvantage side but at least we dosent lose our moral and dignity . Its important to do the right thing in life and have a strong mind that never change despite of all the other bad / negative influences. I believe that you're someone who couldnt stand injustice . You're a good person . You should be proud that you are different from them. A beautiful mind is a beautiful heart .Keep up the good work and only do the right thing ^^