(づ ◕ ▽ ◕)づヾ


  ▬▬▬ hi, love.     

hello there, park jiyeon! /grins;

time flies fast, right? it's already a month since we first met.
since the first time i laid my eyes on you.
how are you doing? i hope you're doing fine.

first of all, i wanted to say sorry if during these 2 months period i've ever made you feel insecure, and worst      sad.
i realize i'm nobody to prevent those feeling to rose from you, i just hope you forgive every mistakes i've made to you.

enough of the sad lines, shall we? /laughs;

i can't describe how much i've fallen for you, and not for your looks, ever since i first met you.
we'll start off with the yuljinsweg times.

the first day i met you, you were so cold.
but i was glad that you slowly changed, and became a more carefree lady, the lady who i love, and the lady who i will always love till my last breath.
you opened your heart for me, and heck i was the happiest person on earth.
i remember the first time we talked in dm. what was it about again? 
screw my short memory problems. /bangs head on the wall;

haters gonna hate, you're the most beautiful creature on earth.
one could ever wish for a girlfriend like you, who's understanding, lovely and also lovable.
i don't know why God chose me to be the one for you,      or was it me who was trying too hard to get close to you.
nevertheless, i'm so grateful to God for chosing me.

and for the hundredth time, thank you for accepting me.
and thank you, so much, for being you. because you're perfect the way you are.


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