first month! (*⌒ヮ⌒*)ゞ



happy  1st  monthsary !
To the lovely Baek Sumin;
Hello there, love! First of all, of course, I am sorry for all the s I've made in this one month, and how you bear with my stupidness. Thank you, for always being yourself. I can never thank you enough. You're seriously the best girlfriend one can ever wish for, and don't you deny that. I'll try my best, and I'm trying my best, to be the best boyfriend for you. Always remember that this idiot is always here if you need a shoulder to cry on, or whenever you need someone to share your stories with. Well, to cut it short, I'm tremendously happy that we've been through a month without any s getting into our way. Thank you for being mine, and I love you.
-your taehyung.
well, that was short. l 0 l. /shot; i'll be updating my diary soon, just wait. e u e



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