tagged from amusuk

rule 1: post the rules
rule 2: answer the questions the tagger asked you, then make 11 new ones
rule 3: tag 11 people and link them to the post
rule 4: let them know you've tagged them

tagged by amusuk


idk, it seems FUN..


MY ANSWER (maaf, baru bangun jadi in indonesia, LOL and you don't have to read this--just go to the question section) :


1. How old are you? 

Older than anyone in EXO, haha


2. Since what age did you find fanfiction? Got a little story behind the discovery? Mind to share?

Sekitar umur 19-20 tahun. Lupa gimana detailnya... biasa, cari-cari eh ketemu. Waktu itu bacanya masih di warnet dan random grup—sekarang mentok EXO-B.A.P doang..


3. How was your first impression about fanfiction, and now? Compare them. 

Dulu sih bagus tapi pas diliat lagi sekarang, ternyata berantakan! Yg sekarang lebih rapi baik penulisan maupun pemilihan kata. Jauh-jauh-jauh lebih bagus dan aku harus mengakui, para penulis fic EXO paling bagus di antara semuanya.

My fav : vampyreunnie, seisdemayo, ivy, tokyo_lovelight, koi koi, sendandreceive (OMG, Sova Boys!), dll, dll.. banyak banget mau di-list. Tp kebanyakan di livejournal, entah kenapa lebih enak baca di situ..


4. Did you read rated m (mature) fanfiction?  

Tentuu.. yang dicari pertama kali kalo di AFF ya (M) ini, haha.. kalo di LJ, ngarepnya liat rating P-15 sampe N-17, haha.. but i’m not a fan of gore thing, yack!

Pertama out of curiosity *ngeles* tp kadang nagih #lho?

Somehow ada kok yang bahasanya nggak begitu vulgar..


5. Since when did you write (if you write)? Why? 

Abis piala dunia 2002. Waktu itu terinspirasi sama sepak bola + novel ttg sepakbola perjuangan seorang anak menjadi bintang top MU + novel ‘lotte rangkap dua’ (ada yg tahu nggak?) daan.. lahirlah cerita perjuangan anak kembar yang bertukar tempat dan berusaha jadi bintang MU. Waktu itu nulisnya masih di kertas, pake pensil, nggak pake spasi, yang pasti nuliiiis aja ampe jadi setebel kamus. Kangen sama momen itu.

Kalo ditanya kenapa.. um, ak waktu itu nulis semacem diary ttg sepakbola—ulasan hasil pertandingan tim fav Real Madrid—dan tiba-tiba pengen aj bikin cerita aku sendiri. Sekarang, sehari nggak nulis, ada yg hilang.. my first EXO story ya.. Being used is.. amazing! itu.. kira-kira, ada bedanya nggak antara tulisan pertama dengan yang sekarang?  


6. Did writing change your life? If yes, if you don't mind, share the story with me. 

Um, yes. Aku sekarang jadi lebih lihai mengungkapkan isi pikiran dengan tulisan.. dan aku dapet duit dari hasil buah pikiranku ini dan banyak teman..


7. What do you think about the life of your country's fanfiction world currently (as far as you know)? Give me your opinion. 

Maksudnya fandom fanfic yg aku baca? Fokusku lebih ke EXO ato B.A.P. Fandom EXO... kebanyakan cerita rated-M (mgkn karena nyari yg begini, tapi beneran yg ada begituannya biasanya bagus banget) dan couplenya bervariasi ampe crack couple juga dapet tempat. Dan soal couple, ak pikir ak ship HunHan so much tapi ke belakangnya, KaiSoo-KaiHun-KaiHan-KrisHan-KrisChen.. dan masih panjang lagi cari perhatian..

B.A.P lebih ke arah friendship/ brothership coz masih ada anak di bawah umur bernama Zelo. Yg mature biasanya BangHim atau DaeJae—nah ini, couple di B.A.P biasanya pakem, nggak nyeleneh. Ya iyalah EXO kan ber-12 bisa bikin kombinasi ampe ratusan ampe segala..

Dan kedua grup ini, cerita tentang super powernya itu masih wow buat aku..


8. What you love to do in your phone? 

SMS and listening some music, not so into FB or twitter (but do follow me @oca_ikcs XD)


9. Did you ever read old literature? If yes, what the title is? 

Old literature? Like what? XD


10. What do you think of this site (AFF)? 

Um, not my first site of fanfic but i love this site..

banyak cerita bagus tapi aku mendua ke LJ..

i love spamming someone’s blog post


11. What do you think of me? Tell me honestly. 

Amu..  kamu sudah membuka mataku mengenai banyak hal..



My question (in indonesia is fine):

1. Do you know if i’m writing a novel? Have you read it? Tell me your opinion..

2. What do you think about EXO vs B.A.P fanwar of being the best rookie last year? (note this : i’m not asking who’s the best)

3. Are you stuck into one fandom only? Who’s love both EXO-BAP? Why do you love them both?

4. Are you being into this fandom thingy because of EXO? Or any other group?

5. Describe your bias.. point out his 20 that you love

6. Do you think EXO deserve soo much love? Why? What about the sasaeng fan?

7. Are you a fan of other group, then now a hardcore exotic (we’re not even have a name yet!) and abandoned your first group? (because i am, from SUJU—yes, that super junior)

8. Do you know any solo artist in Korea? Mention 10 of them and not from any boyband (no sungkyu, seungri, GD..)

9. Rank the best high voice expert out of this : Xia JYJ, Daehyun B.A.P, Chen EXO, Baekhyun EXO, Yoseob Beast, Kyuhyun SUJU, Jonghyun Shinee, Sungkyu Infinite, Leo VIXX, Hyukjin 100% (or maybe you don't even know some of them XD)

10. What are you weak at? (mine : magnificent voice, my bias in black suit, excessive eyeliner like Baekhyun’s and some emoband and visual kei do, Bbang’s killer smile..)

11. Do you hate Kai aka Kim Jongin for ruining your bias list? especially when he did this



tagged : amusuk, evildongsaeng90, springjasmine91, puppyyeol, leover, nunadk, meidianimei, ranrenRINrunron, yeulisoo, inkysky, violetkecil
(actually, i want to do this to everyone..)


thank you for answering.. ^^




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