Girls' Generation in HK/ Sosified #WishesforPh

Alright we practically had a crazy month so far....

Topic 1:jessica gets in an accident in  HK airport..

Well to be honest idk what was wrong with the security guard and the fans yep the sones at the airport are at fault too (in my opinion) Cuz one the guard should know who hes guarding (plus does fans wear shades inside airport?) and he does not see this?

(yeah pretty sure he wouldve noticed her already...)

but anyways also its the fans fault in a way as well cuz of the commotion they had at the airport it caused one of the members to get hurt but altogther it still leads to the guard cuz i dont think shoving someone to the rails will do any better maybe he shouldve just man'd up and took whatever the fans gave him since its his job being a BODYguard...


Topic 2: YoonTae at the club

This was the crappiest article for me i mean if the HK tabloids wanted to lie about some crap they shouldve done better i mean really it was so dumb they would find something or anything to ruin girls generation... maybe they shouldnt come back to hong kong so the tabloids cant pull no more ( i say no kpop idol should go back and see who the tabloid targets then)

And if it was them ( it wasnt since it was confirmed ) why cant they go clubbing i mean their in the legal age to club and drink and sometimes people need to accept that there not in their teens anymore and they're humans too they have needs as well to escape from work and just chill... i mean they even said that they go clubbing so it wouldnt be a surprise....i just wish that even if  someone is famous they have to understand that their artists are normal too with just a rlly awesome job!

Topic 4:soshified helps out and raises money for the affected in the philippines from super typhoon haiyan or yolanda..

For me this is rlly personal cuz im filipino and i live in the u.s and i just watched my country helplessly get pummled by the typhoon and the parts it hit was horrible also cuz my grandma lives in ormoc,leyte and they dont have any tranportation and communication and they needed food... my parents already sent money to my aunt so she can buy things and take it to ormoc but for me that isnt enough and i wanted to send money too so went on twitter and found WishesforPh and i donated a couple bucks to help out....

Im so happy that soshified did this cuz its going to be christmas before you know it and the philippines will still be rebuilding everything at the time.. and it'll make lots of people's wishes for christmas come true and that is for them to go back to their normal lives and philippines sure isnt the most richest countries but to me its one of the most hard working ppl and im not just saying that cuz im filipino im saying it cuz the philippines is always bombarded with damn typhoons every damn year and wat do they do? well they just stand back up again and just keep on working harder and harder...


and they say sones are horrible people next time think again cuz we sones raised over 2,000 already...




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