親愛 手良い。

❝幸せの4ヶ月目 !❞
❝幸せの4ヶ月目 !❞


Dear Naeun,
Happy 4th monthsary. I hope you're doing fine. I'm sorry for being really inactive, I wish we could talk more like the old times. I'm not good at words, nor am I good at expressing my love, as it will come out awkward. I know, just by dedicating a poorly-made-blog-letter (or something like that) won't be able to surpress my feelings towards you. But I hope you know I love you, so much, the feeling never disappeared. And I really hope you'll continue to bear with my bipolar personality. I know, I'm kinda cold these days. I'll try to be a better guy for you.
Four months. Can you believe it? Because I can. Even after many years, if we still love each other, we can still be together as long as we have faith. As long as we love each other.
Love, is something, really hard to be surpressed by words, but I know how it feels, to love and to be loved, just by being by your side. Your dorkiness, it always make me laugh, and it feels so good to see you happy, so be happy for me, okay? Your happiness is mine too, because when happiness is shared together, the joy is so much more. Like when we are talking to each other, sharing stories about the things that make us happy, doesn't it feels good to know someone is willing to listen to the things that make you happy? And when you're sad, never hesitate to come to me and cry on my shoulder, because when sadness is divided, won't you feel better because you know someone wouldn't love it to see you cry? Continue smiling, my dear princess.
That's all I guess. Thank you for staying with me, thank you for being yourself, thank you for everything you have ever done to me. I love you, and I'll repeat this line again and again, even if you will get tired of it. I loved you, and I am still doing so.
Sincerely yours,
Kim Taehyung a.k.a your cheesy boyfriend.



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sawabikap #1
make me one too jinjja