❥ `「 asweetcomplication ┊ Han Sae Byul┊ Lambda . 」

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 )  Nice to Meet You,
Han,  Sae  Byul


      USERNAME theetudeprincess NAME Jas ACTIVITY  /1O

  {  name    ;  Han, Sae Byul

 {  nickname }   ;  Byul - Most people call her by this name because it's short.
Sae (Say) - It was her nickname during Highschool.
Byully (Byu-ly) - It's a pun that's used by her brother to . It could also be Sae Byully. 


 ▬ {  birthdate }   ;  8/18/1994

  {  age}   ; 19

  {  birth place   Busan, South Korea

  {  current location / city   Seoul, South Korea

 {  ethnicity    ; Half Korean and Half Chinese

 {  languages   ; Fluent korean and fluent chinese because both of her parents are half korean and half chinese. While her english is considered conversational because of the fact that she attended an interantional school which offered English as a major subject.



 )  You Look Pretty .


 {  face  claim}   ;  Kim Seul Mi
                                 {   1   }    {   2   }

 {  backup face  claim}   ;  Kim Jung Yeon
                                 {   1   }   {   2   }

                {  extra    ;  Sae Byul would always wear her hair in a pony tail and wear glasses at school while she would take them off when she's not. Her style of clothing does not change frequently, however she loves jeans and denim shorts. She loves shirts, blouses, hoodies or whatever top that has prints of Hello Kitty, Cartoon Characters or Superheroes on them.  


 )  I'm One  of  a  Kind .


 {  personality traits }   ;  Witty, Blunt, Caring, Responsible, Artistic and a Perfectionist. 

 {  personality }   ;  

"Wait, were you serious? Sorry but I can't help but laugh at your face."
         Sae Byul is known for being straightforward that either makes people laugh at how witty she is or be offended by how sarcastic she was at the same time. Sometimes she doesn't know if she really did offend someone and it takes a while for it to sink it in. Even if she's considered as smart and clever, she still thinks that there's something wrong with her brain and says that she should remember to think first before saying something but fails everytime. However, when you get on her nerves then that's the time where she doesn't care anymore and continue to talk anyway.

"I don't care, let's just get some coffee after school. My treat." 
         Though she may seem mean and insensitive by the way she talks but if you still treat her right then you get to realize that Sae Byul's quite caring. She just hates showing it. Whenever someone would praise her or give her a compliment, she would just deny it by saying something that contradicts it. Her brother calls her an evil sadist because whenever he would do something nice or say something nice about her, she would just say something bad about her and instead. She's basically a tsundere, it makes her blush when people knows that she's a softie.

"I have to wake up early and do things for people. Man, I never get any time for myself."
         From the looks of it, she's actually hardworking and responsible. She's waitress, a scholar and the oldest sibling. She knows her responsibilities but has trouble balancing her time for work and academics thus making her lack sleep.  Another thing about Sae Byul is that she's a perfectionist, though she may not work for it on time but she likes exerting effort that shows her strengths like art and the likes.

 {  life  story }   
               Sae Byul grew up with a pretty average family, she has a younger brother, her mother was a housewife while her dad was the average business man who worked for a certain company. In her previous school, she excelled in arts and in academics but always failed in sports (if you don't consider chess as one). She thought she could be contented with it, but that was when the exchange of shouts between her parents got louder then their dad left them for another woman. You see, her father left them with divorce papers and her mother was the sickly housewife who somehow managed to handle a laundry business. Sae Byul's family had a hard time managing the money that they had to cut back on things but the siblings were lucky enough to get scholarships from the highschool they entered, but that doesn't mean that they won't have a part-time job. Before they moved to Seoul, Sae Byul and her brother were known to be achievers but sadly they left with no goodbye just to avoid rumors spreading. 


 )  This is Me .

 {  likes}   ;  

  • Sweets 
  • Hello Kitty
  • Movies
  • Hot drinks like Coffee and Tea
  • Puppies
  • Comics/Mangas/Books
  • Sketching
  • Disney

 {  dislikes    ;  

  • Tomatoes
  • Amphibians
  • Sunny Days
  • Sports that involves balls
  • Beaches
  • Horror

 {  hobbies }   ;  

  • Drawing
  • Watching Movies
  • Cooking
  • Listening to Movies
  • Singing (She's not good at it but sings anwyay)
  • Doodling at the back of her notebook

 {  habits    ;  

  • Bites lowerlip when nervous
  • Puffs cheeks when things don't go her way
  • Cracks her knuckles before doing something risky or hard

 {  others/trivia}   ;  

  • She works as a waitress in a cafe for a part time job to help support her family. 
  • She wears hipster glasses (ray ban) and says that they're prescribed but it isn't. She also hates it when people take them from her. 
  • She's bad at managing her time which affects her sleeping pattern.
  • She has a pet Shih Tzu named Hershey.
  • Whenever she comes to school, it's either she's arrived late but the teacher hasn't come yet or she's there on the nick of time.
  • She's a tsundere.
  • Her room is filled with Hello Kitty merchandises.

 )  It'sThem . 

 {  family   ;  
Mother | Lee Hwa Rin | 43 | Housewife/Owner of a laundry shop | Kind-hearted, Thoughtful, Loving, and Gentle
Brother | Han Kwang Cheol | 17 | Student | Funny, Happy-go-lucky, Caring, and Boastful

 {  friends; in school    
Classmate | Choi Sulli | 19 | Student | Gullible, Friendly, Confident and Kind |
Clubmate | Lee Taemin | 20 | Student | Gullible, Friendly, Shy and Nice |
Bestfriend | Liu Amber | 20 | Student | Confident, Nice, Boyish and Straightforward|

 {  friends; outside of school }   ;  
Coworker | Song Victoria | 25 | Manager of a Cafe | Responsible, independent, loving and Caring | 
Coworker | Kim Key | 22 | Chef (and sometimes a waiter) | Confident, Caring, Sweet and Naggy | 

 {  plotline friend}   ; Alpha and Gamma

 {  rivals }   ;  
Schoolmate | Jung Jessica | 20 | student | Confident, Daring, Straightforward and Optimistic | {She could be Kris' girlfriend}

 {  plotline rival   ;  n/a

 )  Let's  get  Educational .


 {  grade year   ;  Junior

 {  extra curriculars   ;  She's part of the school newspaper and she's the editorial cartoonist. She also contributes comics, puzzles, trivias and even some articles.

 {  behaviour / attitude }   ;

  • Her favorites include subjects like Language (whether it be English, Hangul, Mandarin, etc.), Arts, Math and etc. while she dislikes anything that involves science and physical education.
  • She prefers to work alone because she believes that her grades would only decrease if she would be in a group who she doesn't like. If she were to be in a group, she would prefer it if she would be with the people she likes.
  • Her attitude in class usually depends on who the teacher is. If its someone like her biology teacher, then she would work hard for it and complain but if it's someone like that teacher in Dead Poets' Society then she would have fun with him/her.
  • As expected of a scholar, she is an honor student who excels pretty much in her favorite subjects but is struggling (and asking help) with her hated subjects.

             ▬ {  academics    ;

  • Her grades are great, however she's struggling with science and physical education that she asks help from other people for them so that she could maintain her scholarship and not have a low grade.
  • She isn't an early bird and one time, she got late. Though it was a good thing that it was in a subject (English) where the professor was awesome and that she knew what she was going through with academics and work.



 )  It's You;  Wu ,  Kris



 ▬ {  name of  love interest    ;  Kris

 {  backup love interest   ;  Tao

 {  nickname    ;  n/a

 {  personality traits   ;  Easy-going, Smart, Sweet

 {  personality }   ;  

         Kris is the kind of guy that is laid back, easy-going and calm. The way that he does things is simply amazing by what other people would describe. It’s because if you compare anything that Kris has done to an ordinary person, you would be impressed if you knew he was lazy and smart. However, if it’s something related to arts (like coloring or drawing) then that’s an exception. He prefers to spend time alone and he’s not much found of parties or any other social gatherings, basically he's an introvert. His father doesn't tolerate his kind of attitude but he has no other option (only son, he has an older sister).

          He's actually also funny in class but unlike Byul, he thinks first if the joke would actually offend someone or not. Once you break this guy's shell and make him open up to you (which Byul did), he's actually a nice sweet guy. He just looks like a bad guy because he's so awkward and anti-social that automatically makes people think that he's hard to be with. He's misunderstood, he makes it clear that he doesn't care about it but the truth is that he does.         



 )  Our Secret Story . 

 {  chosen plotline }   ;  Lambda

 {  fate    ;  
that was the day that I promised, I'd never sing of love if it does not exist.

       The thing about Kris and Byul was that they have only heard of each other until they've actually met. Kris knew that she was part of the school newspaper because he was fun of reading it while Byul knows him by being an effortless honor student. When they first met, they didn't actually knew their names until it rang a bell after their introduction. It was during one of their classes in the morning when Byul was almost late and Kris was seated infront of the class with an empty chair beside him. She didn't had time to think what the subject was in the morning and instinctively took the seat just in time before the professor came in. It was a good thing that she took that chance because it was their biology teacher who most people believe that she had stop menstruating before the expected age. At the sight of the two ironic (that's how she describes the two) honor students, she made a frown then sighed. 


       "I can't believe it's you Ms. Han." She complained. "I always wonder why you're still a scholar up to this point and by those mis-matched socks, I know you slept in again." 


         All Byul could do was sigh and roll her eyes while she was busy writing her name on the board, on the other hand Kris just woke up from her loud mouth. He just stretched his arms up widely that got people distracted, by the time he was done, their nosy teacher noticed that he was finally awake.


        "Even you!" She pointed at him which made him startle a bit because he just woke up and was shocked that she was the teacher. "I don't know how you manage to get high grades when all you do is sleep in class!" 


        He then yawned infront of her and ignore what she was saying during her introduction of her being part of the staff and the introduction of the lesson. Byul was mocking her through doodling at the back of her notebook while she was busy walking from one place to another. Clearly, these two people were ironically achievers but that's how it is. All they could remember from the first day was that she discussed that there was gonna be a proposal of some sort of experiment or whatever that they were required to do in order to pass the first term/subject. Another thing that they remember was that they were assigned to each other as partners, and no, it wasn't because their hot headed teacher made them but it was because Byul pulled out Kris's name from the hat. 


       "Wu...-she took a pause and remembered the name- Yifan?" 

       "That's me." He said softly as he looked at her. "What's your name?"

       "The name's Byul." 

       "... Just Byul?" He asked.

       "Obviously not." She gave him an are-you-serious type of look. "My name is Han Sae Byul, but I prefer to be called Byul." 


      They may see eachother in other classes but to Byul, she only wanted to notice him during chemistry and the same thing was for Kris. During their second meeting, they discussed about what they were going to propose. Byul had a list of what she thought was best but Kris just thought of other proposals while she was discussing her opinion towards him. They ended up going along with his idea of bioluminescence, where they were gonna use a certain bacteria or glowing animal to provide light for humans. 


       "Okay so I'll just see you next time." was all Byul could say before fixing her stuff to leave for her next class.

       "Yeah, you too." Kris answered then asked. "What's your name again?"

       "Are you serious, Kris?" From the looks of it he got embarrassed when he asked her along stating his name. 

       "I know you're last name is Bang." He said while pointing at her. 

       "No." She shook her head, getting kind of offended by what he asked.

       "I'm sorry, can I at least know your name again?" He asked. 

       "My name is Secret." She decided to play a game with him.

       "Okay, I'll take that as a challenge." He told her.


     He searched for other people in the room who may know her and asked them what her name was, though she was giving them looks to go along with her that her name is really secret. That was when her notebook full of sketches and doodles fell, he grabbed the notebook in hope that he could find her name but instead he noticed that she was Han Sae Byul, one of the editorial cartoonists of the school newspaper.


         "Oh yeah, you're name is Han Sae Byul." He said while flipping through the pages, admiring her work. "No wonder you're name was familiar, I love your drawings."

          "That's sweet of you but I have to go." She said while grabbing it from him then leaving with a blush across her face.

 {  relationship   ;  
but darling, you are the only exception 

     Another thing about the two was that they almost have the same background; his parents are separated and only met his mother after their divorce when she was already dead. Besides finally getting along with each other, it was something that makes them understand each other more than anyone else. Byul was a fan of Disney, particularly the ones that include Princesses (P.S. her favourite video game of all time is Kingdom Hearts).  It made her think that it was like in a fairy-tale (but if they were talking about reality shows, she thinks about Boys Over Flowers). 

     Before Byul knows about Kris's fiance, he was nice towards her than anyone else and he was comfortable around her. It was noticeable to other people that Kris was different around her and that they were always talking to eachother especially during biology when they were making fun of their teacher. After some time, it was clear to Byul that she likes Kris no matter how much she denies it and likes to be with him as much as possible. Kris on the other hand, likes being with Byul all the time and he even butts himself in her conversations with other people just to get her attention.

    After Byul realizing that Kris has a fiance, she totally tried to avoid Kris the whole week. Try, because no matter what she does; Kris will always do something or say something to get her attention. It shows how special she is towards him. There was even this one time where they were group mates for P.E. and Byul didn't bother to talk to him even if he whispered a joke to her. She was so upset that she sat alone in a corner to give her some time to think but Kris just sat beside her and stared at her, thinking "Is there something wrong?".  The thing that pisses her off is that he didn't tell her, it wasn't obvious that he's friggin' rich and it wasn't also obvious that he has a fiancee. 

    When Kris knew that she was acting like that because she knew that he had a fiance (something he doesn't want to share to a lot of people), he also confessed that he is a heir to their company which is something he isn't responsible for and he can't escape it. She said that she was disappointed with him but understands what he's going through. It only occured to Byul that this is reality, something really different compared to a fairytale. Just because of what happened to both of their parents' marriage, she doesn't believe in love but she will continue to be with Kris so that she could still experience this feeling called "love". When they were finally together in a secret relationship, they still talk to eachother but it wasn't the same old teasing and jokes kind of thing. 

  It's pretty comical when people take their glasses off and untie their hair and people think of someone else, that's how Byul is whenever she's at work or when she's with Kris. Though even if she still is mean by the way she talks, she was began to be more sweet towards him. Not only does she transformed physicall but she has become more touchy and clingy that usual. 



 )  Can I ask you a Question ?

 {  What  do you think /feel  about  your  relationship? ;    
I've got a tight grip on reality but I can't let go of what's infront of me here.

         "Honestly, I feel perfectly contented with Kris. I know at first that we didn't get a long but we ended up being friends and even more than friends afterwards. I felt like, I was actually wanted by someone when I started know to Kris. I mean seriously, nobody would dare like me more than a friend. I could also say that I really really like this guy and no one ever made me feel this way. Yes, I never really thought that I could say that about someone that isn't just a friend. Before I even knew about him having a fiancee, I honestly thought that we were like those stories that people write about to make a movie, a television drama, or make it all fantasy-like then make it a disney fairy tale... Though I shouldn't have seen it coming, he was actually too good to be true. Sometimes I honestly wish that there was a way that he could be mine and that he wouldn't have a fiancee, I know that sounds selfish but he isn't happy that way. There are also times where I wish I haven't slept late and sat beside him during biology class 'cause I wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for him."

 {  Do  you  think  it`s  going  to  last  ? If  so  how  long ?;  
Maybe, I know somewhere deep inside my soul that love never lasts. 

       "I hope that it would last but I know that it won't. What are the possibilities that a miracle would happen and everything would go perfectly fine? It's like me liking Kris and thinking that this relationship would ever go somewhere, then it ends up being ruined by some girl he's forced to like and make physical contact with because of his big-time C.E.O. father. Well, it would be suspicious and this time I wouldn't have my hopes up. Instead, I'm just gonna enjoy and give him attention like the attention-seeker he is and wait until something happens.. I guess."

 {  What  will  you do  when  someone/everbody  finds  out  ?;    
Up until now, I have sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness.

      "It's obvious that someone will find out about us, it's inevitable. I wouldn't really care if someone already thinks negatively about me because I'm kinda used to it already. Then I start to think about Kris' condition, that he's a heir of a company and his dad expects a lot from him. It would be something that I should mind afterall... Well, I should just confront him about the situation and admit that it was my fault for us having a secret relationship. To think about it, I already did avoid him because he had one but I still gave into it. I don't know, I just want to feel what it feels like to actually like someone and have them like me in return. To be honest, I'm kind of sick and tired of being lonely already. I think my selfishness of having a secret relationship with Kris has it consequences, but I might just suffer with the same old rumours and possibly my scholarship."


 )  I`ll see you later .

 {  scene suggestions    ;  

  • Kris would come to the cafe to pick Byul up for their secret date with his car (BMW or any expensive car).
  • Kris would call Byul late at night because he knows that she's still awake and tells her to sleep already. 

 {  any comments/questions   

  • I wrote it as biology when it's suppose to be chemistry (science for juniors, right?)'cause I couldn't think of anything for chemistry that they could work with. Is that alright? You guys can make changes anyway.
  • Is it too complicated? I base this off on personal experience. keke.

 {  others }   ;  here


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 )  backtohomeroom
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