Tagged (from informantxgirl)


I said I will try this out once I get home from school. Took me almost 2 hours... and then I couldn't touch my laptop until now...

I've made some questions and hope you can spend some time to answer too. My comment box is always empty );

If you are willing, please comment below to let me know that you made a blog about it. Or you can post on my wall. n_n I will love to know how you'll answer them.

You can also tag me.

So here goes...

The Rules:

1: Post the rules

2: Answer the questions the tagger asked, then make 11 new ones

3: Tag 11 people and link them to the post

4: Let them know you've tagged them


Questions from informantxgirl


1. Would you marry your bias if you knew, for certain, that you were going to break up in five years?

Marrying my bias will be heaven for me. I'll cry if he marry someone else. But if we have to break up after five years, I will choose not marry him bcos I'll cry harder if it really happens. After being together for five years, the time and affection... It'll hurt too much to be separated. Think about it carefully, how can you bear the pain of leaving someone you love so much???

2. The oddest ship or pairing you ever found awesome?

 I ship a few. If I really have to pick a pair, it will be Woogyu. Infinite's Hamster Gyu and Heart Prince.

When I just got into kpop, I don't ship anyone. I was like, 'why will you just put two person tgt and ship them?? What's more male x male???' But then one day I found myself shipping Woogyu. Oh the feels~  And now I'm shipping a few of them :3 

How about you? Do share with me! ^^

3. Have you ever been to a fansigning? If you have, whose?

 I wouldn't say 'no'. I'll say 'not yet' bcos I'm waiting for the chance to come. [:

4. Have you ever thought of moving to Korea?

 Yes but that was just for fun. It was a talk among friends.

5. Have you ever tried to convert anyone into a Kpop lover?

My brother and MOTHER!!

My brother said he would never like kpop and things but I kept spamming him with songs and MVs etc. and he gave in. Although he's not a crazy kpop lover but I guess bias group is f(x). ^^

AND MY MOTHER. I NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN. I shall skip the details ( Or do you want to hear it??) Only recently, or should I say, for the past year, my mom started to like kpop too. Although she still finds some noisy and didnn't like some of the styles (make-up, costume, genres, etc.) but over all she's fine with it ( she was totally against kpop at the beginning). I was really shocked when she suddenly told me she like EXO. Not the wolf period but their Growl. She watches Mcountdown, and some varity shows too.

6. Best fanfic you ever stumbled on randomly on AFF?

 This question is difficult... I've read countless stories already and there are quite a hand full good ones. I can't say which is the best.

7. Fandom you wish had more fanfics on AFF?

I wish there can be more Infinite fanfics touching more different genres.

8. Fanfic on AFF that changed your opinion or gave you more insight about a certain idol?

Teen Top and B.A.P. I like the songs from these two groups but don't really know the members. Through fanfics here, I got to know their names and had a rough idea of how each member is like.

9. Leader or Maknae?

Can I choose both?? Leaders and Maknaes both have their own charisma don't you think so?? ^^

10. What features of your country would you use to convince your favorite idol(s) to visit there?

There's lots of delicious food, really A LOT! ( if they are allowed to eat all they want...) One of the top reasons people choose to visit Taiwan is bcos of this. <3

11. What sentence in your native language would you like your favorite idol(s) to say, for you to use as your incoming message alert?

 "Take a break from your work, there's a message for you. We love you~"


Here's my 11 questions

1. If you are given a chance to speak to your bias/group, what will you say?

2. Which kpop song made you cry bcos the lyrics are just too touching/sad?

3. Is there any song that relates to your situation/ what you're feeling? What is it?

4. Dress or skinny jeans?

5. How will you describe your bias?

6. Did you ever have a crush? If yes, describe how you feel when that person is around you.

7. What is the colour of your room?

8. How do you dress for school? If you're wearing uniform, describe how you dress when you go out.

9. How will you face the situation where you're not feeling well yet some people are irritating the hell out of you?

10. What is the best gang/ gangster/ action fanfic that you've read?

11. You have been bullied by a group of girls, every time you didn't fight back, you forgive them. But they don't have a limit and it's getting on your nerves. You are scary when angry. What will you do to the girls when you finally can't take it any longer?



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1) I love your songs and I will always support you.
2) None so far
3) Hmm, to be honest, no.
4) Skinny jeans forever! XD
5) Charming and talented
6) I haven't had a real crush yet
7) Pink :3
8)Casually but with a little cute touch. :)
9) I will tell them to shut up XD
10) Haven't read such a fanfic so far
11) I will beat them up, one by one XD
I would choose both leaders and maknaes, too, lol.

Here's my answers to yours: http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/705332