Paig hates me aka Application

aff username: redcherrylilly
name: Park Jisun
age: 17, 1996
background: Jisun grew up in Seoul. Her family owns a restaurant here Jisun grew up waiting and singing on nights that were slow. She was scouted by an SM worker after all the buzz from people that had been flying around about her. 
specialties: procrastinating
love interest: Chen
goddess: Athena 
personality: She grew up in a school environment where many people were bullied for the things they liked or the way they looked. She didn't like this. She couldn't understand why someone would bully someone for that and she hated it. So as she grew up, she went out of her way to make sure this stopped. No matter what the circumstances was. Though she wasn't the perfect hero. She had to admit, she could be a bit of a procrastinator when she didn't want to do anything and sometimes she spit words of fire she didn't mean to when upset. Other times you could find her humming as she wrote in her notebook, earphones plugged in as she sang. She wasn't perfect, no, but she tried her best not to hurt others, unless she had a reason. She kind of had a tendency to piss people off on purpose if she believed they were being stupid. 
Hwang Jimin
vocal twin: Song Jieun!!!! 
dance/rap twin: idek um cl (?)
i had to do this twice cause life hates me


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