Okay. back to reality. if you love VIXX or NU'EST as much as I do then I'm sure you are already aware of the news that was released a little while ago. I'm still trying to recover, but anywho... 

VIXX released their new MV for their full length album! "Only U" is the MV they shot in Sweden and lemme just fangirl about how perf they all look, like how dare they look so handsome just all around great. I love the song as well how catchy. On another note, I'm even more happy because I will be seeing VIXX tomorrow in concert!!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IMA SEE VIXX CAN I JUST--
/takes deep breaths/
Anyways, watch their video so we can discuss it :)


NU'EST! Now if you don't know my love for NU'EST, then I dunno cuz it's pretty obvious. Anywho, they have released news that they will branch out to China in a subunit called NU'EST-M. (Original, I know >.>) but hey, I'M STILL SUPER EXCITED FOR IT. Aron's blonde hair is just so unf and Ren finally is done with HIS blonde hair and can I just take a moment to acknowledge how utterly fine by ultimate bias looks. Yes, JR looks so firece and y, I cannot. Minhyun and Baekho are killing their image as well. Urgh. Lemme show you the photos Pledis recently released.


OopsWho is that redheaded 6th member? Why it's none other than NU'EST-M's newest member: Jason! Yes, NU'EST-M has an all new Chinese member apart of it's lineup. So there will be 6 members in NU'EST-M. Are you even more excited like I am? 

Quick rant time, sorry. Okay, so you know how Jason is a new member? Well nothing makes me angry than when he was JUST revealed and stubborn so-called "LOVES" are saying how they hate him because NU'EST should only be 5 members. How arrogant can those people get. They aren't even fans because true fans will love the members no matter what. We haven't even seen what he's capable of and he is already receiving hate. Ohmygosh, someone hold me back cuz it pisses me off. Real fans will love NU'EST no matter what they go through. Haven't we all learned our lesson from the Henry and Zhou Mi incident? I thought we grew past that but urgh, okay, lemme stop cuz I don't want to burn your ears off. /clears throat/

So who else is anticipating NU'EST-M's release? I'm totally excited to see what Jason will bring to the group and how their release will sound like? Along with that, I'm super pumped to see VIXX tomorrow, like I'm living on a cloud nine right now. Tell me your thoughts on all these changes? What do you think?

In the meantime, let's enjoy some images of new member Jason~
(yes he has a tattoo)

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vixx's new mv is beautiful <3
aww have fun tomorrow xD
aron in blonde hair omg
ren finally with darker hair cjxjsmsl
oooooh jason looks fine
i'm fine tbh idgi why ppl make a big deal out of jason being the special member for the subunit
and the henmi incident happens again lol
i bet pledis' testing nuest first on the chinese market so 17 can also do it later on once they debut *^*
I'm not sure what happened to Zhoumi and Henry... Care to refresh my memory? ^^