Bloody Queens


AFF link: 

Character name: Angeline Choi



Model/Ulzzang name:  Lee Dasom

Age: 19

Date of birth: 22 December 1992

Place of birth: Busan,Korea

Ethnicity: Pure Korean

Language: Korean,Busan dialect..

Height: 168cm

Weight :46 kg

Personality: Angeline's a wild girl. She play by her own rules and loves to break rules that are given. She's caring but not in a friendly way.Like if someone's sick. She would throw a towel to them and just tells them to go to sleep. She might care for people but she doesn't know how to help so instead of helping,she'll just stand there. Because she grew up with no love from family nor friends. She grew up thinking there are no consequences. She doesn't have a temper. She may be annoyed but she leaves everything the way they are. She is much nicer to girls than boys. That's because she got abused by her brothers at young age. People might think she's a reble from the outside and think she's cold. But only close friends would know she'll kick whoever's which messes with her love ones.

Likes: Clubbing

            Singing by herself.

           Writing lyrics.


           Eating vegetables.

           Taking care of her grandmother.

           Shopping and spending every cent.

           Annoying her members.


Dislikes:  Waking up early.

                  People in her room or touching her stuff.

                 Replying to text messages

                  Doing chores.

                 People nagging at her.


Position:             Lead Dancer,sub vocalist....................Main rapper, sub vocalist 

Talent(s) : She can dance to boyband's dance. man hani. (okay,random)

                   She gets into clubs easily cause she's Busan's most famous street dancer.


Love Interest: Dongwoon,yoseob.

Family Background:

Father's name- Choi Hwang Jung.

 Age 58

Job : Club owner. (a range of branches all over korea)


Mother's name Lee Min Joo

Age 56

Job: Housewive.


Sibbling (s) : 2 brothers.

Cole Choi - 22 - DJ

Drew Choi-24- Famous b-boy.


Bestfriend: Eli Kim , AJ (U-KISS)


                     Hyuna (4minute)


Rival: -

Password: ~Bloody Queens~ 


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chunjiloves #1
Character name on stage: Bad Angel.