its december 1st already! *gasps*

okay... so i just realized after signing something with a date. i think it was a test paper of sorts or attendance sheet... anywho...

OhEhmGeee! it's already december! no wonder i can hear christmas songs all over. no wonder the air feels cold (unfortunately it doesn't snow here). no wonder... everyone but me is jolly :( coz i have to go through series of school works and readings and quizes before the beginning of xmas break. but i can't wait for xmas! 

there's a xmas tradition here for roman catholics called -simbang gabi/misa de galo and i think it's called Dawn Mass in english. wherein nine days/dawns before xmas - dec 25 - dawn masses will be held. it is said that if you complete all nine your wish would come true. hmmm... i've been always wanting to do this buuuttt it's always been difficult for me to wake up around 3 or 4 am... i wonder if i should attend this year..? lol. 

and also... i've co-authored my first apply fic! you should go and check it out. Saints Sin, Sinners Don't original author JinliTurtleBerri. 

it's both our first so we really really really appreciate those who came to subs, read, apply and hopefully you'll continue to be with  us until the end of the fic. sorry if we seem slow in updating. no worries, by xmas break, we'll try to hasten things a bit. and we still have some slots left. go tell your friends! lol. but yeah.




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I feel like painting AFF red and white and silver christmas lights-ish! :3 hahas~ ^^