medlympics part 2

the after party was soooooo bogus! as expected, little parking space, so i parked outside. the venue was very hot inside so together with my friends we stayed just outside sitting. I DID get to see S and new medstudent crush there buutttt didn't get to see a lot of cuties :( they probably left before me since it was really boring. 

my friends and i decided to move out to another venue and went to karaoke-ing. apparently, on a night that my dad didn't have much to go against with was a bad night. although he called around 11.30-ish i just told him that it wasn't done yet but almost done when in fact the announcement concerning mr. and ms. med was finished by 10-ish... yeah~ they didn't know i changed venues. i did leave the place 15 minutes to 12 so as not to upset them or make them suspiscious. 

i actually went with the other group (my friends' since college group) because my guy bff and his gf went drinking with the boys across the original venue for the afterparty. they and the bday boy actually invited us...but i'm driving so i declined and i think enemey forever will think of ways to tease me again and even if S was there and it would be difficult to leave a crowd like that since i still have to leave earlier than them. 

what most, eve nif we won in many sports competitions we actually lose the mr and ms med competition. from what we've gathered there's not even a first to 3rd runner ups just the winners were announced. we're not being bitter or sorelosers... for us, even the candidates for that prestigious med school had a pretty ms med too. that other school (which is actually my aunt's school or rather where she had a good position) well... i don't think their mr med was the least bit good looking, sure he's foreign lookng but not good looking for us... their ms med was... so-so... and i heard our mr med rep wasn't there... it's his fault that our ms med didn't win. because it has to be a pair (or so they say) lol blaming it on the rep hahahaha XD

overall... the after party wasn't fun, its was hot and sweaty, didn't get to see a lot of cuties and enjoyed the night elsewhere.


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hahas I think if it was me,I would escape the moment they say "after party" ...I'm bad at social stuff >_<