Tagged by FaryLice :P

Yep, you read right, I've been tagged again! Thanks for tagging me! Again, I'm only gonna copy and paste the same people as last time, cos I'm not retagging another 11 peeps :P Enjoy ya nosies XDDD

Rules ; 

Rule 1: Post the rules
Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
Rule 3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them
;; FaryLice's questions ;;
1. How long have you been a kpop fan ?
Since Summer 2012... XDD Like I said last time, my best friend had been going on about it forever, but I didn't really pay attention. Then summer holidays came. You know how it is. Summer, spare time which means checking out random shiz to get through the day. BOOM. KPOP INTEREST. Ah... wish I had spare time now...
2. What's your favourite food ?
Chicken and chocolate... not necessarily together XD
3. Favourite kpop ballad ?
4. Favourite kpop dance choreography that you want to learn ?
Me? Dance? As Mina would put it... HUHUHUHUHUHU- NO.
5. Who is your ultimate bias ?
Or BTS's Jung Kook
or V
or Kai
6. Do you have cats ?! 
YUS! I HAVE HAD MANY CATS AT ONE POINT XDDD No, I am not a crazy cat lady (yet). I had one female cat who had 5 kittens, then another six... we had to give a lot away. Then the kittens grew up, and one had 3 kittens XD.. We had to give those away, and it was really emotional :( Now we have only four, cos a few ran away :(. We still have the MAIN BOSS tho, the mother who started it all XD
7. Where do you want to travel with your bias ?
Erm... nowhere XD To my bff's house, and then she can have him, cos I'm that much of an awesome friend :D
8. Which kpop idols do you want to have their looks ?
None! I'm happy as moi! Even though I'm not gorgeous like kpopers, it would be weird being someone else XD Maybe just have Victoria Song's hair :P
9. Do you have tumblr ?
Only for my posters, and its on private XD
10. Where are you from ?
THE U.K.! Waddup, from ENGLAND.
11. What types of phobia do you have ?
Stage fright I guess? Oly cos Ican't sing or dance or act XD I don't mind talking in front of a crowd though, as long as I'm passionate. I don't like horror movies or tarantulas (however u spell it). Does that count XP?
Okay, same as last times:
1. How old are you?
2. How did you first start on this site?
3. Who is your ultimate bias?
4. Would you rather meet your ultimate bias, or find your soul mate? (LOL, ID EVEN K OKAY, SOME PEOPLE WILL SAY THAT THEIR BIAS IS THEIR SOUL MATE, IM BETTING ON IT)
5. What was the first ever fanfic you read?
6. What's your favourite fanfic of all time?
7. What, in your opionion, is your best physical trate?
8. What, in your opinion, is your best personality trate?
9. What's your bias group?
10. Have you had a kpop dream? If so, expurain it plz :P
2. Krissy_
3. kitktykatty
4. ScreamingMidget... obvs XD
5. krusty
6. kyuraa
7. coolgraniterock
8. fatbiscuit73
9. DeepestBlue (who has completely disappeared since like 6 months D: I haven't forgotten! MISS YOU)
10. Nariko7star
11. FaryLice

Some have still not done it... WHY YOU MAKING ME CRRYYYY, WHY, OHH D:


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Oh huhuhu the dance question had me rolling huhuhu xD <3 love you aishayalayashashashayasha or whatever <3