I've been tagged but...

...I am only going to be 'it' once on AFF just like tumblr.  Sorry, I'm not good passing it on and having it passed back, so please understand.  This will be the only time I answer.  Forgive me for bending the rules, however, it is difficult for me to continuously stay at this game due to time constraints and other limits (although I think it is cute and a great way to get to know others *smiles*).


Since Kennomai was the first to do it on tumblr (you can read it here) and I answered her, So_noice was the first to do it here so I will answer her as well.  Instead of passing it on to 11 people, I'll just ask one question of anyone that reads this.  You can answer me in comments or reblog and answer me ;)

Here goes my 'modified' tagging.  I'll post the actual rules and my change at the end.


Rule 1. Post the rules.

Rule 2. Answer the questions the Tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones.

Rule 3. Tag 11 people and link then to this post.

Rule 4. Let them know you tagged them.

Tagged by: So_noice


::So_noice Questions::

1) What's going through your head.... RIGHTNOW. LIKE NOW. TELL ME. 

Breakfast.  I am thinking I would LOVE some eggs, hashbrowns, and pancakes.

2) Few of your favorite books/ oneshots on AFF or LJ or whatever with author name included? 

I am a huge fan of the books LOTR by Tolkein, Inheritance Cycle by Paolini, and just about anything Isaac Asimov has ever written.  Online, I love anything Kuzsi writes (unfortunately she doesn't write in our fandom here), Azil and GDslover too although they are currently both on hiatus :(.  I am a fan of Supernova by apennyforseoul, Yours by annafeu, and everything on this list.

3) If there was one piece of advice you could pass on to someone, what would it be?

Live life to the absolute fullest.  Don't pass up any chance to forge ahead because even the mistakes you make will profit you.  Life is not a dress rehersal and those that win the 'Oscars' did it by taking chances and being fearless.  So make damn sure you give this performance all you have got!

4) What traits would be a part of your ideal signifigant other? 

Savy wit, intelligence, creative, confident but not cocky, understanding, dirty minded *grins*, adventurous, ability to love with his entire being and soul.

5) Are you intoverted or extroverted? 

Difficult to answer.  In many ways, online and in real life, I've lived life as an extrovert.  I have no problem talking to people when I must.  However, due to things beyond my control, I am now a bit more introverted, mainly meaning I tend to avoid crowds which is something I would never have done before.  I enjoy peace and quiet more now I guess, lol.

6) Biggest pet peeve?

Narrow minded idiots.  I try to tolerate all views even and especially if I don't necessarily agree with them, regardless of the subject.  Having different perspectives and sharing them is the way we learn and grow, not just as individuals but as a species.  To force others to see things only one way is a tradgedy to me and something I will not do nor will I allow it to be done to me.

7) Fav OTP? *^*

T-A-O-R-I-S.  After that, pretty much all the ships in EXO.  I love 2min too ;)

8) What are you most afraid of?

Spiders, snakes, and stinging bugs...oh my!

9) Haha.  Favorite brand of clothing?

Anything that is comfortable, looks good to me, and doesn't cost a fortune.

10) First thing you notice about a person?

Whether or not they look me in the eye.  

11) What is the most memorable moment of your life? How do you plan to top it? oops that was 12 questions. :P

Becoming an umma!  And I look forward way into the future to someday being a halmeoni!


And here is where I modified things:

Since I can't keep playing back and forth like I want, I have a question for anyone who reads this.  Feel free to answer in comments or reblog ;)

If you could have a KPOP reverse harem (all male) of your very own, who would you choose, why would you choose them, and if you reblog this, can you show a pic/gif to support your reason for at least one of them? 

*evil smiles*

Can't wait for the answers ;)


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KtotheUtotheZ #1
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hahaha get your typing mojo back and we'll work something out ;)
RinaSeungMin #2
Kai, Taemin, Jaejoong, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Kikwang, TOP, Lay, Luhan, Sehun, Jay Park, and Kim Hyunjoong, oppas BECAUSE they are all sey and cute and most of them are good dancers and I'd spill baby oil on them and have them dance while TOP would be whispering in my ear and the others would be there just to be my eye candy ❤ LOL
Oh god if I had my own reverse harem?! I would only want my top biases: Taemin, Hongki, Niel, Luhan, Xiumin and just because I am a horrible person *blushes while coughing to hide my shame* I'd also want the Jo twins. My reason for choosing each one is a little different because for me, they all have their own personal charm that attracts me to them. It might be that I love the fact that each of them are really adorable and playful but can be incredibly y when they want to.
Just... Ovaries gone.