The School of the Supernaturally Gifted (Application)

Application Form!!!!!

1. Account Name: MaskedStar0711


2. Character Name: Lee MinJin (Minnie)

3. Ethnicity: Half Korean, half Japanese

4. Picture: (Song Chan Ho)

5. DOB: 25 Dec 1995

6. Power: Healing & Shield (Protection). I can heal anything (Including myself), no matter how serious the injury, or even cancer. If I tried hard enough, I can even make dead things come alive. My powers make sure that nothing can harm me, as once hurt, I can immediately heal. Due to my powers, I can somehow have a calming effect on people. (Can calm people down)

I can defend against any attacks. If someone wants to attack me, I can create a shield around me, and block out any attacks. Other people's power do not work on me. For example, they can't mind control me, or read my mind... Unless I allow them to.

7. How you got to the school: One day, I got into a car accident. The impact of the accident should have killed me, but I created a shield to defend myself, and thus live. Another time, I saw a dying kitten, and without knowing what I am doing, I healed it. Neither did I know that a woman had seen this two inciddent. She came and told my parents about The School of the Supernaturally Gifted, and my parents decided to send me there.

8. Biography: I was born in a VERY wealthy family, have loving parents, but they are abit overprotective of me. I am very cheerful, yet at times can be very shy and quiet. Childlike, and VERY innocent. Was very popular in old school. Everyone seems to like me. Get along well with people. Friendly, and make friends easily with strangers. Wanted to be an idol, but my parents were against the idea. Very loyal, and can be blunt at times. Do not like to keep secrets. Oh, and when I am asleep, do not wake me up. Can be quite grumpy when just woken up. Loves randomly hugging people and touching their lips. Very good at playing piano, singing and dancing. Is a fashionist. Able to speak alot of different languages. Smart. 







-Taking Selcas

-Pink, Blue and White


-Cute things

-Hello Kitty


10. Dislikes


-Loud Noises



-Back Stabbers.

11. Family:

Mother(Kiyomizu Aimi)- She was the one that decided on sending me to school.

Father(Lee Taehun)

Twin brother(Lee Min Hae)- Unlike me, he have no powers.

12. Orientation: Biual

13. Your ideal type: Someone caring, sweet and understanding. Good looking and cute. Someone that will always love me, and always be with me, through good and hard times. Even if the whole world is against me, he will still be on my side.

14 .What you are majoring in: Athletics

15. Specific major: Swimming.

16: Link of you doing your major: NIL

17. Why you came to the school: I want to learn to use my powers better, and to meet others like me. Also thought it was cool to go to a school full of people with powers.

18. Trivia stuff: Have a pet cat name Nana

19. Code name: Night

20. Persona: The innocent, cute and cheerful one.


(If there is anything wrong please tell me.)



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