Now hating literature!

Oh yeah its not like I hate the subject, the truth is… I totally love it but damn the teacher was so freakinirritatingslashannoying! Who the heck jokes around calling you dumb just because you made a mistake? Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhh just wait and see mr oh so perfect I’ll totally get an a+ on your subject. Sorry im just a little bit pissed off here. I was actuaaly looking forward on the lessons for that subject but now it was worst than what I had expected tsk tsk



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SpidEMcD #1
Totally inappropriate to disrespect a student and make learning unfun. It's hard enough as it is to be a student and known you're going to make mistakes. Being put down for it is just WRONG!
i like your spirit and how you take it into.. whaiting!!
Next time you are in the class, remember this.

Those who can not 'do'...'teach'.

Translation: that teacher wasn't very good at writing and therefore has resigned themselves to 'teach' about great writers.

Kinda puts their 'remarks' to you in perspective, doesn't it? The 'joke' is so on them.
I loved literature as well when I was in school, but I had a teacher who just...yeah she wasn't very nice let's say -__- It seemed like everyday she came in with a bad mood.