serves you right! ooops sorry for being mean >.

so few days ago i was telling you about my flirty-game guy friend(james). yeah~ since everything is clear and he did say that i should not believe everything he said or not be reliable on him something like that, i remembered he said that (though he's reliable when it comes to asking for answers like how i asked help from him this afternoon XD)... but i wish he'd keep the 'i love you!'  at a minimum or none at all. though james obviously is joking around. i don't want others to think another thing... anyway... i've got myself a new playmate! lol sounds weird XD well i've always just wanted to have a lot of guy friends and not have a bf as of yet. this would be the most that i'd have guy friends and acquiantances. 

NOW, i'll share about one of my groupmates that have become one of the duo-pet peeves. we actually have a 'mommy' and 'daddy' and they are the pair pet peeves in almost the same way. but i'll be talking to you about 'mommy'. you see 'mommy' since the beginning of our sgd (small group discussion) composing of 12 members she's shown signs that irritate us.

1. she wants her own way. she debates that she's right and You're WRONG. unless you stand your ground more.

2. she likes to talk about herself, although relating experiences or knowledge to the case at hand was okay but she really talks so much like we get it already you're from that place, your premed is nursing you're etc etc.

3. she likes making a simple report complicated. for example: what are the factors involved in something. a normal student would do is go straight to the point and tell what the factors are and if it's complicated try to make it simple to understand, right? but 'mommy'? nooooo~ she tells you about the equations, the formulas that aren't really necessary. one facilitator (we think couldn't take it anymore) took the floor and drew some pipe/tube and explained it for us. her i-don't-gaddamn-care-report became simple as when Pc goes out Pi goes in something like that. kudos to doc! he saved us from a living hell. i could go for a bladder break and still come back with her being the reporter.

i actually feel sorry for her but really, REALLY, we did our best to tell her that she's doing things annoyingly! 

  • the said doctor who took over her report already told us that he'll base his grading on how we report. something straight to the point and not running in circles - which we think was actually aimed at her.
  • bff already confronted her of "according to a journal i've read...." "i don't think so..." lines during the first sem and it took that long for her to stop referring to journals and disagreeing to almost every single thing we say. actually the boys in the group all-out about it and still she only says 'LOL' ¬_¬ to everything... like "hahahaha... lol." and there's even a sad lol. whaaat??? she made lol annoying, she doesn't know how to use lol. and when i used lol as a reply to enemyforever in a text he said - only 'mommy' can use lol - as a joke
  • doctor this morning already corrected her a few times on the way she reported and during our opening of another trigger doc asked her a question which she didn't answer and before she could continue I, as the leader, asked her the same question doc did and i was backed up by the enemy forever and another guy groupmate when she tried not to answer directly again. 
  • oh~! almost forgot the thing that really topped everthing and has become a well-known joke for us. "I haven't study at all" ---> the one sentence that irritates everyone. why? because everytime she says that she hasn't studied - she gets better score than us (except for our top student ^^). she has a lot of add-ons during our synthesis. her photocopies and books have highlights. her notebook is filled with post-its that really shocked us ---> 0.o she says she hasn't studied when in fact she has probably read almost all the reference books given to us for a specific task and it's like she wants to make believe that she isn't nanning (sort of a hardworking student) when in fact she is. 

seriously, i'm sorry for ranting and i don't want to be the mean girl here but its like she doesn't get it! bff actually tells her up front while we 'backstab' her or make fun of her. or she actually knows what's going on and acts like she doesn't coz attention is on her... she wants people to believe that all she does in her free time are sleep, watch anime or party. and she whines that she's going to change schools or something beause she couldn't take the pressure and everything. ! what about us real losers?! top student friend said that 'mommy' is an achiever and because she hasn't really achieved being in the top list she feels depressed over it. well if she'd probably just admit that she's studied or read a little then she'd be given a chance to be on that list. and we'd probably be less irritated, annoyed, angry at her for that.

 (in our level her read is already study, because according to top student her definition of study is sitting in one corner from 12 noon or 3pm until midnight only moving to eat this is--->WTF!) think about it she has actually read a lot, but because she almost always says she hasn't studied when in fact she already did conditioned her mind that she hasn't at all so when it comes to quizzes or exams she doesn't get the grades she's aiming for because her mind tells her she hasn't studied


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Normibells #1
sounds like ngo....annoying to the core...hahahaha
OMG I knew someone like her. :P
hahaha *gawd* those kind of girls are really pain in the !
almost all my batch mates hate her because of her attitude.
I feel sorry for her though, because even though she knew what's going on her surroundings yet she still doesn't change.

probably she needs a little knock on her head. hahaha kidding XD
*shakes head* humans and life nowadays....complex much...
Ah... mura xa c... atong classmate sa nursing nga dili mo go straight to the point~ Lolz Pero naka sense ko nga mas maka.irit ni xa kaysa ni classmate in nursing~ lolz