Got an A+ in literature!

Hey guys, remember the time when I was ranting about the teacher who called me stupid in front of the whole class?  (Check this one if you wanna know: well anyway I indeed got an a in his subject and proved him wrong. During the first trinal I wasn’t able to study coz I was focusing on my major exams nevertheless I was able to answer with the aid of stock knowledge. On midterms I nearly perfect his exam and got the highest score with 3 mistakes only, 2 from and objective and 1 from the essay. On my final term class standing I got the score of 99 which is equivalent to 1.00 the highest grade ever. And so I was exempted from the final exam and got an A+ ~^.^~



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Sarangine #1
Congratulations... Keep up the good work...
Awesome job! :D
wow thats so great, congrats and yeah.. in your teachers face lol XD

hwaiting and congrats ^-^ so happy for you ^-^
Awesome! Way to show the dickface!