Japanese Class, Symptoms, GG YTMA

Ok, so for those of you who may or may not have heard, GG won a YTMA in the same category as 1d and Bieber and everyone everywhere is ticked off and being all racist. Although i am not a fan of GG i voted for them anyways and i have to say it brakes my heart that they are getting hated on. I'm happy that K-pop is infesting its way into the modern world (as long as my fav bands stay hipster-y).

Shinee's Symptoms: I. freaking. love. it. Oh my gosh, so beautiful. It sounds trippy and to my eardrums it sounds emo-y which clearly speaks to me. Favorite song by them (shinee is my fav boy group).

Japanese class: I've learned a whole ton of symbols. About 100. learning hangul was a million times easier. But i have 103.8% in that class. Go figure. It's awful fun.

Daylight savings time: I walk a quarter mile to my bus stop daily in the pitch black sky at 6:45 so this is a miracle for me. Maybe i won't have the fear of being killed one of these days. :P

So, what may be going on in your lil ol lives? oh yeah, i got minecraft also :)

Bye bye!


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