The School of the Supernaturally Gifted (Application)

Application Form!!!!!

1. Account Name: MaskedStar0711

2. Character Name: Zero (He was abandoned, and he never did figure out who his parents are. He name himself Zero for indeed there is many things he is missing. Parents, the ability to love, the ability to sympathise, the ability to care for others......)

3. Ethnicity: Korean

4. Picture: Yu Ha Min

5. DOB: 24 Dec (17)

6. Power: One touch. Just one touch. He just have to touch you once, and he owns you. Every thoughts, every memory, every secrets, all belongs to him now. Even your powers, just that simple touch and he can use the same powers as you. Even your looks is his. He can change his looks to the same as whoever he touched before. This give him multiple powers, multiple looks, multiple identities. He can even control you now, and you have to do as he says. He can kill you whenever he want, remove your powers whenver he want, hurt you whenever he wants. He just have to think it, to want to do it.

Also, he can absorb fear, hatred, and all other negative feelings. This feelings make him so much more stronger.

Can talk to cats, he is like the master of all cats.

7. How you got to the school: Once he know about this school, he went there on his own will.

8. Biography: When he was just born, his dad abandoned him. His mom had died giving birth to him, making his dad hate him. He grew up in an orphanage, but he ran away when he was 10. He hated that place. He used his powers to get him all that he need. Money, food, and education. Just one touch, and everyone listens to him. If he needs money, he will just touch a rich person and control him to give him all his money. Thanks to his power, he soon became rich, and he now owns a mansion.

Personality: There is something really dark about Zero. He thinks his unbeatable. He likes being strong, being powerful. His always on a constant search for greater powers. He hates losing to anyone. And he likes causing destruction. He likes it when people fear him.

He doesn't believe in friends. He hardly talks, and likes being alone. whenever someone tries talking to him, he just gives them a glare so menacing that they would just leave him alone. No one likes him, and he is fine with that. He is cold, VERY cold. He have a very mysterious and intimidating aura, making everyone curious, yet too scared to ask anything at the same time.

He likes . Usually he doesn't use his powers to get his girls. He enjoys the challenge in getting them. Just a few words, a smile, and they all go to him. After having , he dumps them. He uses his power on the girls that refuse to go to him. But other then , he still likes being alone.

He likes cats, and they are his only friends. He spend most of the time with them. They calm him down, and they are the only ones that can truly understand him. If he does not have a cat with him, he will feel somewhat empty. But that isn't a worry, cats always go to him.

He also likes pain. Yes, pain. Thus he always use fire to hurt himself. Pain and pleasure, the to things he like most.

His good at dancing at rapping.


- Cats

- Pleasure

- Pain

- Power

- Being alone

- Destruction

- Black

- Music

- Rain

- Dancing

- Rapping

10. Dislikes:

- People bothering him

- Overly cute stuff

- People looking down on him, calling him weak.

- Losing

11. Family: NIL

12. Orientation: GAY

13. Your ideal type: Doesnt believe in love. He doesnt know it, but he really need a person that understand and cares about him, that love him no matter what he do, and that even though his probably the worst person on earth. Is able to put up with his coldness, and has infinite amount of patience.

14 .What you are majoring in: Perfoming Arts (Please? If cant then athletics^^ Ps just leave the one that you accept and delete the other)

15. Specific major: Dancing (if cant then basketball^^ Ps just leave the one that you accept and delete the other)

16: Link of you doing your major: NIL

17. Why you came to the school: He went there because there are so many people with powers there, and he wanted all those powers, to become stronger.

18. Trivia stuff:

- Has a motorcylce. (the same as min's ^^)

19. Code name: Black Cat

20. Persona: Prince Of Darkness


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