irritating morning. boring afternoon. looong night.

on a FRIDAY at that! a doctor once said: once you entered medicine it's a given that you're prepared for a boring social life. 

yes. it's so boring that probably the main reason i go out on the weekend is to STILL study. if i have money, i go to a cafe shop especially at the mall so after studying i could walk around and see people or just see people. if i DON'T have money which is sadly my situation the destination is college library and the college vending machine. it's good that we have tables and chairs outside, that way, when we need a breather from the air-conditioned lib like eat or drink coffee or something we could just continue our studies at the outside. well that's for my weekend during school days, especially if there's a test on monday.

for today, it started out bad and i'm so so sorry towards my brother because he gets to be late to his school/university because we had to go back to the house coz i forgot my things for our report. to top that off, the traffic was pretty heavy. i keep saying in my head 'i'm sorry. i'm sorry. i'm sorry' ---> you probably get the idea how much i said that. >.< 

i would be late too, that wouldn't be too bad if i wasn't the leader for the case synthesis/reporting which I AM. all the more reason that i need to get my clipboard. i could honestly re-do my part in school considering i brought my book. so i texted bff telling him that if the facilitator would arrive without me, he'll be the temp leader (since he's my secretary anyway) and tell doc that we had a flat tire *raises mischievious. liar eyebrows* but luckily... docky/failitator and i just arrived on the same time. BUT I'm still very much apologetic towards my brother who was obviously late. (we have the same sched M-W-F which is 8am, he's 10am T-TH) 

so that's not the irritating part yet. what really was irritating was 'mommy' and 'daddy'. 

ideally, in a small group discussion (SGD) there's no such thing as a report. everyone should study the tasks at hand. but since the task sheet's task are reaaaallllllyyyy long (chapters long to read) we are allowed to assign each member a number or two. ideally, it's an interaction. so everyone has a say in a certain task. unfortunately, most of the time its only the reporter that talks more and we sometimes and most of the times insert jokes especially if the faci is an okay dockie... however for the whole digestive system module, our faci keeps track of who talks and who doesn't so we decided that we'd write in strips of paper and pass it to everyone so everyone could talk. it just so happens that 'daddy' jumps in in ALMOST ALL the topics adding too much information and actually irritated one of my groupmates too (and i can't believe he didn't realized that). 'mommy' has almost the same problem with 'dadd'y'.

why was that a problem? although everyone did try to pitch in we were on a deadline. we have to finish by 11am coz doctors have meeting by then. it would've been better if we ended earlier. what happened was it was already 9 and we were still in no.2 out of 10 task with seemingly long sub-topics and 'daddy' had to have a say in almost everything. bff, sitting beside me was practically rubbing my back as if sayng calm down and well he literally whispered that too. and if it weren't for him and enemy forever who sits opposite me, who never fails to tease me actually made me laugh or tone down the irate in me. 

if she was like those care-free doctors i wouldn't be as upset as i already was. but she WASN'T like the doctor before her. the leader - that's me - gets a seperate score and that's base on how i pretty much handle the synthesis (keeping track of time, keeping things on the right flow, tone down the jokes and well keep the discussion coming) time was really our problem then. 'daddy' talks too much, inserts too much and doesn't get it. luckily 'mommy' was the last to report yet i still summarized it. we were already ending it but 'daddy' had to interject and say something about an image/diagram he saw in the BRS (board review summary). okay~ he really doesn't get that everyone wanted to leave already~! that everyone was happy that we ended already! that we were already overtime~! yes. he knows a lot we know that and so, i think i was almost at my limit or i was probably at my limit i said...

"ummm.. there's a similar picture of that in guyton (name of book)" and he was like "oh, okay." and we ended it.

enemy forever said that i was mean. that last thing i said really dropped the bomb on 'daddy' pffft! like he wasn't itching for us to finish too. he actually keeps making faces and gestures that we should move on everytime i say 'anyone would like to add anything?' (this is like SOP though no one barely adds anything) that is if we see each other eye-to-eye. 

well i learn from the best - referring to enemy forever. and well there was two times that i stopped the 'additions' and it just so happens that it was 'mommy' who was about to say something. ummm... i did say we had a deadline. and she adds too long.

for the afternoon. nothing much. booorrrrinnnggg biochem lecture that i just read a different subject - one that we are going to have a quiz on monday. if it weren't for the attendance i wouldn't be there and suffer. tonight???? i have to continue read and read and understandand memorize... a lot. 


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hae_ki #1
well... for today~ daddy's more irritating i think. when i asked one of my groupmates if i was harsh or something. she said i was okay. we really were racing against time. so that put off any uneasy feelings. i hope i get good points for coming strong. thank god i'm done being a leader for this case. *phew*
wow. if i were you i would have slammed a book in 'mommy' 's face already,im that kind of a person >_<

you guys have amazing tolerance o.o

sorry to say this but your enemy forever - as you call him - and your interactions are really cute :>

and youre really busy :<