Infinite OGS USA Maryland FanAcc

     So me and my four friends got up at 3 in the morning got ready and was at the filmore at around 4:30. It was freezing but the sign outside the filmore was beautiful. I loved it. Especially when it said "WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 13 INFINITE" I was like yes its actually happening. So me and my three friends waited like an hour and because I had terrible cramps and i was hungry, me and my cousin decided to go off and get some food. First we checked out the hilton hotel since it was in the area, to make sure you know. And then we went to Panera Bread and got two cinnamon raison bagels, an oatmeal, three cups of hot coco, and a coffee and we headed back to where my friends were and we sat there and warmed up with that. We also had lots of blankets with us. I got up and went walking around to find a place to find a heating pad because I was in pain. And when me and susie came back and my cousin Rena went to find a place for me to put it on. When we came back they were handing out bracelets to those whove been waiting long and said that we could leave and come back before six. So me and my friends took that time to walk around a bit and then we headed to the back of the venue, where we met two other really cool kpop dongsaengs. We waited there for like a few hours and this nice ajusshi let us sit in infinites tour bus. It was amazing we just sat there waiting for infinite and then an hour till infinites arrival we were told to come out so we did and we waited for infinte to come and they finally came but they looked tired when they came out of the van.

     The first van that pulled up were Dongwoon, Sungyeol, and Hoya. I did not see Hoya but I caught a glimpse of Sungyeol waving and Dongwoon came around the van and sprung a very energetic loving "Anneyeong!" at us. We waited like ten more miniutes and then the next van pulled up and out came the rest. I barely saw Sunggyu and Sungjong, I didn't see Woohyun, and I only say the back of Myungsoo, but it was a beautiful back view. Oh and let me also add that Sungyeol is very tall like omg. Okay so after they went in we decieded. To go chill for a little at our new friends place and then dominate our spots in line. Even though we were first in the general admissions there were these freaking stupid flash pass lines that noone new about but the flash pass people. So we still ended up not so close to the stage as we wanted. So we waited like the longest for the venue to let us in like they were fourty five minutes late and it was freezing. When they finally did I was excited but me and my cousin ended separated from our group. Where we were standing there were a bunch of little kids and I was getting irked so I like got mad and left and went to the side. We slowly kept getting closer but still not that close, and we noticed that our friends had gotten extremely close and we were jealous but we did get a lot of eye contact. I got mostly eye contact from Sungyeol because he was mostly on my side. And whenever I gave him a heart he would nod his head and smile at me and I just ugh! my bias list isruined. Also Myungsoo like STARED into my soul I kid you not. And there was this one time when this girls phone was in my face so I had one eye blocked but the other eye was locked with Myungsoo's and omg heaven like i cannot explain my feelings any longer >.

     The first one out was Sungjong and he did a quick goodbye and went inside the van since it was cold. Then it was Woohyun and Dongwoon and they gave lots of fan service. They started dancing and Woohyun took off his jacket because some of us also had on no jacket and it looked like he was going to give it away but everyone was telling him to put it on so he nodded his head and smiled and put it back on. Myungsoo came out for a little and did a little fan service. Hoya also came out and did a little. Sunggyu just waved and got in the car because let me remind you it was freezing. I dont remember seeing Sungyeol I might've missed him when I was looking at the other four acting silly and dancing around. But after their car started to drive off, I started to walk back so that I dont look too desperate in Infinites eyes, but my cousin and our friends went dashing after and I was like yall crazy chicks lol but they didnt got far and it was really late so we had to leave. 

     The concert was one of many experiences that I have come across, they did a great performance, it was nice and the estory line that they had go with the concert was perf! I am really greatful and thankful to God for alowing this to happen. Lol looks like I know what to be thankful for during thanksgiving.


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