8 Years of Super Junior . . . 8 months of being an ELF

슈퍼주니어 8주년 축하해

#Happy8thAnniversarySuperJunior | #Happy8YearsSUJUBaby


I guess the best way to start this is by stating that all my life I’ve been a PURE HATER of KPOP. I wanted to state everything but I want to keep this as short as possible. And by saying that, I instantly remembered Hyukjae in an episode of Full House where he was saying “Short. Speak short.”

Alright then, I’ll do my best.



My first ever fandom is the MCRmy. The fanbase of My Chemical Romance fans. I came to love that band because in the middle of all the hate, heartaches, and trying to fit in, that band made me feel okay. For years I’ve been in that fandom through thick and thin. But the day came that they no longer held on. My Chemical Romance disbanded. That moment I asked myself if I could still feel okay. How can I continue if they already stopped? I’ve been holding on to them for 6 years... and suddenly they were gone.


I’ve done stupid things in the past because I couldn’t handle extreme emotions. I can never handle “goodbyes” well. In times when I couldn’t handle my emotions, I would take the broken glasses in my wallet, and then hurt myself. So when I news spread that my heroes are gone, I was afraid. I was scared to go back to that state where I would hurt myself again. I didn’t want to go back. I needed heroes to hold on to.



Of all the things that could happen, it was extremely shocking that I found my new heroes in 15 dorks.

The dorks that I always thought I’d never learn to love!



On the verge of being a self-wreck, those Super Men pulled me up.

Of course at first I stood by my silly principle of hating them... but then one day I found myself searching the internet to know them more. It all started because of Kim Heechul. We’re all aware that he wore a My Chemical Romance shirt right? Just imagine my reaction when I saw that.



In this message, I just want to sincerely thank these 15 Super Men who pulled me up when I’m about to fall down again.

Because of them I learned how to push and strive beyond my capacities.


To Park Jungsoo... thank you for your angelic smiles that always brighten up my mood. I hope to see you someday... oh that blasted dimple of yours!


To Kim Heechul, my Casey... thank you for being yourself... it made me realize that it’s okay to be myself as well. Let’s stay bipolars, okay? You’re the main reason I came to love Super Junior, so thank you for that! I hope I could see you again and not forget to throw the red bra I bought for you!


To Hangeng... thank you for your hard work and determination to stand up after the struggles. We all still hope that we could see you together with the boys on stage again. It’s a far-fetched wish but we still hope to see that day.


To Kim Jongwoon... thank you for your sweet voice that always calms me down when I feel stressed. I hope to see you some day because I crave to see your weirdness in person.


To Kim Youngwoon... thank you for teaching me that mistakes can make a person stronger. Being the first Super Junior member to have an interaction with me, I’ll cherish that wink and thumbkiss forever even if people already get tired of me telling the story over and over again! I hope to see you again someday and with Teukie. KangTeuk shipper here! And I’ll also do my best as an admin of PrectionKanginPH!


To Shin Donghee... thank you for making us realize that appearance is not a hindrance. You’ve got pure talent and a lovable personality.


To Lee Sungmin... thank you for your cuteness that always gave my friend hopes when she’s feeling down. I learned from you that real men should love pink! I hope you enjoyed that green little water gun!


To Lee Hyukjae... thank you for being our cheerful monkey! Your genuine care for your ‘brothers’ is very inspiring! I never realized you were so handsome until you danced in front of us!


To Lee Donghae... thank you for being our adorable little fishy! You’ll always be the five-year-old kid we all love. Sorry if I squirted your face with my water gun. I wish you didn’t drop it so you could take revenge on me. Don’t worry, next time I’ll throw it to you properly!


To Choi Siwon... thank you for keeping your faith no matter what people say. I hope someday when you guys go back to Manila, we could take a peep at your 6-pack. Just kidding!


To Kim Ryeowook... thank you for staying sweet and cute and lovable! Your voice sooths me to sleep and your cuteness makes me want to pinch your cheeks hard!


To Kim Kibum... thank you for staying true to your passion. I hope you’re happy with all your achievements and success. We miss your presence with the boys though. I hope you can come back soon!


To Cho Kyuhyun... thank you for your mischievous acts towards your hyungs. Your cleverness and hint of evilness is very attractive! Keep it up!




To Zhoumi... thank you for staying strong even if some people can’t appreciate you. We share the same birthdate so let’s stay strong!


To Henry... thank you for showing me that you really appreciate Filipino ELFs! Don’t worry, we’ll always be the LAUdest!





Today’s the 8th year of Super Junior.

And it’s just going to be my 8th month as an ELF.


I haven’t been here as long as most of the ELFs... I haven’t endured most of the bashes yet... I haven’t been here from the start... but I know and I shall do my best to be here until the end. Wait, scratch that. I don’t want to be here until the end... because I know Super Junior and ELFs will never have an end... I'll be here until eternity!




- fairytaleXuntold -


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Luussjje #1
Oh my god I got really worried when I read the part where you said you would put broken glass in your wallet to hurt yourself D: Know that I'll ALWAYS be there for you if you ever need help !! <3 Because that's what friends are for, even the dorky ones :3
Lol I don't know how long I've been an ELF... I became one shortly after Henry released Trap... And I'm lazy so I'm not going to count xD
hebteuk #2
first of all #Happy8thAnniversarySuperJunior #슈퍼주니어사랑해요 *gives u an elf's tigh hug*
i was planning to happy anniversary u, but u were earlier nd post that..ok ok heba u meant well *pats self*

to be honest i dunno abt MCRmy nor Chemical Romance, but i looked for the pics..is that the t-shirt heechul wore in 'no other's MV, isn't it?..umm but but y r Chemical Romance's t-shirts s-scary? like ur profile pic!!! r u sure ur not a tomboy? *chuckles cuz i know that makes u angry*

"I would take the broken glasses in my wallet, and then hurt myself. I was afraid. I was scared to go back to that state where I would hurt myself again"
omg! did u rlly do that?!??!!???

anyway happy 8th anniversary. i wasn't here from the start either, but will endlessly luv nd support them <333 :))