♛ ( ` yeonhwa ) application — Song Min Da


FULL NAME: Song Min Da 

»Mindy + It was her nickname when she was studying in America.
»MinMin + Family members call her that.
Minyeon (Minion) + Minho calls her that because he likes Despicable Me and he said she acts like one during Volleyball.
DATE OF BIRTH: June 18, 1996
BIRTHPLACE: California, South America

HOMETOWN: Seoul, Korea
GRADE: junior
MAJOR: acting, performing arts
MINOR: dance, performing arts
OTHER SUBJECTS: Korean, English, Mathematics, Economics and Physical Education
SPECIALITY: Being the antagonist
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Hangul + fluent, English + fluent, Chinese + basic


        I've always been fascinated with plays, drama, musicals and the likes, and ever since I could remember I've always wanted to be part of it. I thought that if I was in Yeonhwa, I could be finally be a protagonist in a musical! Though, they never did let me. You know why? 'Cause I just really at singing. I mean seriously, this is the reason why I'm always the antagonist; well besides the fact that I'm great at acting. Though I may not be good at singing like the typical drama queen but I can surely dance better than one. So maybe for once when I enter Yeonhwa, I won't be discriminated again for being such a lousy singer but instead have myself recognize as what I can be.   

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The striking feature that Song Min Da has are her eyes, they're the kind of big that isn't creepy but it lures people somehow. She has natural brown curly hair that ends on chest level, she also loves the fact that it bounces every time she moves to a certain place and how it bounces higher when she skips or jumps. Although some people would call her average, she still considers herself as someone who is short. With a seemingly innocent face can make people think twice when they see her performing on stage or when she eats. However, she isn't the girl that people get envious with because she doesn't gain weight when she eats; she's actually just like any other girl who struggles on being physically fit.
         You could say that her style for the day matches with her mood in the morning or what time she slept the other night. If she sleeps at a time past 12 am or if she woke up on the wrong side of the bed then she would probably wear something boyish like her little brother's green archer jersey shorts, a superhero shirt or a jack daniel's tank top with converse or simply anything comfy to dance in. If she slept like a baby, then she might enter school wearing make up, a dress or maybe a skirt and a blouse but never heels! Doll shoes and slip ons are alright but never heels. She also dislikes showing too much skin, like if she wore a skirt then she wouldn't wear anything sleeveless or if she wore anything sleeveless then she would wear pants or whatever that covers up the skin at least past her knees. 

HEIGHT: 165 cm
WEIGHT: 50 kg

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         She grew up in America and studied in an international school, her mother remarried an american man after her father died due to an accident. They were kind of rich family because of the fact her step father is doctor but since there were issues with the in-laws, they decided to migrate back to Korea (while Min Da is starting middle school) to have a new life and for her step-dad to get used to their culture. To Min Da, it wasn't really a big deal that her parents were separated because she thinks that its a normal thing. 

          It's funny on how child-like Min Da is, and yes, there is a difference between childish and childlike. She's straight forward to the point where she doesn't realize that she might have said something funny, offensive or stupid. I mean, you would understand a kid said it because they're innocent but when it comes to Min Da, it's just that she doesn't think first before she acts or says (she said so herself!). Besides that, she's actually approachable and friendly; it could also be because she's talkative and open-minded.  It also takes a while for her to realize that someone was being sarcastic and she's really gullible enough to have people make fun of her sometimes.  

         Ambitious is far by one of the best words to describe this girl, for whenever there's something that catches her interest then there's nothing stopping her except for the brutal truth (she wanted to be part of the sound of music, but she didn't got in because she's not a good singer.) but hey, at least she makes ways. She's quite fearless too, a risk taker or maybe she's just plain confident and thinks she has nothing to lose anyway. Don't think of her negatively, for she's actually generous and caring for people  but she just hates showing it. She treats people who are nice to her, something like a token of gratitude, appreciation or just a simple "Hey, I like you. Let's be friends" kind of gift. 

TRAITS: Confident, Open-minded, Friendly and Gullible 
PERSONA: The Royal Jester
   Her first musical that she watched was the Sound of Music, she was inspired to audition but sadly failed to get a spot because she couldn't hit the notes right. She didn't stop there but instead, she just pursued acting then took up lessons and auditioned. Luckily, she did get a part in a musical but she was the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz. As she grows up in America, she's been having parts in all kinds of plays like hairspray, mama mia, high school musical, a christmas carol and the likes by being a supporting character. Now that she's in Yeonhwa, she has been aspiring to be in the lead as the protagonist.


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Mother | Seo Chae Young | 40 | House wife | Loving, Elegant and Caring
Father | Song Yun | 37 | Civil Engineer | unknown
Step Father | Adam Phoenix | | General Doctor | Stern, Serious and Kind
Step Brother | Jae Sun Phoenix | 10 | Student | Nice, Cheerful and funny

8 | Park Hye Won | 17 |  Optimistic, Perky and Loud
7 | Lee TaeMin | 16 | Innocent, Friendly and Gullible
8 | Kim HyunAh | 18 | Confident, Sly and Sarcastic

Jung Soo Jung (Krystal) | 17 | Blunt, Witty and Charismatic | They were classmates during when they were in middle school, both of them were from an international school because they used to be more fluent in english than in korean. Both of them share a love for arts and both of them get a long pretty well. Though they may fight at times, they are still best friends. 

Son Na Eun | 17 | Polite, Gentle and Nice | Na Eun doesn't even have a clue that Mindy is envious of her, she considers her as a rival because she's always with Minho because they both have the same major and she's good at singing. She sees her as competition for both love and career, plus she somehow sees her as a threat. Everytime Min Da would encounter her, she would simply act like she has nothing against her but she is so jealous of her.

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» The color Pink and Green
» Hello Kitty
» Hot drinks (Tea and Coffee)
» Cartoons
» Stuff toys
» Comic Books and Mangas
» Roses
» Movies 
» Music 
» Donuts
» Heels
» Hand bags 
» Frogs
» Balls hitting her
» Smoke (especially from Cigs)
» Popping Balloons
» tomatoes
» strawberries
» The color Yellow
» Stripes (Horizontal)
» Illegally downloading movies and watching them
» Dancing to music
» Reading books
» Acting as the Antagonist
» Playing the drums
» Modern Dance
» Singing
» Volleyball
» Math
» Fear of Amphibians 
» Fear of Blood
» Fear of Heights
» her lips when nervous
» Puffing her cheeks when things don't go her way
» Shouting when startled 
TRIVIA: {state as much as you want/need.}
» She knows how to play the drums, piano and guitar.
» There are only two reasons why she took up Physical Education as an extra subject. One is that to be physically fit and the second is to see her Minho.
» She believes the fact that she is a tsundere.
» She tried being a model but she couldn't keep up with the required weight and wasn't tall enough. 
» She has a private blog for her diary.
» She has a pet Shih Tzu named Mac.

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LOVE INTEREST: Choi Minho (Shinee)
GRADE: junior
MAJOR: Soccer, Physical Education
MINOR: Dance, Performing Arts
SHARED SUBJECTS: Dance, Performing arts; Math; and Physical Education (general)


   Choi Minho was one of those guys who didn't really care about their popularity in school and this guy cared about his grades more than his social life. He isn't really a wallflower but he just prefers being alone most of the time. He's pretty much mysterious and laidback most of the time. People get the impression that he's some bad boy who creates a lot of trouble but the truth is he's just quiet and perfers it that way. He's kind of stuck up but it just depends on who the person is to him. It's also rare for other people to see this side of Minho, he's actually caring and kind hearted. The way he would give his time and attention to the people he cares about. 
TRAITS: Caring, Quiet, Mysterious and Laidback
PERSONA: Prince of Wallflowers
      They met during dance class where Minho was really early while Mindy thought she was late for class but it was just her schedule that was mixed up. While waiting for everyone else and for their teacher, Mindy decided to have a conversation and even introduced herself towards him. By the end of the subject, she asked Minho if he remembers her name but sadly he didn't. He apologized and asked for her name but Mindy said it was secret. It took a while for him to remember her name and eventually asked her teacher what it was. 
      They started to get a long ever since they first met, they became close friends. Since Minho used to be such a loner, he ends up only talking to Mindy. During their freshmen year, Mindy could tell that he was crushing on her because he was overly concerned and sweet towards her that there were people who think that they're dating but she just refuses it. In fact, Minho teases her a lot that she teases back and it ends up with them flirting. It's been like that for two years then Na Eun surprisingly comes along which makes Mindy jealous.

» Minho always prefers to eat alone then Mindy sits besides him and pulls on his earsphones so that they could bond. She asks why he prefers to eat alone than to be with a group then he starts to share about his past but ends up only telling his side. He asks her out so that they could spend some quality time after school. 

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SCENE REQUESTS: Just the one for the Lovey-dovey Scenes
EVENT SUGGESTIONS: Alice in Wonderland Theme for their Prom, Fund raising activity for clubs and the likes.
COMMENTS: I'm new! Please be nice :)



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