Update on life II: Change of bias list and more

Hey ho everyone!


Since I don't write as much as before - because I literally can't >.>  - I decided to update you on my life from time to time. I noticed that I had made these kind of blogs before but stopped for whatever reasons. Some of you might be interested in my life, some you might now XD


Anyways, I am a lot more quiet these days when it comes to kpop. Like... usually I would fangirl over every little thing but now not anymore. I still listen to kpop but I am not an avid variety programm and music programm watcher anymore. Guess I am just growing out of thise phase.

Something happened though when I watched the last variety shows of Exo. A change in my bias list XD

As some of you know, Kai is my bias number one and that still hasn't changed buuuut Sehun took over Chanyeol's spot as no. 2 completely and even Baekhyun overtook him. I mean, come on, you can't resist Baekhyun XD

Look at him! I would totally hit that if I could XD (not that I don't do this already in my dreams *coughcough*)

Lately, Chen is on a big rise in my bias list because Chen is Chen. He's adorable, handsome and funny and I love his snarkiness and his voice. When I have more time, I will start to write stories with Chen as well because there is a huge lack of good Chen stories here  >: (

Come on people, give that man some love XD

As for the ones who still hope that I will write any Xiumin, Kris or Tao stories. No, I won't. Seriously, there are enough of them here (I know, Kai, Sehun and Luhan stories are still more popular main characters, whatever I don't care), especially in the department (not so much for Xiumin though). It's tiring to hear people begging like "Why u not write about Kris, Xiumin or Tao unnie?!?!?"

How old are you? 10? If you want a story about them so badly, then write one on your own -.- I don't think people here lack any imagination


Okay, enough of AFF and kpop XD

Lately, my bestie is into taking pictures of people and well... she is using me as her model OTL. I am not tall, I am short and I am not thin either XD Yes, I am lean and such but I am curvy XD Anyways, I am somehow strangely excited about this since I have never done anything like that before so it is a whole new experience, even if it is just for fun^^

Tomorrow, she, my other bestie and I will go watch a musical :D I am actually quite excited because I read the novel when I was a kid (it's Tim Thaler if anyone is interested^^). Haven't touched that novel in ages but now I maybe will read it again :D

Annnd on Saturday I have a date with the guy I mentioned in my ious blogpost... the freaking tall one XD Well, we are going to watch a movie together (yes, maybe not the best but whateverrr XD) He's very cute though and he writes me every day. Even in the morning when he's at work and he makes me compliments quite often and on Tuesday I went as read as a tomato in school because of one of his messages >//////< My friends laughed at me because they knew what was going on while the other students just stared because they never  have seen me blushing before XD

Lately I started to notice that a lot of my male schoolmates keep on looking at me in the breaks, which I wasn't quite aware of, not before the summer break this year. I think it has a lot to do with my sudden change from a very shy and rather introvert girl to a more confident, young woman XD I changed my clothing style as well, which is also a big factor, because I used to hide my body under baggy like clothes^^;;

A lot of guys started to flirt with me in the city, when my friends and I were sitting in a cafe or in a restaurant, which suprised me as well XD


So, to all girls:

Don't hide yourselves because you think you don't have no confidence. I know, easier said than done but keep your heads up and be proud of yourselves and things like confidence and such will come from alone :)


Oh, btw, I will get ,y braces removed next month :DD Yaaaaai XD It surely will be really strange at the begining without them but oh well, I won't have them anymore :D


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hasegawa_asuka #1
i should learn from u too. change my clothing style... i am chubby and i better keep fit and be more confident to revealmy body.....
Heads up on the braces removal: Your teeth will feel slimy a bit. XD i know since I had mine removed like three weeks ago. And my smile has changed. Pre braces, i used to smile with my lips sealed shut. Now, post braces, i show ALL my teeth when I smile. Confidence, yo. XD

Good luck on that date! Ad as for the pictures, well, will you post them here? :))) it's kind of impossible to have a permanent bias list when it comes to groups like EXO. I just watched their episodes of Running man and I couldn't stop laughing at Luhan's expressions OTL.

Well, good luck on you your life ad have blessed lifetime. (LOL)
Omggg its hard for biases to stop changing haha. My second bias before was Kris, than chanyeol took over. But my constant (also number 1) bias since the start has been Chen, so I'm glad you're planning on writing more stories about him :) the boy definitely needs more love~
I can't say I'm growing out of kpop, I still love it and I still fangirl, but I just don't have as much time anymore. I work long shifts almost everyday. And when I don't, im trying to catch up on much needed sleep XD
iWonderFairy #4
Oh~ and btw~ where are you from?
iWonderFairy #5
Yaaay!!! :D Hahahhahaha

And me also, I'm not in kpop anymore from a long time ago. I also found something about it so I REALLY don't like it on one side, but on the other hand I still love Exo, Teen Top, Baek A Yeon, Ailee (naah maybe).. Not more than them. ;J

I shall compliment you by the way you write stories, your looks, you teeth xD And etc. xD
Woah, same here! I'm actually kind of growing out of Kpop lately. I'm still listening to it, yes, but not really variety shows or live stages and so on. I don't know, I guess it just came. I've used my free time lately on animes and studying because of all the exams. Right now I'm not even that extremely much into Exo, but Kai has somehow claimed the spot as number one together with Sehun, haha.

I'm sure the photos will come out very pretty ^^

It's because with your change of style, your beauty comes out more I think :)

I'm also trying to wear less baggy clothes because I just kind of drown in them, but still they're so comfy, so yeah XD

Really? Be prepared for even more boys flirting with you, haha! ;D Your teeth will surely be very nice and compliment your "new" look :)