The School of the Supernaturally Gifted (Application)

Application Form!!!!!

1. Account Name: MaskedStar0711


2. Character Name: Lee Min Hae (Min)

3. Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Japanese

4. Picture: Song Chan Ho (Since they are twins)

5. DOB (15-20): 25 Dec 1995

6. Power: Mind Manipulation, which is the ability to

-alter the perceptions of others, and control the actions of others with the mind 

-Read the mind of others

-Send images to other's mind, and thus enable them to see whatever I want them to see. For example, lets say person A is at the beach, I can make that person think that he is at the rainforest. Can be quite scary as I can just not let them see anything at all, making them temporarily blind, or let them see something freaky, like they are surrounded by snakes or something.

-Alter other's memories.

-Hurt their brain. Like give them the worst headache they ever experienced.

-Create a link with others, enabling me to communicate with them through the mind.

-Can cause people to be brain dead. But I never ever do that, unless facing an enemy that I have to kill.

I also have another power that is sharing power. For example, if I share powers with person A, he will be able to use my power, and I will be able to use his. But this only works with the people closest to me, like my twin brother.

7. How you got to the school: Soon after my twin brother went to the school, I started having powers as well. One day, a bunch of bullies tried to harm a little girl. I use my powers to temporarily blind them, and then rescued the girl. My mom found out about the inciddent, and decided to send me to the school as well.

8. Biography (Be descriptive about yourself): Diva like. Likes flirting alot, and acts like a total sometimes, but is actually very kind. Even though I flirt alot, I never actually go around dating people and breaking their hearts. Fashionist, and can be very naggy sometimes. Is very overprotective over my twin brother. Older than my twin brother by 7mins. Does everything well. Never gives up easily. Is a perfectionist. Hates seeing anything dirty. Can dance, sing and rap well, and is also good at cooking. Very good at water skiing. Can be very sturborn sometimes, and always insist in doing everything my way. Talks ALOT. Is actually very romantic and caring. He cares alot for people that he is close to, and will do anything to protect them from harm. Is very loyal, just like his twin brother. 

Ever since I got my powers, I have a strange link to his brother. I can hear all his thoughts (even though my twin brother is immune to my power), can feel his emotions, whether he is happy or not, and the exact location of where he is.  When under attack, I immediately like to share powers with my brother, since he got protection power and all.





-Pink & Black



-Cute or pretty things.

-Shiny things


-Babbling nonstop

10. Dislikes:


-Unrealistic people

-Not being able to do something well

-Waking up early

-Horror movies or anything scary (Is very scared of them. Bring him to a haunted house and he will kill you)

-People calling him short


11. Family ( I really only need is the name, who they are to you, whether they sent you to the school, and do you like them):

Mother(Kiyomizu Aimi)- She was the one that decided on sending me to school.

Father(Lee Taehun)

Twin brother(Lee MinJin)

Love his whole family alot

12. Orientation (Yes I'm asking that): Biual. (Secretly in love with his twin brother, but he knows his twin brother will never like him that way back, so he never confessed. Is not the jealous type so he never tried ruining his brother's relationship.)

13. Your ideal type (You will be dating other applicants because I think I have another idea for the idols): Someone caring, sweet and understanding. Good looking and cute. Someone that will always love me, and always be with me, through good and hard times. Even if the whole world is against me, he will still be on my side. 

14 .What you are majoring in ( Example: Performing arts, Athletics, Sociology): Sports 

15. Specific major ( Example: Performing Arts = Figure Skating or singing, something like that): Waterskiing

16: Link of you doing your major (It's cool if you can't find a link of your major): NIL

17. Why you came to the school: Because my twin brother is there

18. Trivia stuff: Have a pet kitten name Tiny:

19. Code name (If you've watched x-men, you know what the hell I'm talking about): Starz (Because his twin brother's code name is Night and because he think he is a star)

20. Persona: The diva-like mind manipulator


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