REVIEW: That voice is mine,not her's. (XoxmarshaxoX )

Story Title [5/5]

Usually I would say that the title says too much, but the title really did fit the story perfectly, I don't think you could have come up with anything better.

Foreward and Description [8/10]

It was brilliant to add where your inspiration came from. However a summary would be nice. A prologue is brilliant.

Poster/Trailer/Background [9/10]

The background is brilliant. The Poster is really good but a little too simple.

General Story Plot [17/20]

Brilliant story plot, I thought it was amazing. I mean, I've never come across something like that. Very unqiue and not very commonly seen.

Character Portrayal [12/15]

You portayed the characters well, except the main character, Kim Tae Jin, seems a little too perfect. It be best is she had a flaw in some sort of way.

Grammar/Spelling [4/5]

I caught a few mistakes.

" I saw this and somehow thought of you. Do you like it. It might not be your style bu- ''

Do you like it?

You just forgot a question mark there. There's a lot of mistakes such as 'wont' and 'dont' when it should be 'don't' and 'won't'.

Writing Style [4/5]

You don't seem to structure your paragraphs at all, you just start a new one at every sentence. Saying that, it actually made it easier to read.

Originality [10/10]

Very orginal, I love it. Of course, you may have earned Anti-Fans but the idea is brilliant.

Captivating [10/10]

It captivated me and it was well written.

Flow and Entertainment [9/10]

It had a good flow and it was really entertaining!

Bonus [2/5]

Original Storyline - 1 bonus point.

Very brave to do a story that could earn anti-fans - 1 bonus point.

Total [90/100]

A - Great Story! The plot is really what made it brilliant, pity it dosen't have such a large fan-base simply because this story isn't very commonly seen and it was a huge risk. I personally love it - and it made to the recommended list! ^^




THANK YOU XoxmarshaxoX Review! OMO! I cant believe I had such high marks! Like seriously! I dont get that on my normal exams! KAMSAHAMNIDA!!! 


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