When you finish a book ...

... it always leaves such a weird feeling back.

I've just finished both the book for English and German class today, so tomorrow I can concentrate on studying chemistry. (Don't mind me, writing blog posts even though I'm on semi-hiatus; I'm writing from my phone - making paragraphs is hard- and this won't get all too long.) And incidentally and also surprisingly, both books were truly nice. The book for English being The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which I wanted to read anyway, like months ago already, and the German book being a pretty weird but somehow amazing novel about 9 different stories that are somehow connected and deal with fiction mixing with reality.

When I put away TPoBaW, I was feeling very weird. But in a good way. And as I was processing the book and everything and thinking about how I just read about a whole year of Charlie's life so quick, it suddenly hit me that just some hours ago (before I went to driving school) I'd finished reading about yet another 9 lives. And I realised again, just how wonderful books - stories in general - are. No, I mean I've always known that, but there are just these moments that something, even if it's actually clear for you, just hits you with such intensity that you feel as if it's new, even if it's not. And just some minutes ago, it was like that.

In just one evening, I've gained so much more than I could have if I had decided to study chemistry for instance. This is why I love reading. Why I love learning new words in English and also in German and Chinese. Because words are so fascinating and can describe those feelings and thoughts of us. Okay, don't mind me. I just need to let out my weirdness after all the reading and the 10 lives I just lived through. And now I will go on with the reading log for the English book and go to sleep.


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This is really true! I really do feel this weird feeling whenever I've finished reading a book. Sometimes I feel like an emotional wreck and sometimes I have this good feeling.

The recent book that I've done reading was Hush, Hush series and I really did love it from the very beginning til the very end and after reading I cried. I really love books and I agree that books (stories) are really wonderful! You can learn a lot from it plus you enjoy a lot when you're reading - our imagination opens up.
So true.
So as for me I want to master the art of words.
So I can make people live threw amazing things.
Be it lessons, adventures, morals, experiences, or feelings.

And you are right! I love when a sudden truth hits me.
Especially if it makes me understand something better. ^_^
Reading in another dimension. It takes you to the world of the book. I picture it in front me - the scenes- and realize how beautifully they're written. It absorb your senses into a sea of imagination. I finished a book a defiance - which merges with romance, thriller, and historic. After I did, it made me feel complete. It felt as if I just solved a puzzle no one knew how to solve. But it does leave a yearning feeling for the sequel, because you can't just get enough. I come so absorbed because my imagination made the scenes infront my eyes, so if the character does a simple action such as raising an eyebrow or shrugging, my reaction would be the same. She shrugs, I shrug. She snorts, I snort. How ironic. That's how much I get absorbed in this other dimension. My mom would give me the look - which tells me so that I should visit a physician asap haha- and I don't mind so. My reactions are really unexpected. Right now, I started Divergent - a really good book, they say.
If you think that's weird, then you can call me weird as well. I feel the same way when I read a book. :) I feel that I'm the main character or something. It takes me to places and periods of time.

Please do read Divergent, if you haven't. It already has Insurgent and Allegiant as its 2nd and 3rd installment. And Harry Potter Series, just in case you haven't. Also try If I Stay. If you've already read any of these, please spazz with me! Hohoho.
I've just finished reading The Book Thief (such an amazing book!) and my life feels so empty now... I want to read it again but I already know what's going to happen. If only I can erase the book from my memory and start reading again...

PS. If you haven't read The Book Thief, I would definitely recommend it. It's probably my most favourite book :D If you have, I want to ask you what you thought of it :)
I always feel sad somehow when i finish reading a book cause it feels like we are leaving the life inside the book .. hehe, just my thought :)
Eunhae123689 #7
books can be words written by someone else but still have an emotional connection to you. They take you into another world or our world just in a different life with different views of the world.
A teacher once told me "a book is the best human invention bc it allows you to be everything that's possible and impossible in short period of time" and well i totally agree with her bc you can learn so many things by simply reading a magazine in your dentist appointment imagine in a book ^w^ the only bad things about books is how we usually feel empty when we're done with it, but at least it's not a "bad" emptiness, it's good in some way, lol am i even making sense? :p
minnie16 #9
Perks of being a Wallflower is beautiful! So insighful, I didn't get to read the book, because I can't read a book if I already seen the movie (pet peeve) and there was so much in between the lines.
I completely know the feeling. :]
I completely understand how you feel. Yesterday, when I finished Looking For Alaska, I sat there for a while, just thinking about the book and the characters. The feeling I get when I finish a book is really similar to how you described it. I honestly couldn't believe that in a couple hours, I had read the entire book because it seemed like months had really passed, as if I was actually part of the story. I had smiled, grimaced, and cried my eyes out while reading that story and it was amazing to think about how much had passed in such a small book. No matter how great the ending (and the ending was pretty amazing), I always have this weird feeling once I've finished the book. It's like I feel as though it was incomplete, even though I know it isn't.
(Btw, I love your blog posts. They are always so thoughtful and fun to read ^o^)
Haha I can totally relate with you! :)
saguilar #13
Omg I know how you feel. Like I grew up with Harry Potter read all the book seen all the movies and like now.. Now it's all over and like I'm just like.. "Wtf am I gonna do with my life" lol
tynhhii #14
Haha, I know the feeling :)